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Brassavola retusa

Syn. B. revoluta
Origin Brasil?, Peru?, Venezuela?
Plant description The stem is is up tp 7 cm long and leaves up to 19.5 cm long. Flower stalk is 7 cm long, and ovary is stout and 6.5 cm long. (Whitner for B. retusa)
Growing Not well documented in cultivation.
Blooming Season Not ducumented.
Flower size and shape The dorsal sepal is 2.3 cm long, the lateral sepals are slightly wider, the petals sowhat narrower. Lip is oblong-ovate, indistinctly lobulate on the side, cuneate below and subtruncate at the apex with a sharp point in the center. It measures 2.2 cm long and 1.35 cm wide (Whitner for B. retusa)
Colors and fragrance The sepals and petals are pale green, the lip is white with a little green near the base.
Comments No comment for me, I still am looking for this species. Both plates showing the B. retusa (in Reinchenbach Herbanium from a Peruvian plant) and B. revoluta (Martius's FLora Brasiliensis) in Dr. Whitner's books are very similar, single flower on both plants. He also thinks the plate of B. retusa resembles the B. cebolleta. Definitely need more data on this species to prove if it is in fact, a species.
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