4/3/03 Okay I just got some GREAT news. A friend of mine that gets his information from god knows where has just informed me that Smarts WILL be shipped to the US in 2005! They will be the '06 models. Also, a dealership is opening up north of Miami called Smart-US. It looks pretty promising. Read the disclaimer that pops up! Things are getting a little more exciting! Stay tuned and sorry for taking so long to update.
2/12/03 It's about freaking time I do something. I'm in school and it's really taking its toll so it's so hard to keep focused. Check out this site. Someone did it! Don't know how, but he did. Stay tuned for when I get a response on that. Meanwhile, me and Dr. Smart met up here in Sarasota and talked a bit. Good times. Things are still slow but I have a bit of good news. According to DaimlerChrysler, they'll be here in 2005. I know it's a long way off, but you can find the article here. If you're too lazy to look for it, it says: "With the start of production of a further smart model in Juiz de Fora (Brazil), smart plans to enter the US market in 2005." Sounds good to me. If you still can't wait, stay tuned. I'm still looking!
9/27/02 Okay that didn't turn out the way I had hoped. I'm thinking that now it may be October before I get some real substantial news. Also, it's great to see that the forums are pretty active. Sorry about taking so long to update, but I've had so much work that this is the first time I've been able to do anything smart-related in about a week or two. Let's keep thinking that things will get better. I'm sure they will :) I'm expecting some pretty important news that may help pretty soon. I'll update if I get anything cool :)
9/13/02 Give me 24 hours and I promise everything will fall into place! This may be it...
8/31/02 My friend Oliver just completed a new smart site. It's pretty cool! Even the name kicks ass: TheXBlade. Obviously the site has a lot to do with the new crossblade. Definately check it out.
8/11/02 Well on the last entry I said they might be able to be imported in a month or two. It's really not confirmed, since I was basing it off of some personal experiences and the current situation that's going on in Canada, since Mercedes has decided to take preorders up there. However I don't think that that will go anywhere until next year. All things are looking like 2003, or at most 2004. Hey, at least we're getting somewhere!
8/11/02 First things first: DaADA1@aol.com no longer works, because I cancelled the account yesterday. Also, first day of school is tomorrow. Yay I can't wait. I'm pretty sure that smarts will be officially launched next year, but will be able to be legally imported within the next month or two. How exciting! I'll try to update as soon as I learn more. Also, check out the pics in the forum :)
8/6/02 Just a real quick update: go see "Signs". Also, things are DEFINATELY going somewhere. Keep checking back in! We never know what's happening next..
7/28/02 Okay I'm back from Key West (and all I can say is wow). I found a smart in South Beach at "The Wave" hotel. Very cool! I'm working on something so gimme a few days and I'll have more to our great idea! Keep checking back!
7/17/02 Well I think that me and a friend Pat may be onto something... I'll DEFINATELY let you all know when something works out. We have a GREAT idea. Keep coming back! I promise this will be really cool if it works out!
7/13/02 Turns out I do have my address book. I'm sorry it's been slow, but the rumor is that maybe I'll have some info by late August. Forums are still active :) If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask if you need to know something that is not encompassed in this ridiculously large site. Also, I'm still coming to terms with a site rennovation. One more thing: I'm bogged down with all this summer reding for school. In case you want to know, the books on the list are: "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco, "The Kiss of the Spiderwoman", and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Quite diverse, n'est-ce pas? I've got my fair share of work cut out for me, but I'll get through it and maybe I'll have more free time when school starts. Later.
7/4/02 I know I'm stupid. I accidentally deleted my address book because I was having some Outlook Express trouble. If everyone would be so kind as to resend me your addresses, I'd be very happy since I don't know them (or most of them) off the top of my head :) Also, check out the redesigned British smart site. Looks great!
6/30/02 Okay I have a very interesting site (thanks Michael). It has rumors that smart is coming over here next year and will be sold at Dodge dealerships. Read here. You will definately like this (if it's true).
6/24/02 I know it's been a while, so don't chastise me. I'm still working; don't think I'm slacking off! I got a driver's license (finally) so now I could at least drive a smart if I got one. Also, just a little tip, click the "notify me of updates" button by the ad on the top of the site. I'm still working on securing a .com domain and making the site look nicer since I know this HTML looks poor. The Mexican plan isn't going too bad :) I'll let you know what turns up.
