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Cuddler's Gallery 2001!

This list was generated from a survey in alt.cuddle in January 2000. This survey will be repeated every few months for newbies who enter CuddleLand or oldbies who return or have procrastinated up until now and are not on the list. It's designed as a Who's Who for the group, with the previous version being found at Cuddle Kitten's site.

Thanks to the talent of Duke Dan, the links from cuddler to their profiles were created and established to make it easier to navigate.

Double ***THANKS*** to my son, Steve, for his final editing and hyper-links used in this website.

For those who do not have their name on the list below, you can fill out the form below by highlighting the form and pasting it on an email.  Click on my email address and the form will paste itself there.  Fill it in and send it to me.  We are preparing to get a link which will automatically put the form onto an email submission, but it's not working at the current time.  Once I have your form, I can put it in the Cuddleland 2001 "Who's Who" list.  

***HUGS*** to all.  Princess Rita, a.k.a. Hytzipky the GoodWitch of Cuddleland.

Go to form

Princess Rita

Squire Country Bear Mouse

Taryn Cuddlebunny

Princess Ginger

Prozac the Clown

Goldeye Princess Wendy
Huggy Bear Sir Mark Panda

Kenna Bear



Sir Alex

Cranky Cat

Princess Catherine Thev Snigly Lady Veronica Sir Ward Loup Ardent Picko The Ancient One

Princess Swan Lake Bear

Sir Jon Princess Julie

Snuggle Faerie



The Old Grey Wolf

Princess Fmomoon

Princess Gayle

Duke Dan


Sir Greybear

Squire Sugarbear

Iron Chicken

Poopsie Pizz@-Tush


The Lady Alissa


Sir Dave

patty-anne Wynke Firefly


Locksley SnuggleSwede

Cuddle Name:

GoodWitch, Hytzipky, Princess Rita (any and all three)

Regular Name:
Rita Linda

Place of Birth:
Chelsea, Massachusetts USA

Current RL Residence:
Coral Springs, Florida USA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I have my own clock store.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
February, 1997

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I fly over CuddleLand checking for newbies and taking oldbies on adventures. I am a member of PTOUA. I love to bake chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cream pies.

Describe YOURSELF! :
I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I love to travel and love to give RL HUGS to cuddlers. :=)

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I am a PiTA, but I drop the title when I am in my GoodWitch character.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yes, definately.

If so, where? (ICQ, MiRC, AOL IM, Other)
AIM, ICQ, Email, Telephone, Snail Mail and in person.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
A special teddy bear (a Walker Bear) which was given to me by my cuddle-friend, Christopher (Snigly's son).

What is your favorite food?
DUMB question (yes, I know I asked it)!!! It's chocolate and Pizza, of course. Have you ever had a chocolate pizza before? Here's the recipe: Melt down dark chocolate (semi-sweet) and smear it on waxed paper (about 1/4 inch thick and round). Let cool. Melt down white chocolate and put some red food cloring in there. Smear it on top of the dark chocolate (about 1/8 inch thick) Melt down some MILK chocolate and drop by small teaspoons on the red chocolate to appear to be hamburger bits. Shred white chocolate on the top and place in a warm oven for about 5 minutes to melt the shredded white chocolate a bit. Take out of the oven and let cool. If you slice it into wedges while it is still warm, it will make perfect pizza slices. But that's quite a lot of chocolate for some people (not me, though). PS... If you want to, you can place all kinds of things on the chocolate Pizza while you are putting on the milk chocolate. You can put sprinkles, nuts, raisons, pineapple chunks, apple slices, banana slices (first place bananas in lemon juice so it doesn't turn brown), etc.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Going to the south seas! I want to see Australia and visit Bali and Tahiti.

Princess Rita

aka Hytzipky the GoodWitch
Mentor to her squire, Sir Mouse
Mentor to her first LIW, Princess Ira, RaingiverBear Witch
Surrogate OMA to Lady RAIN my LIW
ICQ# 11038387


Please visit my store's internet page (currently being updated so please be patient.)
Clock Emporium, Inc.
Boca Raton, Florida USA

Please visit my store's WEB STORE page
Clock Emporium, Inc.
Boca Raton, Florida USA

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Cuddle Name:

Sir Alex (Cuddleland)
Prince Alex (Atlantis)

Regular Name:
Alexander R. ("Alex") Kovnat

Place of Birth:
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Current RL Residence:
West Bloomfield Township, MI

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I work as an engineer for Uncle Sam

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
January 1995

Describe your Cuddle Character:
If I describe my cuddleland character myself, it would be boasting. I'd rather let someone else do that

Describe YOURSELF! :
I like to communicate, basically. I like to imagine us getting together in Cuddleland for dances, parties, etc, or gathering aboard the CS Princess Kelsey, our Cuddle Ship.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
KiTA, since May 1996

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
ICQ, AOL IM. I have mIRC but us AOL'ers aren't allowed on Dalnet, which hosts #cuddles

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
None really, unless my 'puter counts as a cuddle toy.

What are your favorite foods?
Chicken, ground beef with spaghetti, pizza

What is your fantasy vacation?
To visit any of a number of places as part of a big cuddle-in.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Sure, any time

How about some hugs???
See above

Sir Alex Kovnat, KiTA


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Cuddle Name:

Sir Timothy Braveheart, KiTA aka/HuggyBear

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Baltimore, MD

Current RL Residence:
Central Texas

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Letter Carrier

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Average-sized brown bear

Describe YOURSELF! :
6', slightly balding, slightly overweight, slightly dark-skinned, glasses, mid 40s

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Knighted as Sir Timothy Braveheart, KiTA

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?


If so, where?
Mostly ICQ

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
brown bear

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Year-long trip around the US in a motorhome

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???

Sir Timothy Braveheart, KiTA aka/HuggyBear, Warlock

Postmaster, CuddleLand Post Office

Love to give free advice and hugs afterwards 




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Cuddle Name:

Sir Mark KiTA

Regular Name:
Mark Fawcett

Place of Birth:
Manhatten, Kansas

Current RL Residence:
Kansas City, MO.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Prescription safety eye glass lab

When did you arrive in CuddleLand: Dec 1994
Describe your Cuddle Character: Same as my self

Describe YOURSELF! :
what you see is what you get:)

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Disney Land

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???
*biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig huuuuuuuuuuuug*


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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Kathy Thurber

Place of Birth:
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Current RL Residence:
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Data entry clerk and part-time English Lit student.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Ooh... lemme think. 1995. In the fall, IIRC.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Panda, baker of cookies, builder of ever-roaring cozy fires (safely), bearer of blankets, giver of backrubs, shoulder rubs, neckrubs, proud owner of the softest, most waterproof shoulders... and generally naughty-silly at opportune moments. :)

Describe YOURSELF! :
Oh good heavens. Let me think. I'll skip the physical, 'cuz it's not important. I'm a worrier, a nurturer, and sometimes an Irresistable Evil Temptress. Basically I see my lot in life as being here to make others happy. I like to think I do well at it. I work hard and play hard and look out for those I love. I take to people quickly because I somehow manage to see their best qualities (sometimes overlooking the less-good ones). You know that Meredith Brooks song, "Bitch"? I identify with that, a lot. Not that I'm a capital "B" bitch, but that there's a lot of layers to me and most folks only see a wee bit. My closest friends (and some perceptive folk who don't know me as well) call me a "social chameleon" - I can adapt to pretty near any situation with something resembling the appropriate behaviour.(looking up) I'm also very very verbose. :)

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I guess I'm a retired Squire.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?:
Not as often as I should, or would like to.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?:
Football, my yellow teddybear.

