Rotsel's Humor Page
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Welcome to Rotsel's Humor page

Hopefully something other than that midi version of Deep Purple's
BURN in the background. I am Really tired of that song!!!
It should be "A whiter shade of pale", for you older folks.

Some of you may recognize these two...
Getting ready to go out and get Middevil with some fool


Well, ok. Its an older photo...errr...taken a few years ago
...uh, back when I had hair.... really...

Transcripts from the last presidential debate. Click to see my tribute to PETA.

The Ultimate PWC Repellent - Results of a test of one of the Navy's new weapons

Coming up: A tribute to the Democaratic Party....The men and women behind the election fraud...


Also, is Christmas time again...and just what does that mean for us athiests?

Click to go back to the home page, gee, i hope this works..err, nothing really bad could happen, could it? I mean, like civilization wont fall or something like that..would it??? /