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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Season 2

*When She Was Bad*Some Assembly Required*School Hard*Inca Mummy Girl*Reptile Boy*Halloween*Lie To Me*The Dark Age*What's My Line (Part 1)*What's My Line (Part 2)*Ted*Bad Eggs*Surprise*Innocence*Phases*Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered*Passion*Killed By Death*I Only Have Eyes For You*Go Fish*Becoming (Part 1)*Becoming (Part 2)*

When She Was Bad

Aired ~ 09/15/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 6

DEATH AND RESURRECTION are not easy concepts for a 16-year-old to deal with, so when Buffy returns to Sunnydale for the first time since her showdown with the Master, it stands to reason that she’d have some issue to work through. When she learns the Anointed One has exhumed the Master’s bones and plans to reanimate him, however Buffy’s disposition goes from distant to downright nasty. When her friends are abducted to complete the Anointed One’s ritual, Buffy goes into Slayer overdrive, and works through her 4emotional turmoil by kicking vampire butt, pulverizing the Master’s skeletal remains, and having a good cry.

Some Assembly Required

Aired ~ 09/22/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

WHEN BODUES START to disappear from the morgue and body parts begin popping up in dumpsters, conventional wisdom says there is either an army of zombies or a flash-eating demon on the loose. Wrong! It’s actually misguided yearbook guy Chris Epps and his ghoulish friend Eric trying to build a zombie dream-woman for his undead and extremely lonely brother, Daryl. While innocently limiting their scavenging to previously deceased young ladies, Daryl decides that Cordelia’s head would make the perfect topping for his “new” girlfriend. And while Chris draws the line at murder, Daryl and Eric are on a ghoulish mission that only Buffy may be able to stop.

School Hard

Aired ~ 09/29/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 3

SPIKE AND DRUSILLA, two of Angel’s old pals from his Hell-raising days, show up in town looking for fresh blood. Setting up camp with the Anointed One, Spike assures the tyke that he will kill the Slayer on the night of St. Vigeous–a big day among vampires. Eager to bag his third Slayer, Spike and his posse crash the school on parent-teacher night to whack Buffy, but seeing her daughter in peril, Joyce Summers cracks Spike in the back of the head with an axe and sends him running. Irritated and embarrassed, Spike takes out his frustration on the Anointed One, while the official story back at the crime scene between the principal and the police is that a gang high on PCP was responsible for the damage.

Inca Mummy Girl

Aired ~ 10/06/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

ON THE BRIGHT side, the new object of Xander’s affection is a bright, pretty girl who’s not another giant bug-woman. Unfortunately, she’s a mummy who feeds on the life force of others to stay alive–his bad luck with romance persists. Brought back to life when a troublemaking student tries to steal a plate from her crypt, the mummy girl passes herself off as the exchange student Buffy’s mom was expecting, Ampada. Though she didn’t have much baggage, Ampada did come with a machete-wielding madman, who keeps jumping out of the bushes trying to return her to the tomb.

Reptile Boy

Aired ~ 10/13/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

CORDELIA’S DATING A smarmy frat guy whose charming friend Tom, has his eye on Buffy, so she recruits the Slayer to join her at a Delta Zeta Kappa party. Always suspicious of anything male anywhere near Buffy, Xander also infiltrates the kegger, is soon discovered and ejected at about the same time nice guy Tom turns out to be not so nice an drugs Buffy’s drink. Waking up chained to a basement wall in between Cordelia and another girl, Buffy realizes how twisted Tom actually is when he offers the girls as sacrificial fodder to Machida–a half-man, half-snake demon. Angel and the rest of the gang arrive to break up the party.


Aired ~ 10/27/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

HALLOWEEN IS A traditionally slow day for vampire activity, but when trick-or-treaters actually start to become the characters they’re disguised as, there’s no shortage of weirdness. Willow becomes a ghost, Xander becomes Rambo, and Buffy’s a prim and proper 18th century girl–just like the ones Angel used to date. It turns out that all of the mystical costumes can be traced back to Ethan’s Costume Shop, whose proprietor not only dabbles in casting spells, but is also an old acquaintance of Giles.

Lie To Me

Aired ~ 11/03/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 3

IT’S TOUGH ENOUGH finding out that your boyfriend was once a psychotic killer–let alone an active vampire–without having hear details about his past affairs. But when Buffy learns of Angel’s former infatuation with Drusilla and the dastardly things he did en route to making her a vampire, the appearance of Buffy’s hunky old friend Billy Fordham seems like a welcome distraction. “Ford” turns out to be the ringleader of a group of pathetic vampire wannabes who cut a deal to deliver Spike the Slayer in exchange for fangs. The plan goes awry, however, as Ford becomes Spike and Drusilla’s “dinner” guest.