What is your favorite food?:
Mom's spaghetti.

What is your fantasy vacation?:
One year - Spring in Venice, Summer in England/Scotland/Ireland/Wales, Autumn in Vermont, and Winter... winter curled up by a big fireplace, watching the Atlantic Ocean in Nova Scotia.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?:

How about some hugs???:
YES!! (PandaHugz)


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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
As opposed to my Irregular one? (G)ok..ok...Melissa

Place of Birth:
Granada Hills, California..but I grew up in Oregon

Current RL Residence:
Neither here nor there...slightly beyond the border of reality and just slightly to the left of sanity...oh you mean where my mail comes...well that would be Midvale, UT

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Well as of winter semester I'm a student again.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
December of 1997 :)

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Um...a bear...Ta dah!...oh..ok a cuddly bear! Ta Da..oh ok..a cuddly bear who likes to eat cookies..isn't good at describing herself..and kinda bumbles along?

Describe YOURSELF! :
I am positively absolutely me! Except for when I'm someone else....

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are): a bunch of em...I'm a PiTA, a PTOUA (Pie Thrower of Unusual Accuracy) , the Proud Co-Sponsor of the 1999 Feed the Bears Campaign, was once TuggyBear's LiW, still am a "cuddlebabe", and A fajita #3.141592653.....with ketchup!)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
ICQ, IRC, AOL IM, phone, person, and smoke signals...ok so not by smoke was just my dinner burning....but it made a good excuse?

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My cat.

What is your favorite food?
Anything pasta.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Can't decide!

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
*MUNCH MUNCH* What brownies? (G)

How about some hugs???

Only if you take some of these in return...*HUGS* *HUGS* *HUGS* 


For those that are interested, my web page has moved:
Gotta love having a static ip and hosting your own page :)



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Cuddle Name:

The old grey wolf

Regular Name:
Cam Whetstone

Place of Birth:
Uniontown Pa., USA

Current RL Residence:
Baltimore, Md., USA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I write technical manuals about telecommunications test equipment

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
About a year ago

Describe your Cuddle Character:
He is an old grey wolf that likes to nap in the sun, and who loves all of the other cuddlers very much.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Sir Cam, the old grey wolf, KiTA
Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

Occasionally via e-mail
If so, where? (ICQ, MiRC, AOL IM, Other)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
A little grey wolf I came across.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken Piccata.

What is your fantasy vacation?
To sail around the world.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Of course.

How about some hugs???
Sure (and when you're not looking, a sneaky wolf slurp) 

Cam Whetstone 



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Cuddle Name:

Cranky Cat

Regular Name:

Nancy Lebel

Place of Birth:

Ontario, Canada

Current RL Residence:

Ontario, Canada

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):

Secretary/bookkeeper at home business

When did you arrive in CuddleLand?:

July 2000

Describe your Cuddle Character:

A cat. Mischievious, sometimes appearing obnoxious. Playful. Scruffy. Independant.

Describe YOURSELF! :

4ft. 11in. tall I value my time. I'm sometimes referred to as a loner, but I enjoy spending time with my friends too. I try to be open minded.

I love animals. My favorite tv shows to watch are wrestling and news programs. I have too many hobbies.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

LIW to Sir Timothy Braveheart

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?:


What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?


What is your favorite food?
pepsi [to me its a diet staple!]
potato chips with dill pickle dip [another diet staple]
chinese food

What is your fantasy vacation?

I'm happy in a hotel with cable, swimming pool and room service.

How about some hugs???

How about a furry hug!


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Cuddle Name:

The Ancient One

Regular Name:
Sam Powell

Place of Birth:
Fort Bragg N.C. USA

Current RL Residence:
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
About 2 and half ago

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Old amd slow.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Slow at getting around but do enjoy going to church. About five foot six inches tall and 275 pounds. Hair thinning of top. Full beard. Brown eyes and brown and greying hair.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
The Holy Land

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???



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Cuddle Name:

Prozac the Clown

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Jackson, Michigan (AKA Prison City)

Current RL Residence:
Parma, Michigan (10 miles west of the prison)

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Press Assistant at Michigan Automotive Compressor Inc. and also soon to be morning show host, General Manager and Music Director at BEECHER RADIO, an internet radio station

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:

Describe your Cuddle Character:

Describe YOURSELF! :
5'6" 160lbs shoulder lenght brown thinning hair, mustache, bright green eyes, goatee

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Not yet

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
ICQ of 9619641 (Prozac The Clown)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Kevin Ilias

Place of Birth:
New York City (always knew I was a country soul in a city body at the time LOL)

Current RL Residence:
Nice little suburb of Atlanta called Norcross in the great southern state of Georgia

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Customer service rep for a Major Professional Tool Co. actually at times I feel like I am babysitting our regional Dealers as they whisk around in their trucks LOL

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
I believe I first appeared in 95 or early 96 as Sugar Bear and than life and other circumstance took me away from here and I re-emerged as CountryBear in late 98 or early 99 Ta DA!!! LOL

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I pretty good observer and listener and have nice furry shoulder to lend out for comfort and warm to the cuddle and huggle :c)

Describe YOURSELF! :
the same LOL except a little quiet and shy till I get to know ya than watch out LOL

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Sir CountryBear, KiTA

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
At times I do, when a free moment presents itself..(free time what's that LOL) wish I had the spare tim over the Christmas holiday while with family in Miami To surprise Princess Rita with a visit at her store but Time didn't allow it :c(

If so, where?
Have done so in AOL, Dalnet, AIM, emails :c)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
I have one of those big body pillows I sleep with along with a bunch of other pillow, 5 I think lol. I am a big pillow hugger and when I found body pillows I knew I had to have one lol. but i doesn't compare to having someone to huggle .. ahhhh meee

What is your favorite food?
Mom's Meatloaf LOL and of course her fine baked goods. otherwise Italian, mexican or some seafood. and of course cookies, pie, brownies, yummmmmmm

What is your fantasy vacation?
anywhere I can be with someone who is the love of my life would be my fantasy vacation :c)

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
who wouldn't ... diving head first into the great big basket of goodies :c)

How about some hugs???
Always ready for those with plenty to give back at any time :c)

Thanks Rita for this :c)


Sir CountryBear, KiTA


Live for today. Dream for tomorrow. Learn from yesterday.

-Author unknown

also on Aol as kevin52864 and/or countrykmi

ICQ# 47343368

page always under construction
not much to look at now but always pondering it :c)



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Cuddle Name:

Princess fmomoon, the music witch

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Oakland, California

Current RL Residence:
Concord, California (didn't exactly move far)

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I teach high school music and English.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I am a rather befuddled, but well meaning witch, who has a magic conductor's wand and turns people into other things, when she does the spell right, and into unexpected things, when she doesn't.

Describe YOURSELF! :
5'0" Red hair, green eyes.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
MiRC and this strange thing called RL. :)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My darling hubby. :)

What is your favorite food?
Shrimp. Or lasagne. Or....

What is your fantasy vacation?
Right now, half way through the school year, anywhere that isn't here. :)

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yes, please.

How about some hugs???


