E-Mail: Snakes2U@aol.com
Hello Reptile Lovers Here's my pricelist.
Our goal is to provide our customers with quality reptiles whether
captive born or wild caught.
We will always bring our customers the best possible prices.
Maximum Reptiles
P.O Box 480056
Ft. Lauderdale,FL 33348
(954) 782-3428
it slithers, runs, crawls or hops WE HAVE IT.
No minimum order requirements.
Quanity discounts available.
Visa/Mastercard accepted thru
Amazon tree (Garden phase) |
$40.00 Any size small or large |
Amazon tree (Colors) |
$110.00 Any size small or large  |
Trinadad Tree |
$200.00 |
Emerald green tree |
Sub-adults and adults $325.00  |
Columbian redtails 2ft |
$85.00 |
Central american babies |
$50.00 |
Guyana redtail small |
$150.00 |
Surinam redtail adults |
$150.00 |
Argentine rainbow babies |
$95.00 |
Guyana redtail adults |
$175.00 |
Surinam redtail babies |
$150.00 |
High orange babies |
$125.00 High Orange |
Guyana rainbow babies |
$60.00 |
Columbian rainbow babies |
$90.00 |
Yellow anaconda babies |
$130.00 |
Hogg island |
$140.00 |
Trinadad Tree |
$200.00 |
Emerald green tree Sub-adults and adults |
$325.00 |
Columbian redtails 2ft |
$85.00 |
Central american babies |
$50.00 |
Guyana redtail small |
$150.00 |
Surinam redtail adults |
$ |
Argentine rainbow babies |
$95.00 |
Brazilian rainbowl babies |
$ |
Surinam redtail babies |
$150.00 |
Brazilian rainbow High orange babies |
$125.00 |
High Orange |
Guyana rainbow babies |
$60.00 |
Columbian rainbow babies |
$90.00 |
Green anaconda babies |
$125.00  |
Burmese Babies |
$50.00 |
Albino burmese babies |
$135.00 |
Albino green burmese babies |
$140.00 |
Labyrinth burmese babies |
$135.00 |
Sri lanken |
$150.00 |
African rock babies |
$35.00 |
Ball pythons babies |
$23.00 ea |
Quanity discounts available |
Ball python adults |
$35.00 |
Brown water |
$65.00 |
Borneo blood babies |
$100.00 |
Red Blood babies |
$100.00 |
Childrens adults |
$ tba |
Childrens babies |
$80.00 |
Queensland carpet 2-3" |
$115.00 |
Jungle carpet 2-3" |
$115.00 |
New quinea carpet 2-3" |
$115.00 |
Jungle carpet babies |
$70.00 |
Amethystine 3-6ft |
$110.00 |
Macklots babies |
$65.00 |
Papuan/ Olive |
$140.00 |
Ring babies |
$200.00 special pricing on pairs. |
Spotted |
$75.00 |
Savu |
$125.00 |
Reticulated babies |
$40.00 |
White lipped males |
$125.00 |
White lipped $ Females |
Amethystine (scrub) 3-6ft |
$110.00 |
Gold amethystine |
$ tba from Kai's island |
Grey amethystine |
$ tba from Aru island |
Green tree |
$ tba |
Green tree Irian |
$ tba |
Boelens |
$ tba |
Austrailian water babies |
$55.00 |
California babies |
$ tba |
California adults |
$85.00 |
Albino california babies |
$ tba |
Lavender california babies |
$ tba |
50/50 california babies |
$ tba |
Banana calif. babies |
$ tba |
Striped desert calif. babies |
$ tba |
Chain adults |
$60.00 |
Mexican black |
$65.00 |
Brooks babies |
$60.00 |
Thayer |
$70.00 |
Albino speckled babies |
$65.00 |
Black Thayer babies |
$90.00 |
Florida babies |
$25.00 |
Florida adults |
$55.00 |
Chihuahua mountain babies |
$135.00 |
Andean babies |
$95.00 |
Mexican babies |
$60.00 |
Apricot puebian babies |
$86.00 |
Great plains babies |
$50.00 |
Sinaloan babies |
$75.00 |
Stuarts |
$85.00 |
Scarlet |
$95.00 |
Tangerine |
$105.00 |
Tri colorer honduran |
$105.00 |
Red babies het for ? |
$25.00 |
Red small |
$30.00 |
Red 2" - 3" |
$40.00 |
Blood red babies |
$75.00 |
Okeetee babies |
$25.00 |
Albino red babies |
$35.00 |
Yellow small |
$20.00 |
Yellow 2" - 3" |
