Bedtime Story
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A Bedtime Story at The Black Rose Ranch

Once upon a time ago there were 7 dogs and 2 cats. Four of the dogs and the cats lived in the house with their owner. The other three dogs lived outside because they preferred to. Once in a while the owner let them in for a few minutes to reacquaint them with the other animals. Then out they went because they were happier out there.

The dogs who lived inside were Colly, a 16 year old female Boxer. Charlie, a female Beagle. Gloria, a 6 month old female Catahoula, who thought she was a pug, and Bobo, a two and a half year old female Pug, who thought she was a Catahoula. Gloria was so large at 6 months that when she sprawled lengthwise on the couch, her paws and head touched either end. Bobo, however, at only 17 pounds, and one quarter the size of Gloria, was a terror, having learned the ways of the extremely intelligent, and aggressive ways of Gloria. But they were inseparable. There was never a peaceful moment in the house whenever Gloria and Bobo were there. Either playfighting, playing or tormenting the other two dogs and sometimes the owner. Yet they were lovable. Bobo, whenever chance she had would jump upon her masters lap, and ask to either be petted or played with. Gloria, tried this but was not too successful. She’d get halfway upon a lap, but would fit no further.

Colly, the old boxer, was, in her heyday quite a fine example of a beautiful dog, shiny brown and tan coat, playful, and a loyal pet. Now, at nearly 17 years of age, she no longer had the same agility. However, although she was burdened with arthritis, deaf, and a number of other ails, she never the less, was the same loyal dog that she was many years ago.

Charlie, the beagle, and the favorite of the owner, was grumpy and spoiled, seldom playing with the other dogs, she however tolerated them, and they did the same. It was known that Charlie’s former owner beat her and treated her mercilessly, thus she was frightened of strangers until she got to know them better

Bear, a huge two and a half year old monster of a catahoula was the leader of the outside pack, which consists of his twin sister Elizabeth, and a 17 year old female golden retriever. All these dogs were docile during the daylight hours, greeting all strangers with tails wagging, and begging for any petting that was offered. There was no hint of a mean streak in any of their bodies, during the daytime. But, it was not the same at night, where the dogs would probably turn into killers of anyone who dared to enter their domain without permission.

Cinderella, was a 17 year old Tortoise Shell cat, shy, but in wonderful shape for her age. Thimble a young black and white bobtail manx, beautiful cat, was a bit more aggressive. All the dogs tolerated the cats and the cats tolerated all the dogs, except for one, Colly, the boxer. She didn’t like, or maybe didn’t understand what a cat was. Never seen one until she moved to this location. So maybe? The cats and the dogs, except for Colly occasionally played with each other and slept near one other, but not Colly, The cats would have to sneak around and make sure the way was clear if they wanted to go from one room to another or just do some exploring. Colly and the cats never fought each other. It was simply a matter of a hiss or a growl, and that's the way it was.

to be continued

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-2001. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.