Princess fmomoon



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Cuddle Name:

Squire Roger (woodsman)

Regular Name:

Current RL Residence:
less than 100 miles from the Texas Gulf coast.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I handle inventory for three stores but am getting back into writing after many years with too little time. I have an AA in Journalism, a BSW in Social Work, and have done Masters work in Recreation and Parks which is why I am here. I was working my way through grad school and stayed on. It is much more fun than working with delinquent and pre-delinquent youth or the crisis hotline. I am working with recreational type items - from clothes to gifts to footballs and baseballs. My real interest is in Parks though. Well, that, birds and Christmas so you can guess where my writing is going to go.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
I dropped in once many years ago but really just since the end of this last year this time.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I just hang out as myself

Describe YOURSELF! :
Right on cue? I am a white middle aged male, brown hair, hazel eyes, all my kids live on their own around the country and I am not married so I can take off to wildlife watching areas when I am not working.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
No. (Update: He is now a Squire as of this posting)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
I never really thought about it.

What is your favorite food?
If it is good, seafood. Have you ever had steamed clams in a Maine clambake on the beach or fresh fish that doesn't bounce when it hits the plate?

What is your fantasy vacation?
a 3,000 mile train ride complete with domed observation car and sleeping cabin. The dining car as I remember it had excellent food. With that many miles there is time to relax and watch the desert go by and sleep during the boring parts.

Many hugs to all.



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Cuddle Name:

lissa or Lady Alissa if Dave duLac's around ;)

Regular Name:
Alissa. No middle initial or nuthin'

Place of Birth:
Stamford CT USA

Current RL Residence:
Vancouver, BC CANADA!!!! Yay!!! Well, okay, half the time it's BC, half the time it's Bellingham Washington cause I'm still finishing an assignment here and sweeT and I are still looking for the perfect apartment.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Whatever pays ;) I'm a singer, actress, copywriter, production assistant, stage manager, Producer's Backrubber, director's shlepper, future Music Together instructor...

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
I finally found the posting on Deja! March 30, 1999! One of the nicest days of my life, might I add.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Um. Human bean. I live with my kitT in the Amethyst Tower. I am not magical, nor gifted with any special powers, but my tower is, being made of magical crystals. I am in charge of the SuperSoaker Choco 2000. That is, if Dale the Bard ever returns and gives it back to me. I am a punster and love groaners and love teasing warm, friendly, good-natured people about their typos ;) I like to think I'm a cuddler that anyone can come and talk to about anything, anytime. And I love giving and getting HUGS!

Describe YOURSELF! :
The same. Only my real-life magical tower is magical because of my sweeT, not crystals.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Lady in Waiting to Princess Swan Lake Bear, who by the way, is taking a month of out her life in June to ride her bike to raise money for AIDS. Also C.S. Princess Kelsey Vice President of Beer Tasting. And one of my most important jobs: Perpetual hugger of Dave du Lac.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
yes, but not nearly enough.

If so, where?
e- and snail mail. I keep trying IRC, but I manage to miss everyone on #cuddles :(

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
sweeT, of course ;) okay, I have a brown and white stuffed dog named Hershey's (convenient, no?) who has slept with me since I was 6. Hershey's is 29 years old. You do the math. I knew sweeT was the man for me when he didn't throw Hershey's off the bed.

What is your favorite food?
SUSHI! Yummy! Then of course, there is chocolate.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Anywhere with my sweeT. We can't decide, we want to go everywhere!

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Only if you'll sit with me so we can enjoy them together!

How about some hugs???
Of course! And here's some right backatcha, Rita!


Lady Alissa

~ human bean, Canadian-stylefont>

~ LiW and official laugh-maker to Princess Swan Lake Bear

~ Perpetual hugger of Dave du Lac

~ C.S. Princess Kelsey Vice President of Beer Tasting


Do not ask a child to tell you what is a miracle;

She will turn and ask you what in all the world you think is not.



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Cuddle Name:

patty-anne note the small p

Regular Name:
Patty-anne Lea

Place of Birth:
Nottingham England

Current RL Residence:
BC, Canada

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Computer teacher, tax prep and web page designer... Oh heck, the truth is I am a geek

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
About 5-6 years ago on 2 Dec. Sir Alex always remembers and I forget but it was one day before Vivan

Describe your Cuddle Character:
a mom. But when I was corinated, I wore a hot pink leather flight suit. Cameron, my pilot son ,and I do slow and overs and toss out water baloons full of hugs, sometimes Cam slipsd in one full of water. I am the Wing Commander of the RCAF (Royal Cuddlend Air Force)

Describe YOURSELF! :
I am a wife, mother, friend, writer, geek, ex nurse 2-Lt in the Canadian Forces Air, and most of all a Christian

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
patty-anne PITA

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
I do and with pleasure.

If so, where?
phone and ICQ 7623188

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
my mutt.

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
In my house, with Bill Gates tweaking my computer.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???



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Cuddle Name:

Taryn the (fill-in-the-blank) cuddlebunny or just Taryn or Taryn Cuddlebun or Taryn Cuddlebunny. doesn't matter. i answer to any ;)

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Ontario, Canada

Current RL Residence:
middle of Wyoming, U.S.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
well, sometimes i'm a temp-worker, but currently i'm not assigned, so i'm a loafer and a student on temporary leave ;)

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
well... i've been here since about 12/28/99 or so, but i didn't show up to everybody til a couple weeks later

Describe your Cuddle Character:
a cute li'l fluffy cream-colored bunny w/green eyes. silly, pert, a bit of a flirt, but never ever seriously. mischievous, with a slightly naughty streak and a childlike sense of wonder.

Describe YOURSELF! :
barely 5'0", very fluffy, dark brown hare/green-grey eyes. in RL i'm kind of a whiner, prone to depression and being silly and/or awkward around people.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
nope, not yet, but i hope to have one someday. :)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
yep, when i can :)

If so, where?
well, ICQ and email for sure. :) now that i've got MIRC, i can't find anyone on yet.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
my very favorite is my boyfriend in Montana, but as he's there and i'm here, my long-time fav cuddle toy is a rag doll i was given when i turned 5, some 23 years ago *giggle*

What is your favorite food?
pizza... well, i do like French Vanilla ice cream too, and dill soup, lasagna, chili... heh, and my mom says i'm a picky eater *giggle*

What is your fantasy vacation?
somewhere warm and quiet and not too crowded with my boyfriend for about a week, well away from his work and sundry other time-stealers, lots of sun and fun :)

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
depends. you got some? sounds so yummy for sure *giggle*

How about some hugs???
*bunnycuddles* goes without saying :) always want attention, always want cuddles and hugs and wuzzles and nuzzles, and huggles, and so on and so forth ;) always willing to return same with interest too :)

Taryn the lonesome cuddlebunny, missing her dbf muchly right now...




Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

(The one known as) Dasrik

Regular Name:
Ricardo A Lafaurie Jr.

Place of Birth:
Howard Air Force Base, Canal Zone, Panama

Current RL Residence:
Morneo Valley, CA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
College student.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
September 17, 1999. bears me out ;-)

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Dasrik is a character I've held for a long time. He's an interdimensional fictional spark. He exists in the imagination of everyone.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Short Latino guy, big lips, nice dark brown hair, kind of keeps to himself. Shy.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I kind of wish I did - but being Breezi's cyber son is good enough for me :-)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Oh yeah.

If so, where?
IRC, Yahoo Messenger, AOL IM.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My green body pillow.

What is your favorite food?
If it has meat it's my favorite food ;-)

What is your fantasy vacation?
In a cold secluded cabin with a woman I love.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???
I'm always good for hugs. :-)



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Catskill Mountains, NY

Current RL Residence:
Middle of NOWHERE and loving it

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I design telecommunications lines - mostly phone lines :) yes there is more than one way to get phone service to a business LOL

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Early Dec 99 - haven't even survived 2 months yet and some how I wound up being a squire. ::snickers::

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Ancient Ice Dragon - Huge in dragon form. Big in human form too ::snickers:: Picture a guy nearly 7 feet tall, 300 lbs, with shoulder length hair going gray and a bushy ole mustache

Describe YOURSELF! :
techno nerd
what did you think I was gonna type here? Hehehehhee

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
not much - do try to get to the saturday night IRC chats when home. Talk to a few in mail and IM between times.

