To Mystics Place
This is a place for me and my friends, I've redone the graphics and updated this site in November, of the year 2001, since i made this page alot of things have happened to affect alot of us, friends we knew have left, people we loved past away, but one thing remains. The Memory of those people still remain in our hearts, through good and bad times they were there, when we needed a friend, or just someone to talk to, must people don't realize this till its to late to say anything, but i guess im one of those people who do see it, so if by any chance i don't talk to you tomorrow, i just want you to know that i love you all, some more then others but all as friends. 

Two major events has took place since ive redone this site, one whihc has affected a sport and the other the nation,
Tribute To Dale Earnhardt
The passing of Dale Earnhardt was unbelievable, how he went was unspoken of, I remember that same day watching the race and seeing that final turn which changed the sport of Racing and Nascar, i didn't find out till later that evening, the news told the story and i couldn't speak not a word, though the crash didn't seem to be bad, looks can be deceiving, remember that also looks are the cover of the book in every subject, though it may look good on the outside but what's on the inside will tell the story, some are bad on the cover and good has a good story inside, though even go good cover good story, and a bad cover with a bad story, but you will never know the ending unless you read the story, but from that night i found out that he passed, i started to make a tribute page that went to a whole site that has become one of the best and if not the biggest tribute sites on the net, Earnhardt.MysticsDesign.com I've went and done a complete stat history which ranges from year to year and track to track that he has raced on, collected about 2500 pics, and even has a place you the fans to write the best wishes to Dale and the rest of the Earnhardt family and the workers on DEI.
Terrorist Attacks
Not yet completed
The other Major event shocked, not only the U.S.A. but most of the planet, On sept 11, 2001 highjackers took commercial airline jets and ran 1 of them into each of the World Trade Towers, One was directed at the Pentagon, and the other which some hero's aboard stop from happening was Believed to be headed towards the White House. The U.S.A. has been doing its part in finding out who is responsible for this action and have come to believe that Osama Bin Laden was the man behind it, for those who has lost their lives, i say this, your time and life spent here on earth was cut short for reasons unknown at the time, as i try to think what was going through your minds when it all took place, i start to think of something else, its not that i don't care its just that it scares me to think of it, i know you all are in a better place and a happier one at that, Welcome Home. To the family's and friend's of those victims, i wish ya'll the best, in everything you do, and hope ya'll will go through life unharmed, i will began some kind of tribute site for this event when i find some information that im looking for, till then ill be working on this site and others. to the rest of ya'll, life is short we all know this, why go through it hating one another, live like there is no tomorrow, love everyone and we wont have to worry bout walking down the road, help those in need, and never forget those who you love and cherish.
My day will come, Cant stop it nor freeze it for a second, but i know one thing is for sure, I will be remembered by at least one person. I will go home to meet my true father one day. Until that day comes you will find my ICQ, yahoo I.D., Msn Messanger, and other info that will help you contact me, say hello and never forget that there are some people of eack kind, good and bad, likely for you, I'm one of the good ones.
Friends Pages
Contact Info
ICQ # is : 47220514
Yahoo I.D. : Mystic_Saiyan_8000
MSN messanger : texx72@hotmail.com
Web Design is © 2001 Mystics Design
Graphics are © 2001 Gail's Graphics
Gail's Graphics is part of Mystic's Design