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A musical lad catches your eye, Make sure you catch his. A T-shirt with a perfect design is great for a date. You and a speacial mate have a beach adventure you’ll never forget! Listen to your mums advice You wont regret it.
Your ankles and calves are gorgeous so show them off wearing sandals, through the summer!

A blond-haired boy, Is hooked on you, You just dont know it. Wear your new outfit on a shopping trip, you’ll look and feel fantastic! If your feeling really sad about something, talk to a friend. A suprise letter will be extra important!
Your Feet are fab and you always take good care of them. Try painting your toenails in lots of different colours!

You like that lad? Pluck up all your courage and ask him out. A new outfit stuns your mates. Helping a friend at school, will bring you closer together. Look in a drawer in your Bedroom to find a lucky piece - you just wont know it!
You’ve got hair to die for! Make it look extra cool with some cool accessories!

Don’t always expect the best in that lad you like - He might be the opposite to what you think! Glitter eyeshadow will keep you happy! Shop till you drop with your mate. Make sure you keep your friends secret or you really will regret it.
You neck is extra-speacial so wear necklaces to get it noticed!

A chance of meeting a great boy, But you miss the opportunity unless you dont blink - not literally! Grab a mate and try out sassy make-overs. An important message is lingering around, try to get to it. Go for a walk around the park to keep fit!
You have nice arms, lots of bracelets will do fine!

That lads getting to you now, Move on. Listen to your mates idea - Use it and be funky! Hang out with your relatives at the weekend - It might even be a laugh! A mysterious E-mail Will keep you guessing.
Your fab eyes twinkle in the sun!

Your ideas might be wrong about that boy think about it. Use no make-up apart from lipgloss for the groovy natural look. Play a joke on a friend - But make sure you don’t take it to Far.
Your teeth are fab, Use whitening toothpaste for a extra great smile.
,br> Virgo,
You know he messes you around, But your still in love with him, But somehow you must forget him, He’s not Worth the Trouble. A speacial Suprise for good work. A friend gives attention to your new nail varnish… Keep A Diary.
Make most of your old clothes, They look good on you.

He’s the one for you, you just know it! Keep on smiling to cheer up your mates. Try a new belt, it’ll look Great! Your luck is from an animal but gets u in a muddle.
Your hips are great, so show them off!

The boys not popular, but he likes you, And is much better than you think, Get to know him. Eat up healthy and look great. Get in touch with an old friend - Its worth it! Your luck is in your mind, You just cant seem to find it!
Your skin is special so use a really nice moisturiser.

You seem to be happier without boys… Go to a sports class to keep you fab! Listen to your friends they make you realize something. Your in luck with friends, You make a new best friend.
Your lips are so luscious use lots of lipgloss for a extra shine and keep the skin healthy for a great tan.

The boy who you like - likes back. Treat yourself to a long rest outside in the garden and you will feel totally refreshed! Your Friends are acting strange, find out whats up with them. You feel down a lot, maybe your friends do to, meet up for a long chat.
Eyeshadow’s are your thing, so keep them eyes shimmering!


E-mail us for your own personal horoscope!!!

Luv, XxxxX~Girlzone~XxxxX