If so, where?
Gee I answered that above

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Heck if I know

What is your favorite food?
Anything that sounds and tastes good at the time. IE, that is why I'm now chunky but funky Hehehehe

What is your fantasy vacation?
Don't have one. But will see the Bahamas, Florida, Aruba, and Las Vegas before the year ends. HEhehehe.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Got milk? Hehehehehe

How about some hugs???

Squire Thev



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Sir Jon KiTA

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Winchester, Hants UK

Current RL Residence:
Huddersfield W Yorks UK

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Royal Mail

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
August '98

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Black clad knight

Describe YOURSELF! :
6'2", blue/green eyes, tinted glasses, brown/grey hair. Disorganised

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
iXRC, MiRC, Email, 'Phone, RL

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
New Zealand/US

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???

Sir Jon, KiTA *

Honorary member of the FaJiTA Sisterhood

Official Faerie Champion * TEUNC

Hot Madras * 'Oh no, he's at it again'

ICQ 21129860



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Sheffield, England

Current RL Residence:
Sheffield, England

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
College Lecturer in computing

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
didn't note the date really.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Don't have one - I'm just me.

Describe YOURSELF! :
I'm biased - YOU describe me. And be nice or I shall have to hurt you! Hytzipky description: Average height, dark hair, beautiful face, funny, generous, hugable, intelligent, great mother, best friend and good cook. Oh, yeah ... she has great RUM.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Alex dubbed me Cuddleland's only Duchess some time ago but I'm not into titles as most of you know. I've written a few refusal speeches though ;-)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
as I can. And I'm in email contact with a few, including some who are absent from the group (including a fellow witch).

If so, where?
Pubs, dens of iniquity, houses of ill-repute (sorry Mouse but it had to come out) - see above.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Salem the rattie!

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
No, but some cheese would be nice

How about some hugs???
Only if I can have the cheese as well.

Snigly the title-less :-) (GoodWitch adds that she is Dutchess Snigly - regardless what she says.)



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Cuddle Name:

snuggle faerie

Regular Name:
nothing regular about me! My given name is Sionell

Place of Birth:
Kent, UK

Current RL Residence:
The Glorious People's Republic of Awsworth, UK

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Full time job, part time student

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
A while ago

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Mischievous and occasionally (frighteningly) sober

Describe YOURSELF! :
Mischievous and occasionally (frighteningly) sober

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Faerie in Waiting to Princess TuggyBear & Sir Jon....and my alter ego is, of course, the Vodka Queen

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Only live and in the flesh, I don't trust this mechanical jiggery pokery

If so, where?
Usually on Glynis' patio...

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My Weegie, but I don't think he'd like to be called a toy

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Vacation? What's one of those?

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Only in exchange for *hugs*

How about some hugs???
see above

The Queen of Absolut

"I know pain at a molecular level - it pulls at my atoms and speaks to me in an alphabet of fear"



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Cuddle Name:

Sir Ward

Regular Name:
Ward Burrows

Place of Birth:
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Current RL Residence:
Pasadena, CA, United States

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Mechanical engineer

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
At the start.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Um, pretty much me in an archaic suit of tarnished armor.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Tall, dark, and fuzzy... with a warped sense of humor. Did someone mention puns???

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
KiTA. The first one, in fact. (I co-founded the order with Princess KaCee)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Um, don't have one.

What is your favorite food?
*fresh* tropical fruit. Though seafood and chocolate come close!

What is your fantasy vacation?
New Zealand

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
What brownies? *munch* *munch*

How about some hugs???
Oh, okay. *hugs Rita*

Sir Ward,

"It takes 1,720 bolts and screws to assemble the average automobile, but only one nut to scatter it all over the road"



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Bob Morgan

Place of Birth:
New Albany, Indiana

Current RL Residence:
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Electronic Tech at Collins-Rockwell

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Oh, 'bout August of 1997

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Run of the mill shapechanger, sometimes human, sometimes werewolf, and always crazy (hence the name lunatick )

Describe YOURSELF! :
Crazy as a loon. And *proud* to be that way.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I'm Not-the-Squire to Princess Kennabear

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yep, and have even met a few in real life as well. What grand folks they are.

If so, where?
Usually on IRC, and mostly dalnet

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Um, Sir'Sara (my RL wife)

What is your favorite food?
As long as it ain't liver, brussels sprouts, or kimchee, it's ok with me.

What is your fantasy vacation?
I'm *not* even gonna touch this one, it might get me hurt severely.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Of course, no self-respecting werewolf turns down brownies.

How about some hugs???
Ditto on the hugs. Oh, and have a few in return. They're not much good if you don't share them

semi-resident werewolf of A.C.

Not-The-Squire, Not-The-Squire to Princess Kennabear

Saving the day, rescuing distressed damsels, questing prohibited Pun-baiting charged by the occurence Lumber Cartel (tinlc) Unit 1686



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Princess G

Regular Name:
Ginger Wiggins

Place of Birth:
Dallas, Texas

Current RL Residence:
Sunny California

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Engineer at a software company

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
May 1996

Describe your Cuddle Character:
A friendly Princess who loves sharing hugs and *warm cookies*.

Describe YOURSELF! :
A friendy woman who loves sharing hugs and *warm cookies*

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Yep. In December of 1996, I was honored to accept the title of PiTa.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yes, I do

If so, where?
I use IRC, AOLIM and ICQ

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
A pink puppy given to me for my birthday by my sons.

What is your favorite food?
In Cuddleland it would be CHOCOLATE. In RL, steak since chocolate is a no-no for me.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Weeks and weeks and weeks on Kauai spent snorkling, enjoying scuba and watching the ocean.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yes, please. Especially if you'll join me.

How about some hugs???
ABSOTIVELY!!!! Again, wanna share????

Cuddles *n* warm cookies,
Princess G


* Practice random acts of kindness *

* and senseless acts of beauty. *




~ ...we can no longer afford to throw ~

~ away even one "unimportant" day by ~

~ not noticing the wonder of it all. ~

~ Sarah Ban Breathnach ~



Love to give free advice and hugs afterwards 

AOL IM is tntgin4118



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Princess Swan Lake Bear

Regular Name:
Heather Lyn Scotland

Place of Birth:
Ventura, CA, USA

Current RL Residence:
Bay Area CA.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I work full-time at an insurance company, and go to college at night.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
About 2 years ago....too far back to remember! (from November. 2000)

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I'm a very busy, cheerful pale cream bear in a silly fluffy pink tutu...I'm a Marshmallow Bear, so of course I always have plenty of hot chocolate and marshmallows to share.

Describe YOURSELF! :
I'm a cheerful, outgoing, humorous, slightly ODD person who loves the outdoors, the beach, and reading mystery novels. I'm engaged to a wonderful guy, we're getting married early 2002.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
PiTA! Princess Swan Lake Bear, that's me!

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Not regularly, but occasionally get into discussions outside A.C.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
A silly fuzzy bunny that I made myself at a Build-A-Bear store in San Francisco.

What is your favorite food?
Cheese Ravioli and garlic breadsticks, with raspberry ice tea!

What is your fantasy vacation?
I'd like to travel Europe backroads for a month or so, then hit Hawaii on the way home. Way out of the way, but the long way is the best way!

How about some hugs???

