
Home Page
**This site is full of information about
Shark Valley, but it is NOT the official web site**
Shark Valley's official website is:
Welcome to Shark Valley,
the northern most section of the Everglades National Park.
This is not an "official site" but I do believe that you should find this site
to be a great resource for many things you might be seeking. I have designed
these pages to be as user friendly as possible.
Friends call me
Dee Dee, and I'll be your tour
guide, along this virtual journey. I worked in Shark Valley for over nine
wonderful years. Seven
years as a tour guide for the tram tours themselves, and then, three
years I worked
inside the visitor center. I have since moved to North Georgia in 2004, but I
will continue to keep this web site up and maintain close contact with my dear
friends in Shark Valley.
These pages are dedicated to helping people learn about the
everglades by way of
photography and
Information. (coming) Though much of the info is based on the Shark Valley
aria, these pages will cover information on just about everything you can think
of dealing with the entire National Park. And if there is something not covered
that you wish to know, please feel free to write me.
In the years that I worked in Shark Valley, I was lucky enough to
have met some very wonderful people form all over the world, and I was honored
to have had the chance to meet so many of them. Among some of those that I have
met, I have found some incredibly talented photographers that have agreed to
share a few of their wonderful photos with this site. Most photography is mine,
but do watch for the notations giving credit to these amazing photographers as
There will also be a place that will exhibit photography from
some of our visitors that wish to share some of their photos from their visits
to the
Everglades. I encourage you to send in a few of your own if you wish, and if
they are chosen to be placed on the site, you will be informed.
What's Shark Valley?
The Everglades National Park is a very large park, third
largest in the continental US, at 1½ million acres. Shark Valley is a small
section of the E.N.P. with a 15 mile loop road. It is a fine aria to
see the wide expansion of the sawgrass prairies, what we like to call the
'true' Everglades. It is dotted with smaller tree islands throughout the
prairies along the long loop road. It is a fantastic place to see
alligators, birds, possibly white-tailed deer, and much more! Halfway
through the road loop, there is a tower approximately 65' high, giving a
very nice view over the sawgrass prairie.
What can I do?
Though you can no longer
drive your own vehicle down the Shark Valley loop road, due to so many
visitors these days, there are lots of ways you can experience this small aria of
the National Park.
Things offered in Shark Valley:
Visitor Center:
It's a very good idea to start out your visit here. You can find answers to many questions that you might have, through one of the park rangers, or
volunteers there. They have a small museum that offers very interesting information, and exhibits, with a few hands on things just for fun.
For more information, please call the Shark Valley visitor Center directly at:
305 221-8776
Walking Trails:

Bobcat Board Walk:
This is a short trail, about 1/4-mile, through the grasses and an island that we call a Bay-head, very close to the parking lot.
Otter Cave:
Photo by Dee Dee, (Dimagi1@aol.com)
This trail is about a mile round trip, south of the parking lot. It can be found by following the loop road starting just southwest of the Shark Valley visitor center. Otter Cave is a lovely trail that wonders through an island we call a Hardwood Hammock.
Loop Road:
Guests to Shark Valley are welcome to walk part of the 15 mile loop road or the entire thing if you feel up to it. (Just make sure you have plenty of water and sun screen as well as comfortable shoes,
and ready to take about 6-8 hours of your day!)
Biking Trail:

There is only one bike trail, but it's a long one, at 15 miles. It offers a quiet and very enjoyable trip through the Shark Valley section of the Everglades. It is a paved road, that is the very same road that the tour trams follow. We highly encourage all bikes to go in a counter clockwise direction, starting on the straight, west road first, this way bikes and trams encounter each other as little as possible. For your safety, it is MANDATORY that ALL bikes MUST stop for all vehicles, preferably on the drivers side, and must wait for them to completely pass before continuing your ride.
You can bring our own bikes or rent them.
Speeding is NOT allowed for the safety of wildlife and other visitors.
Please remember to bring plenty of water to drink, and sun screen.
Anyone 16 or under MUST wear bike helmets by Florida law. (If you are renting bikes, helmets are offered along with the bike rental, at no extra charge.)
**This law is very strictly enforced in the park.
Shark Valley Bike Rental:
If you plan to get all the way around the 15 mile scenic road, with these one speed bikes, you should get started well before 2pm.
Remember, helmets are offered along with the bike rental, at no extra charge.
****For More information, about the bike rentals,
including prices and times available, please call the Shark Valley
Tram Tour concession at: 305 221-8455
Or see their web site:
Tram Tour:
***Check out
Shark Valley Tram Tour's Official web page!***
Take a fantastic two hour guided tour through the shark Valley area on the 15 mile road through the wilderness by way of a large open sided Tram.
The tours are given by either a park ranger or one of the concessionaires. Both have a wealth of knowledge and information to share with you. (I myself was one of the concessionaires.) The guides will point out the wondrous wildlife and other points of interest. Some of which just might be over looked or missed by the untrained eye without the aid of your guide. Each trip will be slightly different due to the unpredictable wildlife, weather, and each guide.
During the Busy season, trams usually run every hour, during the busy
season. Off season, there are fewer trams that will run.
It is always wise to make reservations at least a few days in advance, the sooner the better. If you
do not have a reservation, you should still be able to catch a tram tour,
however, you MIGHT have to wait an hour or two.
****For More information, about the Tram Tours,
including prices and times they are running, please call the Shark Valley
Tram Tour concession at: 305 221-8455
Or see their web site:
Please Note: Summertime
During the summer, it's highly recommended to prepare for rain and/or
mosquitoes. The trams have a top, but there are no sides, so they give very
little protection from the rain, so bring raincoats, and maybe even a change
of dry cloths to leave in your car. For safety reasons, open umbrellas are
not allowed on the tram, but an umbrella can be useful once you get to the
Insects: can be heavy, so bring comfortable, loose clothes. Long sleeves
and long pants can be helpful, but you must keep in mind the heat, as well
as most insects can bite through most material. (That's why loose is best)
Mosquitoes can be kept at bay if you use a good spray. Because of body
chemistry, each person must find what works best for them. Sprays with heavy
Deat seem to work best, but it's not good for sensitive skins. If you do
plan to use spray, please be considerate of those around you, and spray away
from others. Also please be careful when you spray, since some of the
chemicals can ruin many kinds of plastics, especially plastic sunglass
lenses, and can cloud some camera lenses too. This is why they ask you not
to spray on the trams.
Unfortunately, most bug sprays don't work on the biting flies.
Shark Valley Observation Tower:
About half way around the 15 mile loop, is a 65' tower, that gives a breath taking over look of the sawgrass prairie, and the Islands. Most anytime of the year there is a wealth of wildlife that can be found there too.
There is also a short, dead-end, walking trail that takes you along part of the water way that surrounds the tower. (Please, if you encounter an alligator laying on the pathway, please do not disturb them and simply let that be the end of the trail.)
What's being seen out at Shark Valley at this time?
See Shark Valley's Official web site:
or their Facebook page:

