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Welcome to the Carver Boys Homepage

Dedicated to our sons,
Alexander David Carver
and Andrew Henry Carver

Choose the section you wish to visit below:

A New Addition to the Carver Family!

Alex’s Birth And First Month

A Visit From Grandma & Grandpa Carver

Alex Discovers His Family

Alex Gets A Bath And A New Friend

Alex Gets A Visit From Grammie And Grampa Woodard And Shows Off For The Camera

Alex Enjoys A Day of Play

Alex Takes A Vacation

Our Sixth Month With Alexander

Alex Plays At Gramma's And Sits Up On His Own

Alex Enjoys A Meal And Some Quiet Time With Mommy And Daddy

Alex Plays With Daddy & Trooper And Looks For A Friend

A RealVideo Clip of Alex smiling and laughing!(Requires the Realaudio Player, available at

Alex Enters His Ninth Month

Alex Celebrates Daddy's Birthday And Dresses Up for Church

Alex Goes To A Harvest Party

Alex Enjoys A Day Of Play At Home

Alex Grows And Plays At 10 Months Old

Alex Enjoys The Holidays

Alex's First Christmas

Alex Enjoys Christmas With The Relatives

A RealVideo Clip of Alex taking his first steps!(Requires the Realaudio Player, available at

Alex Celebrates His First Birthday!

Alex Visits With His Family!

Alex Enjoys A Video!

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This Page was last updated on April 23, 2002

Questions? Comments? me at

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