Heather Lyn

~~Princess Swan Lake Bear ~~

California AIDS Ride 7 #7362- The Cowgirl!

California AIDS Ride 8 #???? (June 2001)

My pledge goal to be reached by next June: $3,000

Can you help me reach my goal?



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Cuddle Name:

Princess Gayle

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Miami, FL

Current RL Residence:

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Office Flunkie for self employed spouse/home maker

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
August 1, 1999

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Fun loving, hugging, tugging lady

Describe YOURSELF! :
About the same

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Princess Gayle PiTA,

Eternal Lady in Waiting (LiW) to Princess Tuggybear

Honorary wolf cub to OGW

Honorary wolf sis to Allegra and Raybear


Spice Sister (NutMeg)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Sure do

If so, where?
IM, e-mail, mIRC and phone

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My grandchildren

What is your favorite food?
That's a toughy. Don't know

What is your fantasy vacation?
A two year trip around the world. (how's that for fantasy?)

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
I never turn down chocolate anything.

How about some hugs???
Never turn those down either. Hugs

Princess Gayle, PiTA



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Dan Welsh or "Here he comes" or "There he goes"...

Place of Birth:

Current RL Residence:
Blandford Forum, Dorset

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Quality Control in the food industry

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
About 1997 I think, although the last couple of years have been spotty.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Same as rl really I think.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Idle, fond of beer and a powerful cynic.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Officially I'm the Duke Dan of Nottingham KRT but I don't use that. I prefer just to be 'Dan'.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
Face to face - in the pub that means, mostly - ICQ occasionally, IRC occasionally. I also have AOL installed on the computer but I rarely use it.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Ralph M and Ralph F!

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Touring the States, including Chicago, Nashville, Memphis again, and New Orleans.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Go on then, force them down!

How about some hugs???




Money doesn't talk, it swears

(Bob Dylan)




Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Mysty, phuffalumph, delrae, fensheya, that annoying candy person again *g*

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
McHenrey IL USA

Current RL Residence:
Pearl City, IL USA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I run my own candy store

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
'Round about '97 or 98. In and out though

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Same as rl really I think. (dan said it very well)

Describe YOURSELF! :
passionate, sarcastic, cynical, sweet, cuddly just a bit of everything.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I once was Princess Delrae, but I resigned my title a long while ago.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
Face to Face, Mirc, AoL IM and email

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My husband

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Visit the magical sites in the world.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?

How about some hugs???


Bearer of Arcane Chocolate Knowledge



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Cuddle Name:

Sir Greybear

Regular Name:
Jim Straker / Jimbo

Place of Birth:
Woking, Surrey, England

Current RL Residence:
Exeter, Devon, England.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Civil Servant (Paper shuffler)

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Around Summer1996, can't remember exactly.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Railway lover, dog lover, chocolate lover. lover of music and dancing. Large hairy grey creature who may look a little forbidding at first glance, but is very soft-centred really. Lives in the Station House and helps to run CuddleRail with Chris the dented knight and Vido my virtual doberman.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Not much different from the cuddle character really.... maybe a little less self-confident.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
I was Earl Grey Bear for a short while, then I was created Sir Greybear kita ( a title of which I am enormously proud,) and Vido agreed to be my squire.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yes, to a limited extent.

If so, where?
I keep in touch with some by e-mail and in a "slightly different" newsgroup, I have been to a couple of RL cuddle-ins to meet face to face, drink a lot and eat curry together.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
The bear I rescued from a "25p to clear" box in a junk shop in Aberystwyth. He needed a bit of restoration and is still pretty tatty. "A poor thing sir, but mine own." He's called Theodore and sits on a bookcase by the bed.

What is your favorite food?
Home made vegetarian stuff, and any kind of scone - plain, fruit, cheese........

What is your fantasy vacation?
Sydney, Australia for the Lesbian & Gay Mardi Gras - with a hunky man on my arm.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Do bears s**t in the woods?

How about some hugs???
Any time at all.



Sir GreyBear kita and Squire Vido the virtual doberman *Walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone* (George Fox 1656)



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Goldeye, aka The Cuddle Condor

Regular Name:
Theo Smits

Place of Birth:
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Current RL Residence:
Stiens, The Netherlands

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Dish washer (retired R. N. Air Force Navigator)

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
August 1996

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Very Romantic

Describe YOURSELF! :

Do you have a Cuddle Title?

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
Via AOL's IM or E-mail

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?

What is your favorite food?
Grilled chicken, strawberry ice cream, apple pie

What is your fantasy vacation?
Tropical paradise with the one I love.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yes, please.

How about some hugs???
I'm always in for that. :)

Sir Goldeye, The CuddleCondor, KiTA
Chief Dish Washer

Washing dishes every day.

ICQ 1141221

My hobbies are: Rock & Country music, Country Line Dancing, Electric Trains, Racing Cars. Sports: (European) Football , Pentiak-Silat. Rose Gardening.



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Julie of the Heartlands (formerly known as Sweetheart Bear)

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Des Moines, Iowa

Current RL Residence:
Deep in the Heart of Texas

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Free-lance Web designer, musician

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
September 15, 1999

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I may not go by Sweetheart Bear any more, but I am still a soft white bear.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Brunette, green eyes, about 5'5".

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Appointed Lady-In-Waiting to Kennabear around October 25, 1999 Coronated PiTA at Halloween Ball, October 31, 2000 by my companion, Sir Timothy Braveheart, KiTA, and son, Little Bear

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yes, and have now had the pleasure of meeting several. :-)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
I sleep with my Angel Bear every night

What is your favorite food?
Mushrooms -- I could eat 'em in nearly anything!

What is your fantasy vacation?
Ooooooooh. Tough question. Not sure I have a single fantasy vacation.

How about some hugs???
But of course!


Princess Julie, PiTA



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Cuddle Name:

Lady Veronica (and her furry doggy pal Jackson)

Regular Name:
Veronica Mock-Rogers (and her furry doggy pal Jackson)

Place of Birth:
Boise, Idaho USA

Current RL Residence:
Louisville, Kentucky, USA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Work with kids

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Lurked for a time in 1994-95 and reappeared in the summer of 2000.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Hmmmm...about the same as I am in real life! What you see is what you get! :)

Describe YOURSELF! :
Wellllllll...kinda short (about 5-feet tall), blonde hair, blue eyes, likes to *giggle* and laugh, enjoys playing with her furry pal Jackson.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Nope. :) UPDATE: Named LIW on 10/31/2000 and Jackson was named DIW (Dog In Waiting)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Sometimes. :)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Jackson...he's VERY cuddly! (Well, I think he'd argue the fact about being a "toy" but he's got his cuddly moments just the same--when he's not being overly bouncey and playful, that is!)

What is your favorite food?
hmmmm...Dunno if I've got one or not! :)

What is your fantasy vacation?
Traveling thru Europe and seeing all of the old castles and such. :)

How about some hugs???
Sure...*HUG* :)



Come to my website:



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Cuddle Name:

Iron Chicken

Regular Name:
Never Had anything regular (apart from my bowels)

Place of Birth:

Current RL Residence:
fMy flat

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Full Title? - Community Psychiatric Nurse, Sustance Dependence

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Just after Christmas, 1999

Describe your Cuddle Character:
fDeadly nemisissy to the Soup Dragon

Describe YOURSELF! :
Warm, caring and universally popular (no matter how hard I try to upset people they still think I'm nice - ick!!) and above all modest and humble.