Click here for more details!
Entrance fee into the park:
As with most National Parks, there will be an
entrance Fee that is separate from the Tram tours and bike rentals.
For these prices, please call Shark Valley's Visitor Center at:
(305) 221-8776
*Be sure to hold on to your receipts into any parts of the Everglades National Park. For these are good for any part of the park. (Like Shark Valley, Royal Palm, {Flamingo}, or Everglades City.) These receipts are good for up to one week.
Where is it?
Shark Valley is located
approximately 30 miles west of Miami, and approximately 75 miles east of
Naples, on US 41. (This road is also known as Tamiami Trail, or SW 8th Street).
More details please.
(Link to come!)
Wildlife Photos and Info:
Below are links to the different categories of wildlife found in Shark
Valley, and Photo galleries. Just click on the subject of where you would
like to go, and enjoy.
links below in brown to come!)
More Shark Valley info: |
What's happening Now?

Shark Valley's History
(Not ready) |

Photography |
Information Index
(Not ready) |

Personal note:
As of March 11, 2010 I now plan to finally continue what I began
many years ago. Due to illness in my family of both my mother with
breast cancer, then later my father also with cancer, and their
passing, I've not felt up to working on these pages until now. And so
I will begin working on the site finally again. Adding more photos and
information about this incredible place, the Everglades National Park!
So sorry it took so long.
These Everglades pages are dedicated to three of the most
incredible, kindhearted people I was blessed to have in my life:
To my wonderful Mother, Sylvia Gibson, who taught me to love every
creature from the little bugs and spiders to the majestic well loved
animals like deer and the birds.
To my Father, Charles E. Gibson, who gave me encouragement in my
work here, and in my photography. He inspired me with his words, but
even more, from the pride I saw in his eyes and in his smile.
And to my best friend, my soul brother David Zlatkin, who
introduced me to them. His love and enthusiasm for the Everglades was
infectious! I will NEVER forget when he first took me to the
Everglades, it was a dark night, the Everglades, Shark Valley area was
flooded. We waded in water over the road up to our knees! Every sound
and splash I KNEW was an alligator coming to eat me! BUT by the end of
that night's visit I had learned the truth of the magnificent beauty
of the Everglades.
Mom, Dad, and David, I love you and will always miss you.
Update: During my father's illness, I had to quit my fantastic job
in the Everglades, and move to Northern Georgia. I now love it here
too, But I will continue to do my best to keep up with the happenings
of Shark Valley through my wonderful friends that are lucky enough to
still be there. Thank you Lisa, Bob, Claudia and Shirley, you're
the best! ::hugs::

Email: Dimagi2@aol.com
(Look for my newest update. Until then, Good night all!)
Other Everglade's pages:
(Not my pages)
Everglades National Park Home Page
(The Federal Government's official Everglade's web page)
Shark Valley Tram Tours
(The concessionaires official site for tram and biking info)
Visiting The Everglades
(A coworker's page)
Other Pages made by Dee Dee:
Dee Dee's personal page
(Get to know me.)
(Links to all my pages)
Temple of Moonblade (Master home page)

Thank you for your visit. Please
come again.

*© All photography on these pages
is by Dimagi unless otherwise stated.
If you wish to use any photos for
non-profit personal use, and/or for your local school,
you are welcome to
do so.
If you wish to use
some photos on a larger scale for non-profit education,
Please notify the photographer, and most likely it will be approved at no
charge, so long as proper credit is given.
If you intend to use some photos
on a web page, please insure proper credit is given.
(Links back to Shark Valley's Home page would be highly appreciated.)
If you wish to use
any photos in a profitable manner, you must contact me and/or the
photographer first.
Thank you for your cooperation.
*On this page, no animated gifs belong to Dimagi, except the butterflies, and
are believed to be public domain and free to use. However, the "bird on the
branch" bar, gator head icon, (not the rocks), butterfly animated gifs, and
Everglades Park Banner do belong to Dimagi, and do apply to the © rules above.*

E-Mail Me At: