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Danny Five

As Danny left Mr. Capiloni’s office, he was followed by Louie and Tony, “Hey wait a minute Danny, come back here, we wanna talk witcha.” Danny stopped his hastened walk and turned around to face his two friends. He didn’t say a word, but waited for them to speak. “Danny,” said Louie, “I’m sure that Mr. Capiloni didn’t mean what he said. I know that you was hurt by what he said, and he shouldn’t of said it, but come on back, and let’s see what he has to say. I’m sure that he’s gonna apologize to you.” “I don’t care if I get an apology or not. I know that he meant what he said. Why are we so persecuted? What have we done that is so terrible? All we want to do is live in peace, and get along with everyone.” “I know,” said Tony. “We used to feel that way about your religion also, but we don’t now. Especially, since we met you. Come back please. We had a talk with Mr. Capiloni aboutcha, told him your problems, and things like that, and since you’re friends of ours, he may be able to help you.” Help me how?” replied Danny, “What can he do for me?” “Why don’t we find out?” come on back and lets all sit down peaceably and talk. Danny thought about this for a minute, and said, “Okay, I’ll go back, only because you want me too.

Entering Mr. Capiloni’s office, Danny faced him. The cigar was back in his mouth, his look remained unchanged, but his voice seemed to take on a slightly warmer tone and sounded less arrogant than it did before. “Sit down kid, I wanna tell you that I’m sorry that I spoke to you like that. I really didn’t mean it.” Danny remained standing. “I know I said it, but that’s the habit of everyone around here. That’s the way they talk when they don’t know anything about you, and I guess that I’m no better than they are. We’ve had no experience with the Jewish people, and I guess that we don’t understand them. Do you know what I’m talking about?” Danny wanted to say that he was full of bull.....but instead said, “yes sir, I guess I do”. “I have to hand it to ya though, you gotta lots of guts to stand up to me like that. Do you know who I am? Danny wanted to say, no and I don’t give a.....but thought better of it as it might get Louie and Tony in trouble. “No sir, I don’t.” Well let me tell you who I am, but first, please sit down.”

“Your name, Danny, right?” “Yes that’s right, replied Danny.” “Well let me tell ya who I am. I’m sorta the caretaker of this neighborhood, ya know what I mean?” He didn’t let Danny answer the question, and continued, “I kinda take care of things here, if you need something, ya come ta me, ya want something done, ya come to me. Ya need a favor, I’m the one ya come to, capish?” Danny assumed that capish meant, do you understand, and answered, “Yes, I guess I do, sir.” “No, no, don’t call me sir, I’m no sir, call me Mr. Capiloni, Okay?” “Yes, sir, I mean Mr. Capiloni.” “All right, now, we understand each other, right?” “Yes.” Danny fully understood what he was talking about. He recalled the episode involving Louie, Tony and the beating they were giving someone in the garage. Oh, yes, he fully understood, but why was he telling him all of this?

“The boys here tell me that ya know when to keep your mouth shut, and that’s good, and they also say that you’re having a problem getting the money to go to college. Is that right?” “Listen Mr. Capiloni, I don’t know why you’re asking me all these questions,” stated Danny a bit bitterly. “Look kid, don’t get your dander up, all I wanna do is to help you.” “Help me, how?” “Well if you’ll calm down and listen ta me, I’ll tell ya how.” “Okay, I’m sorry Mr. Capiloni.” “Okay, now, ya know that Tony and Louie here work for me. They do odd jobs for me, now and then. They take care of things that need taking care of, ya know. and I give them some money for doin this for me. Now they told me that you’re a kid that can be trusted, and you know how to keep yer mouth shut. So they told me yer problems and asked me to help ya. I don’t let Jewish kids work for me, but for them, I’ll do ya this favor.” Danny was stunned, he had no idea when Louie and Tony wanted him to meet Mr. Capiloni, that this is why they wanted him to meet him. “I am not sure what kind of favor you want to do for me.” “Okay lets put it on the line, you work for me like Tony and Louie. You take orders from me, and do like I tell ya, and I’ll pay you enough money to pay for your college, and maybe something left over, whatcha say?” Danny didn’t know what to say, his mind kept returning to what he saw at the garage the other night. He couldn’t do that, no matter what. But how else was he to get the money for his college expenses. There would be more than the tuition. There would be books to buy, and a lot of other expenses. There was no way he could afford all this on his own or even with his parents help.

“Mr. Capiloni, because Tony and Louie are my friends and I trust them, I will accept your offer under one condition.” “Suspiciously, Mr. Capiloni asked him, “what condition? “I will do anything you ask me to do, Mr. Capiloni. I’ll work hard for you, but if you ask me to beat someone up, or to use any sort of physical force upon anyone, then I cannot do it. It’s against my nature and my religion.” Mr. Capiloni was not stupid, in fact, even without a college education, he managed to work himself up to this high position in the organization. He liked this kid, he had guts. He spoke his mind, and he knew that he would be an asset to him, so he didn’t want to lose him. He knew that he was a smart kid and that he had a future and maybe he could use him one day, so he said, “Okay Danny, you won’t have to do any of that stuff, but remember this, I’m doin ya a favor, a big favor, and maybe one of these days, I’ll want a favor too, capish?” “Yes.” And so it was, the beginning of the beginning

~ To Be Continued ~

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Click Here For Part Six of Danny

Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.