The mission of the National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc. is to assist families and individuals affected by auditory processing disorders through education, support, and public awareness as well as promoting auditory access of information for those affected by auditory processing disorders.
Articles of Incorporation:
The Articles of Incorporation for the NCAPD were filed in the state of Florida on August 14, 2000. Our next step is to adopt Bylaws, prepare a business plan and file for a nonprofit status with the IRS. Although we will begin operations during this time, we can not guarantee the deductablity of donations until we have the final IRS approval on our 501(c)3 status.
The bylaws for the NCAPD are currently being submitted to the Board of Directors for approval and will be posted.
Board of Directors:
The initial Board of Directors will consist of
Dr. Jay Lucker, Dr. Deborah Moncrieff and Debbie Wood. Dr Lucker, known to many as Dr J, is from Galludet University and is the host of both the parent listserv and professional listserv on CAPD. Dr. Moncrieff is from the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches and conducts research. Debbie Wood has a daughter that was diagnosed with CAPD in 1998 and is currently the host of the website CAPD: From the Heart of a Mother and the CAPD Online Support Group.
Membership in the NCAPD will be offered as a way to support the NCAPD. The different levels of annual membership will be:
Donations to support the efforts of the NCAPD will be gratefully accepted. We are currently in the process of applying for our 501(c)3, nonprofit, status from the IRS. Until the final approval is recieved we can not guarantee that donations will be tax deductable. Once the approval is recieved a notice of final determination will be posted.
Referral Program*:
Currently the NCAPD is compiling a list of audiologists who test for auditory processing disorders (APDs). The NCAPD is also compiling a list of those professionals, whether they are speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, etc. who offer remeadiation strategies and therapy to individuals affected by APDs. If you are interested in being added to this list, please email the NCAPD using the link below.
While it will be a pleasure of the National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc to provide a list of professionals, the NCAPD does not guarantee the services provided by each of the professionals and therefore assumes no liability. The professional resources listed on this site are being provided to you as a resource list only. NCAPD recommends that before anyone schedules an appointment, with any professional, that you verify their credentials and verify they offer the services you are seeking.
Public Awareness:
Part of the mission of the NCAPD is to increase public awareness of auditory processing disorder among audiologists, speech-language pathologists, pediatricians, educators, parents, etc. In order to increase public awareness the NCAPD will be publishing information geared toward each of these categories of people. In the near future, the NCAPD will also offer public awareness programs and seminars.
Online Support Group:
The NCAPD will sponsor an Online Support Group that will host various professionals willing to donate their time to help families and individuals affected by APD's.