from all of us
It's that time of year again.
Hi and Merry Christmas! My name is Sheeba and you already have met me if you came here from our homepage. If not then, I am an 11 year old German shepherd mix living in Florida with my big family. There will be a link posted back to our homepage if you would like to meet everyone. I get to do this page cause I'm the eldest of our familly and have a little more experience. You know how these young whipper snappers are. Can't stay focussed on one project at a time. WOOF WOOF
Mom's breaking out the Christmas decorations. We love Christmas. We Furry guys each get our very own jingle bell to wear. Birds don't get one 'cause they might get their toes caught in it. Oh well, their loss. Mom says that we have been extra good this year. You know what that means. Santa's gonna bring us some good stuff. Hope Santa brings all of you some good stuff too. WOOF WOOF WOOF MEOW SQUACK.
Please excuse that squack from the Feathered guy's. Mom is trying to teach them to say Merry Christmas but they just keep saying "Hello" (WOOF)
Mom keeps trying to tell us about this stuff called snow. We just don't get it, being born and raised in Florida and all. It has been a bit nippy out lately though. Sounds kinda nice. Mom says it's kinda hard to build a sandman, cause that's what we got here (SAND). I am sure that Gypsy would go nuts over snowball fights, and I know that Jake would love bounding thru the snow after some rabbit. Don't worry, he wouldn't hurt the bunny. He just likes to run and jump. WD on the other hand probably would be happier cuddled up by a fireplace. Lazy old cat. I shouldn't talk, since I have reached my golden years, I don't run round that much myself. I still get excited over my jingle bell though. Makes me feel like a pup again.
Gypsy and Sheeba
This is a picture of me and Gypsy with our jingle bells and sweatshirts. It was taken before Jake came to live with us.
WD wants to know who put these antlers on him
I told him not to stay up so late last night drinking eggnog. That was some Christmas Party, I'm telling you.
Gypsy wants to try out for the reindeer games. Do you think all the other reindeer will laugh and call her names? (LOL)
And Jake Hung The Stockings With Care
Oh Mom, can't we have a real tree this year? "I promise not to pee on it, even though I am a boy". "Tee-Hee"
Hector is keeping a lookout for Santa's Sleigh. This will be his first Christmas here with us. I know that he will enjoy it because he sure liked Thansgiving here.(LOL)
"Umm, Excuse Me Here"
I seem to be having a little dificulty getting these lights untangled from last year.Why don't you go on over to the next page and see how the feathered half of the family are handling all of this. Don't forget to go to our homepage and sign our guestbook. We would love to hear from you. Merry Christmas To All!
We would like to say a special thanks to Marvaline for all the great graphics and music for this site. Just click on the banner below to visit her webpages.