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Viola, was born in Queens, New York, just a few blocks where Danny lived. At 17 years of age, she was beautiful, of Italian descent with characteristic Latin features. She was a knockout, as all the boys in the neighborhood said of her. But Vi, (as she was later called) had other things on her mind. She did not go on dates, was very aloof when one of the boys approached her, asking her for a date, and for any other purpose. She at this time was unapproachable.

Like Danny, she was very ambitious, she wanted to be somebody; she wanted to be in the limelight, she wanted to be an actress, not just an actress, but the best actress in the world. From the time she was 12 years old, or before, this is all she wanted, and her whole mind was set on this. Viola would, whenever chance she had run down to the neighborhood TV store, and hopefully watch the TV programs on the 7” video screen that was displayed in the store window.

Some times she was lucky, and an old movie featuring Bette Davis, Kathryn Hepburn, or another of her favorite actress would be running on the small TV screen. She wished that her parents could afford a television, so she wouldn’t have to leave her house to see her favorites, but could watch them from the comforts of her room. Someday, maybe, she thought, I’ll have all this.

Although, with all this ambition, Vi didn’t know how to realize her ambition. She knew that it just doesn’t happen by itself. She had to do something about it, but what? She wanted to have a coach to teach her the fundamentals of acting, but again, she thought, I really don’t need anyone to do that. I’m a natural, and so she was. She knew that because she was always a hit whenever she appeared in a play in her school, whether it was as a star, or just as an extra. She always shone no matter what role or what play she appeared in.

Vi knew that she had to have someone to help realize her ambitions, and she was smart enough to know that she couldn’t do it by herself. She wanted to go to Juliette, but how? That was the ultimate. Going there would permit her to realize her dreams. She was just about to graduate from High School, but where does she go from there. She was aware of her aloofness. Maybe that was a mistake. If so, she would have to do something about it.

Of all the boys in the neighborhood, there were three who did not approach her for any reason what so ever. The three boys she learned were Danny, Tony and Louie, and they didn’t seem to have any interest in her at all. The three seemed inseparable, and she couldn’t understand this. She knew that Danny was Jewish, Tony and Louie were Italian. This was an unusual combination in this neighborhood where mixtures of religion seldom existed.

She had heard that the boys had a clubhouse and girls were often invited, why she didn’t know. She had also heard that they were the favorites of certain influential individuals in the neighborhood and that they commanded a lot of respect. So, at this point an idea developed in her mind….

~ To Be Continued ~

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-2001. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.