$27.00 |
Black |
$25.00 |
Blairds babies |
$35.00 |
Grey babies |
$18.00 |
Ghost babies |
$50.00 |
Prarie babies |
$25.00 |
Fox babies |
$25.00 |
Radiated babies |
$30.00 |
Texas |
$25.00 |
White oak |
$30.00 |
Redtail green adults |
$38.00 |
Creamsicle babies |
$ TBA |
Sunglow babies awesome |
$30.00 |
Okeetee babies |
$ TBA |
Reverse okeetee babies |
$ |
Hypo corns babies |
$ TBA |
Hypo lavender babies |
$ |
Candy cane babies |
$ TBA |
Albino snow babies |
$ |
Kaleidoscope babies |
$ TBA |
Sienna zig zag babies |
$ |
Albino jungle babies |
$ TBA |
Butter corn babies |
$ |
Motley corn babies |
$ TBA |
Blizzard babies |
$ |
Anerthristic babies |
$30.00 |
Kayos motley corn Investment quality |
$60.00 ea. |
Hypo corn -male Investment quality |
$60.00 ea |
Stirped corn - pastel hypo stripes apper |
apperance of an albino with black eyes |
Good Investment |
$140.00 each |
Other Snakes:
Blacktail cribo |
$80.00 |
Yellowtail cribo |
$175.00 to $200.00 |
Tiger rat |
$65.00 |
Bull snakes |
$45.00 |
Blacktail indigos |
$80.00 |
Texas indigos |
$350.00 |
Western hognose |
$75.00 |
Tri colored hognose |
$ tba |
Crocodile appox, 3"-5" |
$650.00 |
Black throat 1" to 3+" |
$110.00 |
White throat 1"-3+" |
$100.00 |
Mangrove appox 1"-2.5" |
$80.00 |
Blue tail appox 2" |
$150.00 |
Savannah babies |
$23.00 Quanity Discounts avail. |
Savannah 2"-3" |
$35.00 |
Ornate Nile babies |
$26.00 Quanity Discounts avail. |
Nile babies |
$23.00 Quanity Discounts avail. |
Nile 2"-3" |
$35.00 - $40.00 |
Argus babies |
$250.00 |
Timor babies |
$165.00 |
Yellow |
$ tba |
Green tree |
$ tba |
Peacock |
$ tba |
Rainbow |
$ tba |
Black roughneck |
$ tba |
Brown roughneck |
$115.00 |
Water babies |
$85.00 |
Water appox 2ft+ |
$100.00 |
Water 3ft + |
$ Tba |
Water 5ft + |
$600.00 |
Black tree |
$350.00 pair |
Brown roughneck |
$115.00 |
Black roughneck |
$ tba |
Argentine babies |
$250.00 |
Gold babies |
$30.00 |
Columbian Black & white |
$46.50 |
Dwarf Tegu (Chile) |
$50.00  |
Paraguayan black and white babies |
$205.00 |
Paraguayan red babies |
$225.00 |
Red babies |
$150.00 |
Green Iguanas babies |
$8.00 quanity discounts available |
Spinytail Igunas |
$17.00 |
Desert Iguanas |
$40.00 |
Mountain horn |
$17.00 |
Crested dragon |
$28.00 |
Dragon agama |
$10.00 |
Black agama |
$12.00 |
Red head agama |
$10.00 |
Blue head agama |
$13.00 |
Brown tree climber |
$15.00 |
Green tree climber |
$11.00 |
Mali uromastyx |
$45.00 |
Egyptian uromastyx |
$75.00 |
Yemen uromastyx |
$120.00 |
Rainbow uromastyx |
$120.00 |
Brown basilisk |
$15.00 |
Green basilisk adults |
$225.00 pair  |
Green basilisk small |
$55.00 |
Coneheads |
$23.00 |
Red eyed armored |
$80.00 |
Bearded dragon |
$ |
Orange bearded dragon babies |
$75.00 |
Sailfin lizards |
$35.00 |
Emerald swifts |
$18.00 |
Bearded dragon babies |
$45.00 |
Bearded dragon adults |
$140.00 |
Bearded dragon orange babies |
$75.00 |
Bearded dragon orange/yellow babies |
$ tba |
Bearded dragon red babies |
$ tba |
Bearded dragon german giants |
$ tba |
Water dragon babies/small |
$ 20.00 |
Water dragon adults |
$ tba |
Armadillo lizards |
$18.00 |
Glass lizards |
$10.00 |
Central american alligator |
$20.00 |
Chuckwallas |
$88.00 |
Bibrons |
$13.00 |
Central american banded . |
$28.00 |
Flying |
$15.00 |
Giant Day |
$40.00 |
Crocodile |
$12.00 |
Fat tail |
$30.00 |
. |
Lined day |
$20.00 Sold out |
Lined leaftail |
$100.00 |
Frilled leaftail |
$80.00 |
Ebans leaftail |
$80.00 |
Giant leaftail |
$100.0000 |
