Grammer School Year Book
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Hello, Hope you have enjoyed my short stories so far. I thought that I'd change the pace a bit, and maybe give you a few laughs or memories, (depending on how old you are) These are written mostly by students in my class when I graduated grammar school, at 13 years old of age. I look at them occasionally, and they bring tears to my eyes, and memories of a time long ago. I thought that I'd pass some of the sayings of that era to you.

Please note that the names, Joe, Joey and Joseph are the names that I've used at that time. Of course, I've been called a lot of other names in the past.

From the students and teachers of the graduating class of P.S.19, in NYC N.Y. and the many friends who signed my graduating book.

Grammer School Year Book

To Joseph
You may have a friend,
You may have a lover,
But the best of all is the one you call "Mother"

In your golden chain of friendship
Add a little link for me.

To Joseph
I love you. I love you,
I love you almighty, I wish your pajamas
Were next to my nighties.
But don't get excited
And don't get red,
I mean in a clothesline
And not in a bed

To Joey
Our eyes have met.
Our lips not yet.
But oh, you kid,
You'll get yours Yet

To Joseph
The saddest thing in a schoolgirls heart
Is first to meet and then to part.

To Joe
If in heaven we don't meet,
Hand to hand, we'll stand the Heat

Who takes this book of knowledge,
Is a graduate of Sing Sing College

For Joey
When you are married
and have three,
Name the prettiest after me

When you sit on the tack of ambition,
You're sure to rise

To Joseph
When you are married and have twins,
Don't come to me for safety pins

To Guiseppe
When you see a monkey on a tree,
Pull its tail and think of me

To Joseph
Needles and pins.
Needles and pins.
Don't get excited
If the doctor says Twins

Poor little joey
Sitting on a tree
Trying to make a dollar
Out of ninety nine cents

To Joe
Sugar is sweet
And so is cheese,
What is a kiss
Without a squeeze

To Joe
Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.
Don't marry a Girl you do not Trust

To Joseph
When you are married
And your wife gets cross.
Pick up the broom and Say I'm the boss

To Joseph
I like u a lot.
I like u well,
If I had a peanut,
I'd give u the shell

To Joe
Remember the work.
Remember the gloom.
Remember the fun We had in O'connor's Room.

Bad work.
Bad conduct.
Bad boy.
But never Bad luck

To Joe
Wishing you success in all Your "undertaking"

To Joseph
Do all you can,
To all the people You can
In every way that You can
As long as ever You can

To Joe
May this charm
Bring you luck,
Not that I care,
I hope you get Stuck

To Joe
Love many.
Trust few.
Learn to paddle Your own canoe

To My pal Joe
Joe, Joe as they say,
Walking up and down Broadway,
With two flappers At his side,
Selling kisses two For five

To Joseph
You asked me to write.
What shall it be?
Two little words, "Remember me"

To my friend Joey
Don't worry about the future.
The present is all thou hast.
The future will soon be present.
The present will soon be past

To Joe
Remember the B.
Remember the C.
Remember the time
You got the D.

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Original stories written, published and copyright by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.