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German/English Commands Loosely Translated*

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"SITTZ"Means to Sit

"PLITEZ"Means to Lay Down (Must be said Hard on the "P"

"HEEL"Means to Keep the dog at your Left Heel (about a foot to your left)

"BLITE"Means to Stay (Said Hard on all letters)

"HE-YER"Means to Come Here (Low sound on HE, High on YAA)

"FOO-EEE"Means Bad or ("No" Loosely)

"NIEN"Means NO (Almost like saying "the number 9")

"OUSE"Means Stop doing ("out" minus the "T" add the "s" sound)

"DANKA-SHIN"Means Thank you (Pronounced "DONKA" "SHANE")

"FOUSE"Means to come around you to your left side

*=We know that the words aren't spelled correctly, they are spelled phonically
(as it sounds).

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