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WHAT'S NEW? *** Any suggestions for an exotic trip? Abaco was a great trip!

Message Boards no longer available 010306 Websites............... updated 031004 Directory members only, password required

(now includes capability to send e-mail )

Dive Reports...... updated 081605

Where We Meet Info About DIGA Dive Club
Diver/Visitor Information Membership & More DIGA Info
Meeting Schedule & Activities Calendar Website Credits & Navigation
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Dive Schedule Costa Rica Dive Sites - Wrecks
UNUSUAL PHOTOS Newsletters DIGA Pictures
Exotic Trips 1970-2003 DIGA's Boats Underwater
Reserved Carol's Photos George's Photos
Logo Items Blue Spring Camping/Diving Trip Bimini - A few trips
San Salvador 2001 Exotic Trip Pics Boca Chita Columbus Day Regatta

VISITORS are welcome at all meetings

Last updated on Sept 18, 2012