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It was a Saturday morning, and Danny was in his room contemplating his first week at ccny, It was a real hectic week. All he had time for was study, study, study. He hadn’t even seen Tony and Louie all week, and he knew that they were purposely staying away, knowing that he was real busy and had to study. Danny and Steve, were becoming fast friends, and were in the same study group. Steve dressed the same way, he just wanted to be different, and that’s the way it was all his life. He didn’t want to be like the others, and this sort of set him aside. He still carried his thermos of Vodka into class. If the instructors knew about it, they certainly didn’t say anything. Steve was one of the brightest of the bright, the leader of the study group. But he, as Danny, didn’t flaunt their abilities. All recognized the two as such, and let it be as it may. If the Professor’s suspected anything unusual about Steve, they let it alone. He wasn’t a problem, didn’t stir any trouble in their classes. In fact, he was an inspiration to the other students, no matter what he had in that thermos bottle of his. So they accepted Steve’s mannerism, his way of dress, and of course his constant thirst.

Danny, of course, didn’t adapt to drinking vodka, that is in his early years. He preferred a beer or two after class or on weekends. So on rare occasions, when they both went to a bar after classes near the campus, this is what they had, vodka for Steve and beer for Danny. This and maybe a pizza or two.

Steve lived in a more remote section of Queens, and he had to get up a bit earlier than Danny to get to school at time. They both spoke of trying to get some sort of living quarters near ccny, but this seemed impossible, rooms were difficult to find and if one did find one, they were either shabby, darn expensive or both. In the five days of their initial schooling, they both found it extremely difficult in commuting to and from school, then grabbing a quick supper, locking themselves in their room, studying till the wee hours of morning, and going back to the same grind every day,

“Danny,” said Steve, “I just can’t do this anymore, it’s too much.” But what can we do,” replied Danny, “We just don’t have the money to get a room near campus, and from what I hear, they are all dumps, full of bugs and cockroaches.” “Yeah, I know,” said Steve.”

It was Sunday night, Danny felt like taking a break, he hadn’t been to the club in over a week and hadn’t see Louie and Tony either, nor had he heard from Mr. Capiloni. Well he didn’t expect to hear from Mr. Capiloni for a while anyway. “Hey look whose here,” cried out Tony as Danny opened the door to the club, “come on in you son of a.....nice to see ya, been a while huh?” The club was a bit crowded tonight, the radio was emitting quiet slow waltz music as the couples paraded around the floor, apparently oblivious to anything but their dancing. “Come on in Danny, Louie isn’t here tonight, he’s with Mr. Capiloni at a meeting but he’ll be here later, maybe with Mr. Capiloni, gee it’s great to see ya. We’ve been lettin ya alone, knowin how busy ya are and we didn’t want ta disturb ya.” “ I missed you too,” replied Danny, yes I’ve been busy, busting, but it’s okay, I don’t mind at all. After all, you don’t get nothing for nothing.” “yer right,” said Tony, Oh, here comes Louie and Mr. Capiloni, I know that they didn’t expect you to be here, but I know that they’ll be glad to see ya. Mr. Capiloni has been talking about you a lot to us, he likes you, and he has great plans for ya.” Plans, what plans, thought Danny, I know that I’m going to work for him, but I didn’t know that he had plans for me. Upon seeing Danny, both Mr. Capiloni and Louie went over to him, Louie hugging him as if he hadn’t seen him for ages, while Mr. Capiloni, shook his hand until it felt as if it would come off. Apparently both of them had missed him, but it was only as week since they saw him last. But he knew that Italians were very expressive in their feelings. “ I’m glad that you wuz here,” said Mr. Capiloni, the boys and me have missed ya, so how are ya doin, how’s college?” “College is fine, Mr. Capiloni, it’s just that it’s hard right now getting used to getting up so early, and taking the train there. I practically spend all my time on the train, and studying. I only get about 4 hours sleep every night. But it’s fine, I like it there.” “Whatcha mean ya only get 4 hours sleep every night, whatcha do all day long?” “Well, I get up real early and walk to the train station, and when I get to school, I have a lot of classes to attend, and I have do a lot of studying, then when I get home it’s rather late, and I still have a lot of studying to do, and before I know it, its about midnight, and I have to get up real early to catch the train so I won’t be late for school.” It didn’t take very long for Mr. Capiloni to figure out what was wrong, and asked,” why can’t you get some place to live near the school, so ya wouldn’t have to take the train and waste all that time?” “ It’s not that easy, Mr. Capiloni, there’s no decent place to live around there, and I just don’t have the money for it. I couldn’t afford to pay for an apartment or a room. I would like to be close to school, but there’s nothing available that I can afford anyway.”

The matter of living near campus was dropped as Mr. Capiloni had other business matters to discuss with Tony and Louie, and as he later said goodnight to Danny, he called out, “okay kid, remember, we’re goin to have that talk in about two weeks.” “Sure Mr. Capiloni, I remember, see you then.” It was getting late, and Danny had to get home and get some sleep, after all he had classes in the morning and again had to get up and catch that darn stupid train. But he wondered why Mr. Capiloni had dropped the subject of living near ccny as if he didn’t want to have anything to do about it. He wondered why and it bothered him. Sleep was pitiful, and it wasn’t long before the alarm clock emitted the sounds that he dreaded hearing, 5:30am, time to get up, get up you lazy bone you.

To be Continued

Click Here For Part Eleven of Danny

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.