Of course I have no sense of humour.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Not in this incarnation

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Only if they're drinking lots of intoxicating liquor

If so, where?
Dna's & John's so far

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Too old for toys *tic*

What is your favorite food?
The sort you eat - though I'm quite fond of some liquid varieties.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Stranded on a desert island with Penny Smith (sad or what)


Iron Chicken

All is not as it seems.......



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Debbie Bailey

Place of Birth:
Ashland, KY

Current RL Residence:
Jonesboro, Ar

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
1st time 1996

Describe your Cuddle Character:
a loving, trusting, puppy

Describe YOURSELF! :
a soul on a quest to understand self

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
not yet :-)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Would be happy to do so.

If so, where?
Yahoo chat, e-mail, rl

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
none yet

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
in a remote cabin with a fireplace overlooking a lake, snow all around, stack of books, a few good friends, and doggies

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Oh, yes

How about some hugs???


--- ---

\/ \/ There is no darkness but ignorance


\__/ --William Shakespeare



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:

Sir Dave du Lac

Regular Name:
Dave Ostroske

Place of Birth:
Cleveland Ohio

Current RL Residence:
Far west side of of Cleveland

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I am a police detective

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
November of 1998

Describe your Cuddle Character:
an old warrior. Still love a good battle, but prefer to make food and wine in the cuddleland winery (the Enchanted Forest Winery) and bed and breakfast, and I enjoy making homemade chocolate to give away.

Describe YOURSELF! :
retired athlete trying to rebuild, looking for the fountain of youth. I seem to be able to adapt well to almost any situation and can walk with kings and commoners with equal ease and enjoyment, (and have) glass is half empty, and it is more than to share some?

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
I was made a KiTA by the incredibly generous and kind Princess Kennabear.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
Through i.m., have been to one cuddle-in and like to write the old snail mail style.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My little dog Tammy the Sheltie

What is your favorite food?
What day is it??? Probably something in the Italian type, but it changes.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Hawaii, the smaller, less travelled islands for 3 or more weeks.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
ordinarily, yes! Now, I am going to pass. Back into the gym working at it hard.

How about some hugs???

Sir David du Lac, KiTA

Knight of Justice

Maker of Chocolate



Back to the top 

Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Melbourne, Australia

Current RL Residence:
Melbourne, Australia

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Currently, temp work as WPO, PA or some other hideous acronym.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Umm, oh, lessee. Around 1994, I think. I was here when it formally came into being, although it existed long before this, inside all of us.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
SeeBee: Friendly bee who lives mostly in the flowers just outside the castle, making honey for the castle's mead supplies Cath-the-mysterious-cat-cuddler: One of the meadow's resident felines. Usually to be found down the black hole of evil news servers.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Ok, I'm 23, 5'3. I love a good joke and REALLY love travelling. I'm a friendly sort of person, basically.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Ok, I'm a PiTA -- freshly coronated by Sir Jon, but I didn't want to give up being a LiW to Sir Dave, so I didn't.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
On Mirc -- yes. On ICQ -- yes. And when we have a postcard swap or something, then I'm usually in that. And when cuddlers come to Australia too. But apart from that, no.

If so, where?
Whoops -- already answered this one.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My cat, Topsy.

What is your favorite food?
Depends on my moods. I like small amounts of smoked salmon when I can get my hands on it, and russian eggs are nice. I >adore< lasagne and spaghetti carbonara. And I've been known to eat chocolate on the odd occasion ...

What is your fantasy vacation?
To do a world tour by cruise-liner, visiting all my cuddle-friends on the way.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yup -- swap you for these hedgehog slices, 'k?

How about some hugs???
ALWAYS! But remember, tis better to give than to receive, but better again to give AND receive!





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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
San Mateo, California

Current RL Residence:
Bay Area, California

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
June 1996

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Fun-loving, flirt, and humble Squire to Princess TuggyBear

Describe YOURSELF! :
Fun-loving flirt and Squire to Princess Ginger

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
nuttin 'official' but I'm known as *Sweet*Squire Galahad to the Ladies of the Land

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
When time allows

If so, where?
I've been known to chat on IRC

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Princess Ginger

What is your favorite food?
a whole roasted pig on a spit, luau style

What is your fantasy vacation?
Poipu Beach, Kauai

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yep!! Anytime!

How about some hugs???

Squire to Princess TuggyBear



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Wendy (weird?)

Place of Birth:
Birmingham, England

Current RL Residence:

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I live by my wits.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
August 1999

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Just me, the same as the real me, but without the inhibitions of normal life.

Describe YOURSELF! :
itto but with the inhibitions of normal life.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
I do.

If so, where?
In the past AOL IM but not now as I had to delete it. Now I'm an ICQ-only kind of girl.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Spike, my puppy.

What is your favorite food?
I don't know. I like Chicago Town cheese and tomato pizzas a lot.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Somewhere cultural and very, very alive

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
As they're virtual, why not?

How about some hugs???
Yes! Want some back?


GoodWitch Reply,
"Yes, you bet I do!!"

Your Sig
Princess Wendy, PiTA

Angel and Buffy: Love Conquers All. Go there and have a look!

I have ICQ and my number is 63659821. But I've got it on the authorisation setting because I like to know who I'm chatting to first.

Live long and prosper. If you can't do that, have a bloody damn good time anyway.

Email: gobby@dropdeadgorgeous


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Cuddle Name:

Poopsie Pizz@-Tush

Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Kings Mill Hospital, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK

Current RL Residence:
Alfreton, Derbyshire, UK about 10 miles from where I was born. I've lived here about 29 years.

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Carer for parents - no time for a proper job as I'm on-call 24/7 now.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Summer 00, about the same time as Cranky Cat.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Poopsie is a rat. She has rainbow-coloured fur and her eyes change colour to match her mood. When she is really happy she does the "Ratty-Happy-Dance". She tends to lurk a lot (and not only in the Meadow). Poopsie's Rat Nest is located under Duchess Snigly's Tree. Poopsie likes to tease L-I-W Cranky - what else is a rat to do when there are cats present?

Describe YOURSELF! :
Well-endowed (people tick me off when i say I'm fat ;-D) with blue eyes. I have shoulder length ginger hair and a temper to match. I enjoy reading, anything really but Sci-Fi and Fantasy fiction more than anything else. I like watching tv, especially repeats, Sci-fi and wrestling. I own 2 e-lists, moderate 4 and belong to about 50 and I read about 15 newsgroups.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
W-I-L, Wady-In-Laiting to Duchess Snigly. My Duchess and I were under the impression that Duchess' did not have L-I-W so I'm a W-I-L ;-D

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
I am on the same newsgroups and e-lists as some other cuddlers and we have met in RL.

If so, where?
I have got an ICQ # but ICQ isn't on my pc atm (subject to change).

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My SO, Bill, and my pet rats and guinea pig. I can't imagine life without at least 4 rats. I would love a greyhound, preferably a retired racer.

What is your favorite food?
Chocolate, especially Thorntons. Bacon but only if it's really crispy. Pepsi Max, I'm addicted to it. I'll eat most things put in front of me. I only have a problem with peppers but i think it's more the smell than the taste.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Anywhere where my pet rats are welcome - if they can't go I'm not going. I'd love to be able to go on a world tour with stops to meet the Cuddlers.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Yes please ;-D Have some Thorntons.

::GoodWitch is still munching on the package Jackie sent her from the UK containing every conceivable Thornton's candy bar created::

How about some hugs???
Of course you can *hug*

Choccy Hugs & Fondant Bubbles


The Rainbow Rat.

Wady-in-Laiting to Duchess Snigly.



