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Port Canaveral Florida Full Day & Half Day trips available Bait, Tackle and ice provided No license required 4 person max Most reasonable rates in area, guaranteed!



The Scalawag With Captain Bob Barfield
Capt Bob has been fishing the Atlantic for over 30 years.  His knowledge of the waters and Special
places to fish will make your trip one of the most successful fishing trips of your life.


Port Canaveral Florida
Full Day & Half Day trips available
Bait, Tackle and ice provided
No license required
4 person max
Most reasonable rates in area, guaranteed!
Captain Bob Barfield has over 30 years experience in fishing and The Scalawag is a proven tournament winning boat!!

(321) 452-8583




Thanks for visiting our site!

We hope to see you soon.  Please call us if you have any questions we can answer for you.


Capt Bob Barfield. 





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