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My Random Pictures...

Hello! yea so i will be getting more recent pics up soon.. I promise.. In the meantime. Here are a few albums over the last few years. Including skydiving and nicaragua!

My first set of pics... (Oct. '99)
Jan. - Feb. 2000
March 2000 (Retreat pictures!)
Pictures from Disney(Apr. 2000)
Some random pictures from Easter and my church picnic
Mission Trip 2000- Rocky Mt, NC
Random pics from different stuff in the last few months
Pictures fron the Peanut Festival in Alabama. FUN times. haha
Spring Break 2001!! Disney!!
Random pictures from the youth here!! ~just updated ~06/01!
Random Pictures from different Coffeehouse events! ~Just updated ~06/01!
MyrtleBeach 1999!!! (pics from a while back but a new album)
Pleasure Island 2001!!! (andine Birthday!!!)
Random stuff in July 2001!!
Random pics from summer 2002!! (just updated!!)
Random August 2002 pictures!!
Nicaragua pics !

after you look at those...

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