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The biggest city in the South. It holds the NationsBank Plaza, which is the tallest skyscraper in the Southeast. It is also home to TBS, the Braves, CNN, Martin Luther King's grave, and Southern food.

L: A View down Peachtree; R: A church reflected in another building

L: A view from the Olympic Park; R: Looking up under a pedestrain bridge at the Westin Hotel

L: A view of the Atlanta skyline from the highway; R: Another view from the Olympic Park

L: A view from the Olympic Park; R: Peachtree Center

L: Looking up from the lobby of the Westin Hotel; R: A mirror inside the lobby of the Westin Hotel

Some buildings downtown

L: A fire hydrant in Atlanta; R: Macy's in downtown Atlanta

My friend John from the top of a parking garage