4/3/02 Some more news. I have declared an official site theme song. Listen to it here. Also, all's quiet on the western front as far as this issue goes. Not sure what else is going to go down but I can feel something building up in the air. Can you? Sure you can. Well check the forum cause Barn Hills Mini guy is updating us on what's going on. If you need the background on the current scenario, here it goes: He (from Britain) and a customer (in like New Jersey or something) are putting a smart through the system right now and are gonna let us know what happens. Also, a quick reminder: use my new email! Pretty soon I won't be able to access my AOL account. If you need it again, it's DaADA1@comcast.net. Also,about my 'Mexican' plan, I'll give you a hint: it involves importing them through Mexico into a dealer down there and taking orders out of a P.O. Box set up down there and then shipping them in since it should be legal... well now there's not much more to figure out but let me know what you think. See ya.
3/27/02 Sorry I haven't updated in so long, but my computer had 4 viruses and it wiped my hard drive (don't worry, it can't affect you) and so now I have a cable modem and I can get everything back. Also, I have changed my email to DaADA1@comcast.net so use that from now on. Also, sorry that I haven't responded to a few of the emails I've received, but some didn't work and if you email me through the map thing, the return address is bravenet. I have a little piece of new news: Smarts are now being sold in Mexico, and to my understanding, Mexican cars can be driven here. So I'm toying with a wild idea and I'll post on whether or not I decide to go through with it. See ya later.
2/25/02 Latest update: Dr. Smart does NOT know how to get one over here. Al at the Smart Club got confused and wrote that the Doc did it. That's actually I think a testing model that was parked near his daughter's school. Also, about the mid-year thing, that's when they're expecting the decision to be made if they will release here or not. It probably wouldn't be until at least late 2003 or 2004 until they would start selling, so my way is the best way to go. Also, maybe you've seemed to lose sight of the fact that if you go through an RI (registered importer), they must find a way to legalize the car. I think if they don't they just send it back. However, if someone does this, maybe this could legalize it. Also, it's almost a guaranteed like 99% chance that they'll succeed. If you want me to give you the nearest one (that is if you're interested), email me. Also, I will be calling the Customs port that might know the answers. I'll update again tonight. Over and out..
2/23/02 OUCH! Heart rate 240/160... must calm myself from what I have just been bestowed... a letter from... DR. SMART! Basically he said that they might be released here in mid-this year! I dunno but judging by The Smart Club UK (www.thesmartclub.co.uk) Dr. Smart can get one over here. If you're a member, go to the members gallery. Also, on a Detlef note, he's getting a new numeric blue this week. I believe he's in Miami right now picking it up. Haha sounds like underground gossip to me! Great news... I'll keep you posted!
2/12/02 Okay I realized I put the last entry 2nd down. I fixed that. Well I'm still awaiting the soon-to-come news (if you don't know what I mean, see the latest 2/4)
2/11/02 I'm still awaiting some more legal confirmation but things should go okay. Just give me a little more time. I know this is taking a while but everyone must be patient. I say this because I'm getting a lot of impatient emails but don't worry there'll be a break soon. Also, some emails have asked me why I'm doing this if I can't get a smart. I do because I like them and I want to see some over here. Anyways I'll keep it updated.
2/4/02 YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE THIS! Check the forum under the 2nd to top post I think where I put the little frowny face today. GREAT NEWS!!!! I think it can be found here but I'm not so sure. You have to read it for yourself :)
2/4/02 Wow. The Rams just couldn't help themselves. They HAD to give the Patriots that 40 yard kick! Oh well, enough said. Not much more on the auto front. I'm tracing down the mythical "Dr. Smart". You know him? He's the guy with all the answers. I swear the FBI couldn't even find this guy. Let me know if you have any news on his whereabouts. Also, I haven't changed the logo yet since I'm still trying to find an idea. I'm still keeping this a primitive site since I don't have enough time to make it flash or anything cool. Let me know if you can find this fugitive, though.
2/3/02 First order of business: GO RAMS! Second, I changed the site name so it includes Canada because this applies to them too :) Also, it appears as though Detlef has lowered his prices. Maybe you'll give him a ring? Also, I saw the new mk6 model. Wow! Wait 'till that comes out! Sliding glass roof! New colors! Wow. I'll change the logo tonight, too. Don't worry, Canada, I'm on the way...
