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Welcome to Chat!

B4 you get chatting read the rules!

*No Swearing.
*No flooding.
*No giving out your
*You may give out ur e-mail addy but b careful who u do give it to!
*And have fun!


My chatroom also has Helpers,you may bump into them, if so- Behave, because they can kick u!!!!
They are Nikki2K, Holly, Elmo2004, aa2k1, Angelic_Flower, and Krystal_!!!

Join the club, If you don't join the club and register a name you could turn into a Guest at any time and be nameless and we don't want that - do we? E-mail us at with the name you want and your e-mail addy!

Book a hotessing! Be hotess for up to 2hours! Just e-mail us with your username, time and date, and your pass-word at U have to be a member to book a hotessing. If you book a regular chatroom hotessing and we might eventually decide your good enough to be a helper! You must be a member to book a hotessing.

You want a party? Book it! Just e-mail us with the time-date and who is booking it and volia! You have a place for your party! And if you don't want to e-mail all ur m8s about it tell us their e-mails and we'll invite them for you!
