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Random Info on Me!!
Hello Robin! I hope you are having a good day!

Hey Hey Hey!! My name is karen and I am not sure what year i am in at school... I seem to be taking my time getting through DBCC(Daytona Beach Community College) I guess I like it. After I get my AA I plan on transfering to CU in Colorado, if not there then i will go to UF. Since I hate the heat here I would prefer going somwhere up north but it is a hell of alot cheaper to stay instate. I have time to decide that. Umm... I want to go into the medical field somehow in the pediatric part... hmm.. what other random info should I tell you about me.. I am 20 years old.(will be 21 in October!) I also love to watch scary movies... gotta love The Blair Witch!!! haha "I hear crackling all around me!!" hehe.. I am involved with different ministries with my church, a youth group leader and on the Coffeehouse team at my church. (a christian coffeehouse) well please email mewith any suggestions that you have for my page. This is my first page and I just started it so please be patient as I try to figure this all out! PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!!!

Center align:
Above: A picture of me and some of my friends back up in Virginia. NAMES:

BACK LEFT: Jack, Jamie, Kwame, Johnny, Danny

CENTER: Doug, Phil, Joey, Micheal

FRONT: Me, Sadie, Kat, Robin, Nora, and Meghann

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