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Shane J. Polivka

Place of Birth:
Mountain View, CA

Current RL Residence:
San Jose, CA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Part of the manufactoring team in drug testing products.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Some time ago, I forget.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
I'm a bear with half size brown bears with faded green elf-like hats called Dudbears.

Describe YOURSELF! :
6'3" Brown hair. Blue eyes. Love music, computers and pro wrestling. I feel like I'm applying for a dating service.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Squire to Julie of the Heartlands

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Other than Huggybear and Julie who showed me the way to the meadow, not yet

If so, where?
Mainly AIM (name is Ovalshine there).

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My imagination.

What is your favorite food?
Pi**a. Better safe than sorry.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Too many to list.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?


oh, you can give some to the dudbears, too.

::GoodWitch reaches into her bag of goodiesand pulls out a tray of double chokolit, chocholate chip brownies for the dudbears::

How about some hugs???
You gave me brownies. How can I not give you a hug?


Squire Sugarbear

Sugarbear's website (O.S. Central):



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
The Netherlands

Current RL Residence:
The Netherlands

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Studying computer science.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
February 21st, 2001

Describe your Cuddle Character:
A cute and mischievous little ladybird/bug, trying hard to learn to fly.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Just a girl....

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Not as far as I know...

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
ICQ and IRC so far.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
My plush mouse Piepsie.

What is your favorite food?
That's a tough one... I like food way too much. Probably pasta though.

What is your fantasy vacation?
I liked going to London and seeing musicals, but I like camping too... Tough choice...



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Cuddle Name:

Loup Ardent

Regular Name:
I really hate my name. and I used to take this nickname I like very much.. My first name is Sebastien. but I prefer "seb" I won't give my last name.

Place of Birth:
Sucy-en-brie. France.
latitude 48° 45' N
longitude 2° 32' E

Current RL Residence:
Sucy-en-brie. France.
latitude 48° 45' N
longitude 2° 32' E

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I'm a member of "The KRG Project", a group of few friends who tries to create a Role Playing Game.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
25 November 2000, 9:19pm.
Third Millenium
21th century
2000th year
11th month
25th day
Ninth hour
19th minute
34th second

Describe your Cuddle Character:
grey wolf, four legs, one tail, one head, and a little bit of snow on my nose.

Describe YOURSELF! :
brown eyes, tall [192cm], thin [62kg], very shy and a bit hypersensitive.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
W*O*W to GoodWitch Princess Rita/Hytzipky

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
I don't chat with cuddlers outisde AC.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
I don't have any .

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?


Loup Ardent
W*O*W to GoodWitch Princess Rita/Hytzipky
"Sir... I would not eat that if I were you."
Proud Member of CuddleLand
·Owner of The Lizard Lounge:
Lylonilianaith ASD'er
x-no-archive: yes is in the headers



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Andy Pickford

Place of Birth:
Loughborough, England

Current RL Residence:
Castle Donington, England

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Donkeys years ago.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Sort of... there. Just there. I'm not really a character in the role-play sense, although I like to write broadly in-keeping with the theme of the place. You might not see me do so many *newbie pounces* or get too into this *tugging on the fabric of...* stuff. I feel much more comfortable engaging in the kind of banter which helps to put a smile on things. Just my personal pref. though. The other Cuddlers do a terrific job in this scene. Time can be a bit short for me so I often can't read all the posts. There's a lot of great stuff I just miss which is a shame. The best way, if anyone wants to draw my attention to something they want me to reply to:- email it to me. And stop by to say HELLO, GODDAM IT!!! I don't bite. Much. :-)

Describe YOURSELF! :
Name's Andy. Ridiculously overworked courier for that firm with the three red stripes on it's logo! Straight-laced, spade's-a-dirty-great-shovel kind of guy. Appearances - 35yrs, 5'11" slim, short-blonde-haired dude. Could easily pass as a German, which ain't a bad thing since I spend a lot of vacation time there. Composer of synthesiser-based music, with eight album releases notched up so far, but not keen on the fame game, so I've kept a distance from that. Beliefs... hmmm... 'goodwitch' (as they'd eloquently put it on a.c.) high-priest. Yes, that's right, I *do* stand around bonfires, in daft robes, waving my sword about. Takes all sorts to make a world I suppose!

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
Mine would probably be H.W.E.T.F.Y, standing for He Who's Evaded a Tiara for Five Years! But then again, I sort of come and go, so I can be a bit of a part-timer.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
Oddbins -

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
Currently, her name's Josephine ;-)

What is your favorite food?
Pretty much anything. I'm permanently hungry!

What is your fantasy vacation?
You ever seen that TV show 'Temptation Island'? Say no more!




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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Allegra K. Boverman

Place of Birth:
Queens, New York, United States of America

Current RL Residence:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
A few things right now:
Freelance photographer/photojournalist,
Part-time graduate student at University of Pennsylvania's College of General Studies
Administrative Assistant at University of Pennsylvania's legal affairs office

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Sometime around Fall/Winter 1999.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Very much like me.

Describe YOURSELF! :
I guess i would say i'm pretty friendly, open, and always happy to chat about almost any topic. i have a lot of things on my mind and sometimes like to ruminate "aloud" on the newsgroup or a couple of other forums I feel safe doing so in, and through the feedback, come up with new things to think and talk about. I have lots of funny, sad, weird, offbeat stories and love telling stories that happen(ed) in real life to me or friends. I have a huge trove of trivia knowledge and try to spread it around as much as possible. :) I love taking pictures and doing artsy stuff, going to museums and taking neat day trips, as well as going on moose-watches, bike rides and hikes. I also like vegetarian cooking and spending lots of time with my crazy cats, Mr. Bean and Tortie, reading, going to plays, operas and classical music concerts, and to ethnic restaurants.I miss working at a newspaper right now and am working on getting back into that field or one similar in which I can do photographic work.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
I am a newly crowned PiTA and I'm a Lady in Waiting to two Princesses: Nala (she lurks a lot and is very busy in RL and isn't here much now) and Racheli (is also very busy in RL and lurks sometimes now) Does this title still count? Hope so. :)
Hytzipky: Yes, this still counts < ;-)

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Sometimes with Alex Kovnat, Cam, Gayle, Wendy, Aquarabbit, Taryn, bill thater (cuddleninja), and if I get onto the mirc group, I chat with whoever is there, but it's been a while since i could get over there to chat.

If so, where?
See Above.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
hm .... a stuffed moose or walrus. :)

What is your favorite food?
any dish containing sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese, dill and pasta. And "moose tracks" flavored ice-cream.

What is your fantasy vacation?
To either go to the Canadian Rockies or to Israel.

Allegra Boverman
Life is fun. You've got the pictures to prove it. - Pentax
New Princess
Lady-in-Waiting to Racheli, Gummi Bear Witch and Nala, Cuddlelioness



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Ray or rachel{MR}

Place of Birth:
Chelmsford UK

Current RL Residence:
Salford UK

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Civil Servant.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
I have no idea, probably about 1998.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
the same as my RL character, but with added attitude!

Describe YOURSELF! :
pagan, kinky, bookaholic with a tendency to tilt at windmills - honest to the point of bluntness but with empathy and compassion where it is needed.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
I seem to remember I was squire to someone when I was a purple teddy bear - I just don't remember who to! perhaps I should add that I have a rotten memory.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Yes, quite a few of the UK cuddlers and some of the US cuddlers on ICQ

If so, where?
Real life and ICQ with rare visits to IRC - I'm normally on another server.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
this is a family site? best just say my beloved Dom!

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
time spent with beloved anywhere where we won't be disturbed.




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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
John Twigg

More information to follow shortly.



