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Snowball, you left us breathless....

Pets are not just like family...they ARE family. Having a pet can bring great joy to ones life. Loosing one, whether through illness or accident, can be painful. I have found over the years that pets, like people, each have their own personality. Each can be loving, playful companions and yet at the next moment, be a royal pain in the ass. However, even after they have destroyed your furniture or kept you awake part of the night with playfully chasing each other on your bed, you wouldnt trade them for all the money in the world.

On March 31, 2001 one of the joys in our life, Snowball, was hit by a car. He died later that day. The emotional highs and lows of that day were tremendous. I had not felt that way since my father passed away 10 years before. His brother, CC seems to have taken it ok. I think he saw the accident, so I believe he knows whats happened. He did get to rub noses with snowball before we went to the animal hospital. CC has clinging to us since we came back to the house. As much as I grieve for Snowball, I feel bad for CC. He has lost his litter mate, and his daytime companion. We will never see them playfully frolicking with each other in the yard together, or cuddling with each other at night. Of course as painful as this is, life, goes on. However, we will always on remember the year and a half Snowball was with us. We did our best to make him happy, as he made us feel. I believe in my heart he was.....

