1st of all....JUSTIN IS THE HOTTEST!!!!
2nd of all...... LANCE RULEZ!
3rd of all.... J.C. has and AwEsOmE voice!!!
4th.....Joey...well he's funny
5th.....Chris is Da Man
They all can dance! Better than BSB!
AwEsOmE EnTeRtAiNeRz!!!!
THEY RULE!!!!!!!
i LoVe ThEm ALL!!!!!!
~* NsYnC's LiNks *~
My mAiN MaN.... jUsTiN
A LiL bOuTz My MaN LaNcE
AnYoNe HeRe LiKe J.C? ThEn cLiCk HeRE
ALL AbOuT JoEy Up iN DiSs jOiNt!
A LiL BoUtZ Da FuNnY OnE...cHrIs
tHiEr SiTe
*NsYnC sTuDiO
2 NsYnC 2 Be TrUe
NsYnC CoNtEStS ~N~ mOrE
PiX ~N~ StiX
DiS PaGe HaS PiX!!!!
E-Mail Me!
MeEt Me BaCk HoMe
Hey Peeps! Thanx for coming! I hope you liked my page about the best group in the world! *N Sync!!! I love ya'll...come back anytime and why don't ya go back to my page and chill there a lil` more...get to know me!! lol peace from da middle east!! ~Erin~
You Got It Rap ((Justin's thing he copied from 112))