I want to be a boxer
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It was early when Jimmy got home after his chance meeting with this Les guy. He didn’t know what to make of this except that Max had told him that there would probably be plenty of so called promoters trying to get him to go in with them. They all knew that, although he only had two official fights, he had real potential. He was a natural they said, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that his climb in the boxing game would be rapid. Max also told him that there were very unscrupulous people in this business and be wary of anyone trying to talk him into joining up with them.

Jimmy had no intention of joining up with anyone. If there were ever contracts to be signed, he would only sign with Max. He would not hesitate what so ever in doing this. Max was more than his trainer. He was his mentor, and a lot more. Anyway, he was too young to sign anything. He was still going to school. Although he was nearly 17 years old, he had no idea of where he was heading. Sure Max and Izzy had told him many times of his potentials, and there was a natural agreement between the three that no matter where they went, they would go together. But he was only a kid. If he was going anywhere, it would be a long time in doing so.

Jimmy felt a little lonely when he arrived home. His Mom was probably upstairs sewing or doing something that mothers do when they are alone. He wondered if Franky and Joey were at the candy store. He hadn’t hung around with them in a long time and he missed that, and there wasn’t a day that he didn’t think of Pissy. He wondered if he would ever hear from him. So he decided to see if the boys were at the candy store.

“Hey Jimmy,” called out Franky, “How the......ya been. Ain’t seen ya for a few days now, How ya doin?” “doin fine,” replied Jimmy, “where’s Joey?” “Oh, he’s in the head, should be here any minute now.” “What’s he doin, taking over Pissy’s job?” Franky burst out laughing at this remark. “Ya know Jimmy, things ain’t the same with outcha. Since we made up with the vendor guys, it’s been too quiet around here. Everytime, we pass those guys, they just can’t do enough for us, givin us things, ya know, like candy, and things like that. It’s gettin too embarrassing.” “ Hi there Jimmy boy, how the....are ya. Whatcha doin here?” called Joey as he returned from the toilet. “Came to see you guys, whatcha think I came here for, to buy some candy?” “Yeah that’ll be the day when you bought anything,” said Franky. “Okay, okay” said Jimmy, “be a wise guy, say, what you fellas doin later tonight, wanna hang out for a while, do somethin?” “Like what,” asked Joey, “oh, I don’t know, maybe we could go to the garden, they’ve got pro boxing on tonight.” “Yeah, what’ll we use for money, I’m busted,” said Joey. “Me too,” echoed Franky. “Okay, I guess that leaves that out,” said Jimmy, “tell ya what, why don’t we just don’t do anything? Whatsa matter with just sitting on the steps and ogling the goils when they pass by. Who knows, maybe they’ll stop and shoot the bull with us.” “Good idea,” Franky and Joey agreed, let’s do it.”

“Max,” called Jimmy, can I talk withcha for a minute?” “Sure kid, what’s up?” “Well Max,” said Jimmy, “remember when ya told me about those guys, you called them unscrupulous people, ya know, the ones ya said, would try to get me to join them?” “Yes, I remember,” said Max, Well, this guy in a brand new Cadillac stopped me on the street the other day, and wanted me to join him, and when I told him that I wasn’t interested, he sort of got all riled up, and said that he wasn’t through with me yet.” “Jimmy, I’ve told you about this before, and I told you to be careful, but I tell you now Jimmy, and I’ll never say it again. I’ve no holds on you. You’re free to do what ever you want to do. If at any time you feel that you would like to take a different path, you go ahead, and don’t you worry about me. But please, please be very careful. There are so many bad people out there, and I don’t want you to get mixed up with them. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, I understand Max, and if you think that I would ever leave you, then ya outa yer cotton pickin mind. Gawd, Max, you’re like a father to me. If it wasn’t fer ya, I’d still be out there, stealing this, stealing that. I’d be an ordinary street punk with nothin to dream about. You’ve changed all that. I now feel that I’m somebody, and you’re the one that made me feel that way. Leave you, never.”

“Okay, Jimmy, I just wanted to be honest with you, and not hold you back for anything, but if you feel that way then I’m honored. You are like a son to me. The son I never had. I’ve got all the faith and trust in you, and I know that we will go places together. Well enough of this tear jerking talk. What say we talk about your next fight, okay?” “Sure Max. lets do that.”

“Well, Izzy and me was thinking, of booking you for a fight outta town, you know somewhere like upstate, maybe New Joisey, or sumthing like that. Give you some exposure away from New York. Somewhere where they don’t know you too well. You know that good boxers travel a lot to get different exposures, and I think that we should start doing that, if it’s okay with you?” “Sure Max, you know that anything you think best is always okay wid me.” “Okay Jimmy, remember, you’ve gained a little weight now, and you’re gonna be in a different weight class. That means that you will be boxing heavier guys than you’re used to. You know that, and you will have to train a bit different. Okay with you?” “Sure Max, you know that it’s okay wid me.” “All right, let’s see what I can do. In the meantime, I’m going to change your schedule just a bit, and get some real heavier guys to spar with you. So go take a day off, you deserve it, and I’ll see you here, bright and early tomorrow.

To be continued.....

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.