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:

Place of Birth:
Danville, PA

Current RL Residence:
Morenci, MI

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
I am a safety coordinator/ human resource assistant in a growing injection molding plastics company. I used to work partime as an Emergency Technician for about 9 years. I really miss it. It was such a passion in my life. Made me see how life can be taken from us in an instant and we need to appreciate the things we love everyday and NEVER take anything for granted.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Not exactly sure. I believe sometime in fall of 2000.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
My character is a firefly. I chose the name because I have a brother that lives in Arizona and I rarely see him. Last time he was visiting he told me they rarely have fireflies in Arizona because of the heat. Well I don't know about you but I was raised with the summer ritual of catching fireflies and putting them in a jar to see them light up. I wanted to pick a name that would remind me of my brother and my childhood. : )

Describe YOURSELF! :
I am a fairly quiet person. I do tend to voice my opinions if I feel it necessary. I tend to love with all my heart and soul and would do anything for someone I love or care about. My friends and my family and Aaron and his family are what's important to me.

Do you have a Cuddle Title?
No I don't.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
No I haven't as of yet except for Prozac the Clown. : )

If so, where?
ICQ #17087556.

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
A stuffed puppy that Aaron gave me when he isn't around for me to hug.

What is your favorite food?
Spanish, Chinese, name it I like it.

What is your fantasy vacation?
Anywhere I would be with the man I love.

Kim (Firefly)
RLC to Prozac the Clown



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Cuddle Name:


Regular Name:
Nathan Richards

Place of Birth:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Current RL Residence:
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Birthday (you don't have to put the year if you don't want to):
3 July 1976

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
(the no-job monsta has me in its clutches. you can write whatever you want here)
GoodWitch decides to add the fact that Nathan is currently available to at least ONE "lucky" employer with the highest bid and the least amount of work required. (is that ok Nathan?)

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
uhm..i can't remember..ages ago. on and off the scene since 1997/8 ?

Describe your Cuddle Character:
my Cuddle Character is myself. What you see is what you get.

Describe YOURSELF! :
oh! friendly, kind, funny, technology geek.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
i can\'t remember but i know i have one someplace.

GoodWitch does a little checking and found this one:
Nathan and his pet womble
Cuddleland's Third Chief Petty Officer in charge of petting officers

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?

If so, where?
(ICQ, MiRC, AIM, IM, Yahoo Messager, telephone, internet phone, RL meetings?)
icq:52687441, aim&yahoo: NathanR21
MSN Messenger ID:
phone # available upon request as I love to chat on the phone.

What is your favorite food?
anything italian

What is your fantasy vacation?
somewhere sub-tropical.

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
not right now thanks, i'\m full from lunch. i'll take some later for snack though please.

How about some hugs???


Do you have a homepage? If so, please give the URL:

my stats are


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Cuddle Name:

Locksley (aka the Cuddler in Green and various and sundry other descriptions)

Regular Name:
Rick or Richard...kind of depends when you met me. (It's a long story...don't ask.)

Place of Birth:
Nagoya, Japan (and, not that it matters, but I am not Japanese)

June 21

Current RL Residence:
Seattle, Washington, USA

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Trying to figure out ways for people to work in, around and with radiation without radiating themselves or anyone else or anything else except maybe what they are trying to radiate and sometimes not even that if I can figure out a way for them to do without any radiation at all. That and calming people down or bailing them out of trouble. And going to school. As a student. And teaching. I do that too. Sometimes.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Sheesh. I can't remember what I was doing last week. It was a while ago. Ask Tuggy. She might remember.

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Oh, geez. You should ask the narrator. Or a CuddleElf. Or someone else. I wear green...'cept when I wear dust or dirt or half-a-hundred CuddleElves 'cause I forgot and said "pizza". *EEK*

Describe YOURSELF! :
Older than my teeth and not quite as old as my name. Other than that, I'm probably a lot like Locksley...except slower.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
Hmmm...I've been a KiTA, a PiTA (when all the PiTA's became Richard's cause I was a Richard then and there was another Richard who was there first and then a third Richard came along then all the PiTAs became Richards and so did practically everyone else and there weren't any PiTAs left and SOMEONE had to be one 'cause PiTAs and very, Very, VERY important to have around, but that's another story). And I've been the Chief Inventerater and CuddleElf Feeder and A.C.'s Librarian. Now I'm just a Locksley unless someone went and hung another title on me when I wasn't looking.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
Not really. In fact, I'm sorta a part-time resident since I'm working and going to school and...well...there's a lot of stuff.

If so, where?
When I do...MiRC. (Did anyone ever fill up that hole under the rug?)

What is your favorite Cuddle Toy?
An old 26" Schwinn bicycle that somehow got crossed with a Saturn V rocket and a pogo stick.

What is your favorite food?

What is your fantasy vacation?
Twice around the solar system and then let's go someplace REALLY far away.

Do you want to share your email address so others can email you during Ecard swaps or birthdays?
Naaah. If I'm around, you'll find me on A.C. If I'm not...well, it's school and work and life and stuff and you'll probably see me at the next mid-quarter break.

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Cuddle Name:

SnuggleSwede (one word, two capitals--can't have the British cuddlers making veggie jokes when I mean Swede as in _svensk_!)

Regular Name:
Ingeborg S. Nordén (that's "Norden" with an accented e, if the 8-bit characters are hard to read properly)

Place of Birth:
Southern United States

Current RL Residence:
Midwestern United States (though my heart has belonged in Sweden for years...)

What do you do (Job or school or home-maker, etc.):
Some free-lance writing and translating Nordic languages; in the warmer months I also work as a rune reader (fortune telling) on the market square near my home.

When did you arrive in CuddleLand:
Early 1990s, while I was still a college student majoring in Scandinavian studies. Appropriately enough, I used a Swedish shell account to access a.c. when the school servers didn't carry it!

Describe your Cuddle Character:
Not too different from my real-world self, except for a few magical trappings (like the bottomless red bag of gifts on the back of my wheelchair). My Cuddleland home is a "Cozy Cuddle Cottage", built and decorated to look traditionally Swedish.

Describe YOURSELF! :
Slightly overweight, shortish blonde with a rusting wheelchair and wire-frame glasses. I enjoy net-surfing, collecting teddy bears, traveling, speaking Swedish to whoever understands me...and of course, I also love to give and receive BIG SNUGGLY HUGS.

Do you have a Cuddle Title? (Many people don't know who the KiTA's, PiTA's, Squire's, LIW's or other titles are):
None; I just go by SnuggleSwede there, and I'm comfortable with that.

Do you chat with cuddler's outside A.C.?
AIM and ICQ occasionally, not really anywhere else.

What is your favorite cuddle toy?It's hard to choose just *one* from my whole collection: over a dozen bears, plus some other assorted animals and a Teletubby.

What is your favorite food?
American food? Double-cheese pizza. Scandinavian? Most traditional home cooking, though I shy away from the veggie dishes and lutefisk!

What is your fantasy vacation?
A whole summer in Sweden, touring the historical and religious sites from Norse times. (Of course, I'd have a room at the coziest hotel I could find; Swedes have turned warm-bed snuggling into an art form. )

Want some warm, double chokolit, chocolate chip brownies?
Of course, thank you very much! *yum*

How about some hugs???
Definitely; here are some in return: *HUG*hug*HUG*hug*HUG*hug*HUG*hug*HUG*
and *KRAM*kram*KRAM*kram*KRAM*kram*KRAM*kram*KRAM*


Do you have a sig?
Ingeborg "SnuggleSwede" Nordén
*hugs* and *kramar* to all!

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