Mossy leaftail |
$80.00 |
Satantic leaftail |
$80.00 |
Madagascan ground (pictus) |
$25.00 |
Viper |
$135.00 Sold out |
Tiger |
$64.00 |
Halmahera |
$55.00 |
Leopard geckos |
Leopard normals het for ? |
$35.00-$45.00 |
Leopard leucistic babies |
$50.00 |
Leopard High yellow babies |
$60.00 up |
Leopard high yellow/orange cross |
$50.00 up |
Leopard Tangerine babies |
$140.00 to $400.00 |
Leopard Hypos |
$140.00 up |
Leopard Melanistics |
$500.00 up |
Leopard het for ??? |
$ tba |
Leopard jungles possible to produce
stripes |
$125.00 |
Leopard sub adults-adults |
$ tba |
If your planning on breeding leopards geckos these are |
great animals these are the ones. If you dont see what
you want just ask. |
Armored |
$90.00 |
Flapneck |
$30.00 |
Graceful |
$25.00 |
Beautiful |
$80.00 |
Carpet |
$29.00 |
Cameroon sailfin |
$60.00 |
Crested |
$100.00 |
Dwarf three horn |
$35.00 |
Four horned |
$100.00 |
Jacksons |
$105.00 |
Mellers |
$115.00 |
Mount lefo |
$90.00 |
Senegals |
$31.00 |
Sailfins |
$70.00 |
Pfeffer's |
$100.00 |
Oustellets |
$55.00 |
Panthers |
$95.00 |
Panthers Diegos |
$110.00 |
Chameleons are mainly sub |
adults and adults |
Snapping babies |
$10.00 |
Softshell Florida babies |
$10.00 |
Smooth softshell babies |
$10.00 |
Red ear slider babies |
$9.00 |
Yellow bellied slider babies |
$11.00 |
Florida red bellied babies |
$10.00 |
Central american ornate sliders |
$35.00 |
Rio grande slider |
$18.00 |
Western painted |
$12.00 |
African sideneck |
$17.00 |
Goeffreys sideneck |
$125.00 |
Pastel red ear babies |
$40.00 |
Red cheek mud |
$22.00 |
Scorpion mud |
$25.00 |
Texas yellow mud |
$22.00 |
White lipped mud |
$22.00 |
White cheek mud |
$18.00 |
Reeves |
$45.00 |
Chicken |
$25.00 |
Gibba |
$40.00 |
S.A. Wood |
$20.00 |
Central Amer. wood small |
$50.00 |
Mexican wood |
$35.00 |
Vienamese wood |
$46.00 |
Twistneck |
$75.00 |
Spotted babies |
$135.00 |
Asian box |
$17.00 |
Flowerback box |
$37.50 |
Mata mata 8" to 12" shell size |
$250-$300.00 |
Flat shell |
$55.00 |
Asian leaf |
$18.00 |
Stripe neck |
$35.00 |
Alligator snapper babies/small |
$ tba |
Mata mata medium |
$400.00 |
Mata mata large |
$500.00 |
Mata mata Xlarge appox 2ft shell |
$600.00 |
Asian leaf |
$18.00 |
Leopard sm-med |
$95.00 |
Leopard 8" upward |
$110.00 |
Red foots 4"-8" |
$140.00 |
Sulcata babies |
$75.00 |
Yellow foot med-large |
$120.00 |
Western bells hingeback |
$28.00 |
Forest hingeback |
$28.00 |
S.A. Bells hingeback |
$50.00 |
Russian |
$40.00 |
Marginated babies |
$200.00 |
Pacmans small |
$13.00 |
Brown pacmans |
$12.00 |
Albino pacman |
$15.00 |
Fantasy babies |
$25.00 |
Surinam horn |
$60.00 |
Dwarf pixy |
$16.00 |
Ornate Pixy babies |
$15.00 |
horn babies |
$15.00 |
Malayan Leaf |
$50.00 |
Tomato babies |
$17.00 |
Budgetts |
$20.00 |
Foam nest tree |
$15.00 |
Barking Tree |
$14.00 |
Cuban tree |
$3.50 |
Green tree |
$4.50 |
White tree |
$14.00 |
Austrailian whites tree |
$17.00 |
Red eye tree adults |
$37.50 |
Giant south american tree |
$60.00 |
Assorted cameroon tree |
$12.00 |
Orange mantellas |
$22.00 |
Green mantellas |
$22.00 |
Brown or green mantellas |
$20.00 |
Ruby eye tree |
$30.00 |
Assorted mantellas Beautiful |
(,browns,greens,green&black,golds) |
25@ $13.50 ea |
Painted mantellas |
$27.50 |
Bumble bee poison dart |
$75.00 |
Golfodulcean poison dart |
$175.00 |
Yellow and black dart |
$130.00 |
Strawberry dart |
$45.00 |
Spot legged dart |
$65.00 |
Still working on this frog section large selection available.