The Dark Age

Aired ~ 11/10/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

FREEZE TAG TURNS DEADLY when the past comes back to haunt a group of Giles’ old friends, who in their younger days experimented with demon possession. The demon Eyghon is methodically working its way through the group by jumping form body to body, possessing and killing them one by one. Ethan Rayne returns, revealing more about his and Giles’ past, but while Buffy is protecting him, he double-crosses her and tattoos the mark of Eyghon on her, removing his own with acid. It turns out to be Jenny Calendar, however, who is the next to feel the demon’s wrath.

What's My Line (Part 1)

Aired ~ 11/17/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

BUFFY’S CLASSMATES DISCOVER their own destinies by taking career aptitude tests, while Spike calls upon the Order of Taraka–a trio of demon assassins–to keep Buffy from interfering with his plans to translate an ancient text that will restore Drusilla’s health. It’s a mysterious woman who emerges form the cargo hold of a plane, however, that seems the biggest threat, as she targets Angel and battles Buffy to a draw before introducing herself as Kendra–the vampire slayer.

What's My Line (Part 2)

Aired ~ 11/24/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

BUFFY’S BRIEF DEATH at the hands of the Master activated the next Slayer to take her place. As Kendra and Buffy sort through the confusion this causes, Buffy discovers Angel’s impending doom in a cell filling with sunlight. She and Kendra rush to save him, but by the time they arrive, he’s already been handed over to Spike, who intends to sacrifice Angel as a means of restoring Drusilla’s health. The Slayers from an alliance (and a friendship) as they team up to stop the sacrifice but mistakenly leave Spike and Drusilla for dead. Meanwhile, Xander and Cordelia’s passion crosses that fine line from hate to lust.


Aired ~ 12/08/97
Vampire's Killed ~ 2

EVERYONE THINKS Joyce Summers’ new boyfriend, Ted, is the cat’s pajamas. He’s super-nice, he can cook, and he has a good job selling computer software. The only one who doesn’t adore him is Buffy. When Ted slaps her across the face, Buffy gets the opportunity to retaliate with extreme prejudice, but goes too far and kills the guy. Having never witnessed Ted’s dark side, Mother Summers is none too pleased with her beau’s untimely demise, but when the rest of the gang discovers that Ted has not only been married three times previously, but that his first three wives are also dead and in his closet. When supposedly dead Ted walks out of the morgue, it’s clear that his telemarketer is much more than just a selling machine.

Bad Eggs

Aired ~ 01/12/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

A HIGH SCHOOL project intended to show teens how difficult parenting can be turns ugly when the eggs the students are supposed to protect begin hatching. Inside are creepy critters called Bezoars that attach to human hosts and turn them into zombie workhorses harvesting more eggs. Since Buffy discovers her egg is rotten long before she gets attached and Xander hard-boils his, they are left free from the Bezoars’ grip to stop the insanity. Their goal is complicated, however, when Lyle and Tector Gorch–a pair of tough but stupid cowboy vamps–attack Buffy while she’s trying to free her friends.


Aired ~ 01/19/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 4

THE FATE OF THE WORLD is at stake as Spike and Drusilla gather the body of the Judge–an immortal demon so evil he was dismembered with his parts scattered to keep him from terrorizing the planet ever again. Meanwhile, Calendar’s Gypsy uncle instructs her to see that Angel, the vampire who killed her ancestor, never experiences a moment of true happiness so as to keep his cursed soul intact. With gypsies plotting the end of her love-life, vampires plotting the end of her life-life, and her friends plotting the surprise party of her life, it’s be a birthday Buffy never forgets.


Aired ~ 01/20/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

BUFFY’S EVENING WITH Angel has extinguished his human soul and restored his bloodthirsty vampire nature. Even the humanity-snuffing Judge can find no trace of decency in him. With Angelus on the loose, Buffy is left in tears and Willow is nearly bitten. Meanwhile, Giles’ relationship with Calendar is severed when her Gypsy ties to Angel are exposed, and Willow’s even further crushed when she discovers Xander’s secretly smooching Cordelia. Saving humanity takes precedence over interpersonal relationships, however, as Xander reverts to his military guise to help stop the Judge.


Aired ~ 01/27/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

HAIRY, SMELLY, RUDE, ravenous appetite–sounds like a typical teenage boy. Unfortunately, the teenager in question is also a werewolf who is terrorizing the town and no one knows for sure who it is. While a loudmouth letch named Larry seems to be the best candidate, Xander uncovers his sensitive side and takes him off the list of suspects. Aside from bad manners and some property damage, the werewolf turns out not only to be innocent, but also Willow's new boyfriend. (Oz even confirms the recessive lycanthrope gene by calling his aunt.) It turns out that it's actually vampires that have been thinning the population as a werewolf poacher continues to track Oz.

Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

Aired ~ 02/10/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 1

THE HELLMOUTH HATH no fury like a boyfriend dumped. Cordelia succumbs to peer pressure when her gaggle of snooty friends convinces her to give poor Xander the pink slip on Valentine's Day. Never one to take rejection with dignity, Xander turns to Amy Madison–a witch–to help him get even. He convinces Amy to cast a spell on Cordelia that will make her fall madly in love with him. The spell misfires, however, and suddenly every woman in Sunnydale except Cordelia begins to see Xander in a whole new light. His obsessive admirers include Willow Rosenberg, Jenny Calendar, Joyce and Buffy Summers, and Drusilla, among others. Each will stop at nothing to have him–even if it involves killing themselves, each other, or him.


Aired ~ 02/24/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

ANGEL'S OBSESSION WITH driving Buffy mad starts striking closer to her heart and home. His antics range from creepy (sneaking into Buffy's bedroom late at night and sketching her) to embarrassing (telling Buffy's mom that he'd slept with her daughter) to sadistic (killing Willow's fish). When Angel discovers Calendar's attempts to translate the spell to restore his soul, however, he gets deadly serious. He destroys her computer, burns the printout, and snaps Calendar's neck. Angel then deposits her corpse in Giles' bed. Devastated by the news, Buffy and the gang rush to Giles' home, but they're too late. He has already gone after Angel to exact his revenge. What goes unnoticed, however, is a backup disc containing the spell Jenny was deciphering sitting behind her desk.

Killed By Death

Aired ~ 03/03/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

BUFFY'S SLAYING SKILLS are dulled by a nasty strain of flu that has half the school out sick. Severely weakened by a skirmish with Angel, a delirious and nearly unconsciouss Buffy is taken to the emergency room. Afraid of hospitals since her cousin Celia died in one as a child, Buffy is anxious to leave when her recuperation is further hampered by the appearance of a ghastly bogeyman called Kindestod, who feasts on sick children–the only people, besides the fever-addled Buffy, who are able to see him. Realizing that is was the Kindestod who killed Celia, Buffy intentionally swallows a dose of the virus needed to induce the feverish state that allows her to face the otherwise intangible monster before he can murder again.

I Only Have Eyes For You

Aired ~ 04/28/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

AS THE SADIE HAWKINS dance draws near, disturbingly similar lovers' quarrels are getting downright homicidal. Piecing the crime together through vivid daydreams, Buffy deduces that it's a poltergeist reenacting the events of a teacher-student affair that ended in a murder-suicide back in 1955. Giles leads an attempt at exorcising the ghost of the homicidal student when the gang is driven away by a swarm of wasps that seals off the school. A voice summons Buffy back inside, however, and the ghosts use her and Angel as unwitting vessels to reenact the final murderous confrontation. When the poltergeist from the school, but his exit leaves Buffy and Angel shocked to find themselves back in each other's arms.

Go Fish

Aired ~ 05/05/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 0

FOR THE FIRST time in 15 years, Sunnydale is on the verge of becoming state champions in something besides mysterious deaths. With the help of some steroidal aromatherapy, the swim team has been blowing the competition out of the water. Xander dons a Speedo to go undercover as the newest member of the swim team, discovering the side-effect of the performance enhancer is that is turns swimmers into slimy fishmen a la Black Lagoon. When Buffy confronts Coach Marin about his swimmers' bizarre condition, he tries to turn her into fish food.

Becoming (Part 1)

Aired ~ 05/12/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 3

ANGEL'S PAST IS revealed from the time he was first bitten and became evil to the restoration of his soul by Gypsies to finally being down and out in the gutters of New York. But while the blanks of Angel's past are filled in, the monster he is today steals an ancient sarcophagus with the power to suck the entire world into Hell. Buffy sets out not only to stop Angel, but to destroy him, while Willow finds the computer disc containing the spell to restore the vampire's soul. Further chaos ensues as Drusilla slits Kendra throat, Giles is kidnapped, Xander and Willow are injured and Buffy is framed as Kendra's murderer.

Becoming (Part 2)

Aired ~ 05/19/98
Vampire's Killed ~ 3

NOT ONLY IS Buffy charged with keeping the world from being sucked into Hell, she's also a fugitive. As Giles is tortured by Angel and Drusilla into telling then the final piece of the spell necessary to open the portal to Hell, Buffy forms an alliance with Spike to do away with Angel (he doesn't like the competition for Dru's attention). The unlikely duo hatch a plan at Buffy's house (where she dusts a vampire in front of her mother). Rushing to the mansion, Buffy gains the upper hand against Angel just to restore his soul, but not before he opens the portal that only his blood can close.

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