1/31/02 Last day of January. The cdi on ebay was sold to a guy up in NJ. It's a kit car, so it won't be registered as a normal car if it's legal... I don't think. I'm still looking for someone with the money to afford one to jump in head first. I don't know if there's any way we can wait for a confirmation; I need a brave soul to try it and fight the system until it comes out the other side legal. You can also use any of my contacts and try that since they all say it's legal. Personally, I'm tired of dealing with customs so I'll probably use another source. Also, don't forget, supposively registered importers can get ANY car legalized as long as you pay for the required mods. I don't know if any are necessary which is why I need a brave soul to help me out. I'm poor so I'm out of the equation. The equation is: brave + $ = answer. Let me know what you think. I know a few people who are reluctant, so it's not as far-fetched as you think.
1/25/02 Okay I've received a number of emails regarding my age. If you really care, I'm 15... if that makes any difference. Now that that's sorted out, I've gotten a lot of emails and my old mail has been emptied. So, I'm thinking of emailing people on a sort of "mailing list" if you want to be notified of when I update the site and on breaking developments. I'll still update the site; don't worry. If you want me to put you in my address book, let me know. Also, I haven't been responding in the forum because Bravenet is supposed to email me when someone does. However, it seems that it only does when it feels like it, and I don't go in there unless it lets me know. So if you post and I don't respond IMMEDIATELY, email me and I'll post the Q and A up for the world. Thanks :)
1/20/02 I'm aware that I've been writing '01 for these entries so I fixed that; no need to laugh. On another, stranger note, Detlef's selling his smart on eBay! I was amaized to hear the news, but here it is larger than life! I wrote him to see if it's US registered and should get a response soon. I'll let you know. The auction's currently at $12.5 k, reserve not met. You know what else? There's another one on here too! It's on Connecticut. They say it can't be registered in CT but they think it can in Florida (blessèd be my state!). So I'm writing him about that one too. So that's 2 for sale thus far. I'm awaiting responses from both sellers and I'll DEFINATELY give a heads-up on what's next. This is exciting!
1/14/02 Here, I compiled a list of all the potential dealers. You'll enjoy this. Also, I added a new one to the list that's hoping to see if it works. Go here. If you have ANY questions, let me know! Also, I have a ton of music I listen to on this server for my own purposes but just if you actually care about that, then I'll list the links here instead of making a completely new page: Part of the theme from the movie Contact. "Midori" from this one Japanese movie I have. "Pie Jesu" from Fauré's Requiem (sorry for the Japanese in here, but I taped this off the movie. Caution: she screams REALLY loud, so don't play it loud.)
1/3/02 Okay, I just got the almighty call. Sounds like it's... OKAY!!!! Basically the lady in Miami tried not to say anything to incriminating, but she said that if he imported it, he got it cleared with customs (which means also the EPA and DOT). Which means that if you show the right documents (I'm gonna get some crash test docs from England) then it's all yours. When I get them I'll be happy to give them to you. So you do this: 1) contact the dealer here, pay a lot, and do no work. 2) Call Europe, get a car, pay them, tell them to clean it and put it on a boat, wait for it to get here, tell customs that another guy did it and he has it registered (FL tag MGF 50M), if you need help write me, and then they'll let it go because basically if that guy did it we can do it. It should be covered by insurance, and most small operations like oil changes can be performed by people here. Any spare parts for major repairs are your problem :) I'm sure you have a million questions that I can answer, so gimme a yell. I'm online constantly.
1/2/02 Well guess what... I FOUND IT!!!!!!!! And guess what again... IT'S FOR SALE!!!!!!! And furthermore... THERE'S A USA DEALER HERE IN SARASOTA!!!!!!!! Okay, trust me, it's just irony and luck that there's one a mile away from my house. He says thery're perfectly legal, because it has a Florida "dealer" plate. There's just one problem. He has a stream green/black cabrio pulse for sale for $24,000. Duh! This guy is smart! Nice profit! If you want to buy one from him, basically take the price, multiply it by two, and expect to pay that much. All you have to do is let him know and it'll be there at your door; no effort on your part. Contact info and a newspaper article are available here. But, do you know what this guy just did? He proved that you can import one here legally! So, if you want to go through the trouble, go ahead and import one and let it sit in Customs. Then, tell them this guy did it and has it Florida-registered. If they say no, whine and complain and write me. I'll call and whine and complain for you and figure something out. I think the dealer brought it through Miami, so I called and left a message and I'm expecting them to call back tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get a used silver one from England (get it from England since their clocks are in MPH, and the rest of Europe is KPH) and get it into Tampa. There should be no problems. I'll let you know 100% within 2 days. So there are your 2 options. Have fun and BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!