We also have Tarantulas,Scorpions.
Note: Check your state and local laws
before ordering mammals.
Sugar gliders w.c. Adults |
$80.00 |
Sugar gliders c.b. babies |
$175.00 |
Flying squirrel Adults |
$55.00 |
Flying squirrel babies |
$65.00  |
Hedgehog |
$75.00 |
Prarie dog babies |
$65.00 |
Striped skunk babies |
$175.00 |
Albino skunk babies |
$200.00 |
Chocolate skunk babies |
$200.00 |
Coatimundi babies |
$750.00 |
Raccoon babies |
$250.00 |
We also get other exotics in thru out the year |
Misc Products:
Panacur 25 grams |
$10.00 |
Metronidazole/Flagyl 10/-250mg Caps |
$10.00 |
Cricket gut load 16oz.
To promote proper growth in reptiles. |
Great stuff $12.00 delivered |
8.oz Deli cups |
$ |
16.oz Deli cups |
$ |
Make checks payable to:
Maximum Reptiles
P.O. Box 480056
FT. Lauderdale,FL 33348
Chris Vines (954) 782-3428 9am to
8pm (EST) Mon - Sat. Best time to reach me is 4pm to 8pm Eastern
Standard Time.
Email: Snakes2U@aol.com
Most types of animals can be shipped via Express mail,Airborne
Express or other overnight delivery services. We ship Delta air freight,
or more costly Delta Dash. We ship Delta wherever they offer service. Styrofoam-lined
boxes and heat packs are used in winter.
No minimum order requirements. Quanity discounts available.
Reptiles are sold on a first come first serve basis. If we are
sold out its only temporary we will be getting more in soon.
Check state and local laws before ordering.
If you dont see what your looking for please inquire.
Full payment prior to shipping is my policy, payment must
be made in U.S. funds in the form of cashiers checks,money orders, or personal
checks (your personal check must clear the bank prior to shipping).
Florida residents must add 6% sales tax.
Guarantees: All animals for sale are honestly represented and are guaranteed
to arrive live and be outwardly heathly upon arrival and 4 hours after
the shipment arrives by Delta air frieght or delta dash only. When receiving
shipments you must open the package immediately to make sure thet no theft
or accidental theft has occured during the shipping process. Once you have
possesion of the shipment please examine your animals very closely
and make certain that you are satisfied with your purchase. If for any
reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase you must notify us immediately
so that steps can be taken to rectify the situation. No Cash Refunds. After
the four hour time limit expires we assume no further liabilities. This
policy exist because once an animal leaves our facility, we no longer have
control over its care or envirorment. The four hour period after the shipment
arrives is to allow you to inspect the animal(s) and make sure you
are satisfied with your purchase. No live arrival guarantee on shipments
sent to destinations below 40(f) or above 89(f). No live arrival guarantee
on shipments delayed by or mishandled by any overnight services (Ups,Express
mail,Fedex,Etc. No live arrival guarantee on shipments sent via door to
door services such as Ups,Express mail,Fedex,Etc. No live arrival guarantee
on any amphibians and arachnids at any time. Maximum Reptiles will not
be responsible for any additional freight/shipping or postage charges for
replacement animal(s).
Will trade reptiles/cash for parts for the following cars: 88-92
Lotus Esprit Turbo, Lotus Europa twincam and Porsche 911s,914s,944s
care sheet link