Disclaimer: The Power Rangers belong to Saban Entertainment. All the characters herein are his property (for a change). This story takes place during the Turbo movie.

Author's Note: Okay, let me preface this by making a silly point: this isn't really a Kat/Tommy story. Why do I say that? Because, I think that interpretation takes away from my intention. This is a Katherine vignette. This is about her, and her feelings. Tommy is secondary. That's why it's in first person.

Now, I shall defend my interpretation of Kat. While I am not a Kat/Tommy fan (and everyone in Creation knows that), I do like Kat. She is potentially very dimensional, with complicated feelings. Frankly, anyone in her situation (dating a man whom you're not quite sure is over his former girlfriend) is one many women deal with. I don't feel I'm saying anything bad about her. I took on this project to explore what could have happened behind the curtains of the movie. That, and I couldn't get the below quote out of my head.

In His Arms
by Rachel Dawson

"He's got you on a pedestal, and me in his arms."
My Best Friend's Wedding

It was finally over. I had to repeat it several times to myself before it really sank in. We had come so close to losing everything. We almost lost Lerigot. We almost lost Kimberly and Jason. We almost lost the whole war... to a walking, breathing, growling pile of magma. But we had come through it, none the worse for wear.

As I passed my gaze around the cockpit of the new Turbo Megazord, I inwardly sighed in relief. True, everyone else was celebrating, throwing hugs around and patting each other on the back, but that's not my style. I'm more reserved than that. Instead of congratulating myself for a victory, I quietly thank God we didn't see a defeat.

I guess I just prepare myself for defeat, and consider every victory as a stroke of luck, or beating the odds. Even though we win more than we lose, I take every battle extremely seriously.

But... maybe that's not the reason why I'm not celebrating. After all, this was a major victory. And we had friends to welcome back. Which, as it turns out, is part of my problem.

"Hey, Kat!" came a cheerful call, as a pair of hands fell onto my shoulders with force enough to make me jump. "It is you in there, isn't it?"

I smiled weakly as I pulled off my new helmet, and inclined my head to see the person behind me. Kimberly smiled widely, her curly hair falling onto my shoulder as she bent over me and plucked my helmet out of my grasp.

"You know, these new Turbo suits are pretty snazzy," Kim commented, staring into the visor of the pink helmet, "Suddenly, you guys are changing your uniforms like you change your socks!"

"Well, with new villains come new powers," I answered, trying my best to smile as I endured the conversation, "The Machine Empire used weaponry that was qualitatively different from what we expected from Divatox, so Zordon saw it fitting to give us new powers, to handle this new threat."

Kim looked at me for a long, uncomfortable moment. I felt her gaze upon me, and squirmed slightly as I watched her thoughtfully fumble with my helmet. Finally, Kim handed me the helmet, and laid her hand on my arm, her eyes staring right into my soul.

"Are you all right, Kat?" she asked me, concern written all over her face. I wasn't surprised that Kim saw right through me. I was being curt with her, which is certainly not how I normally act around friends.

Just why was it that I didn't really count Kimberly as one of my friends? I always said I did, but deep down... I didn't feel comfortable in her presence. It's always like I'm being evaluated. I guess you can chalk that up to an overactive imagination, mixed with an unhealthy dose of self-criticism.

"I'm just tired, that's all," I answered, leaning back deeper into my seat. I then turned toward the control panel in front of me, and toyed with a few buttons. "Besides, someone has to make sure we get home alright."

Kim shook her head, and glanced at the view screen. An almost wistful grin crossed her lips as she gazed at the horizon, as the vast ocean passed beneath the speeding Zord. "If there is one thing I've missed about being a Power Ranger, it's this. Flying. Every Zord I had was blessed with wings, letting me glide through the air like a bird."

It seemed funny to me somehow. Even though I stood in for Kimberly as the Pink Ranger, my experience as the Pink Ranger was so vastly different from hers. Case in point, I never had a winged Zord, while that's the only sort of Zord she'd ever known. Just before she left for Florida, the Ninjazords were disabled by Lord Zedd, forcing the Rangers to rely on the more powerful Shogunzords. However, she never actually rode in a Shogunzord. And in fact, the Pink Ranger didn't really have a Shogunzord. Instead, I shared the White Zord with Tommy.

It's almost like Zordon had prepared for a rookie Pink Ranger to take the scene.

I happened to glance up at Kimberly when I heard her rising from her seat. "I'm going to check on Bulk and Skull," she affirmed, "They're still in some sort of weird daze, but Tommy and Jason are trying to snap them out of it." She smiled warmly at me, the same gentle, inviting smile that oddly made me shudder. "See ya, Kat."

I watched my petite predecessor strode into the back room just behind the cockpit, where entrances to various rest quarters and the infirmary were found. With her gone, I was finally alone in the cockpit. I wasn't sure where everyone else went, but they were all divided between the infirmary, the rest quarters, or somewhere else.

Surely, none of them felt uncomfortable. Why is it that, no matter how long I've been an active Power Ranger, I still can't feel right at home?

I wish I didn't doubt myself. I wish I didn't expect the worst. I wish I wasn't quite so paranoid.

I thought I had dealt with these feelings... but it's apparent that I only buried them. And now, recent events have caused them to strike back with a vengeance.

No matter what, I can't get certain images out of my head.

Tommy's expression when he saw Kimberly trapped in Divatox's bilge. The way he dove into the ocean when Elgar came to trade Kim and Jason for Lerigot. He desperately waded to the first figure, and when he discovered it was a mannequin, he still dove for the other. It's like reason gave way to pure panic at the thought of losing them.

Of losing her.

I can't say I was sure it was Kimberly he was really concerned for, until we reached Maligore's chamber. As Kim and Jason were lowered into the pit of lava, Tommy kept screaming Kimberly's name. And when Kim and Jason became evil, he dared to even take of his helmet, and beg Kimberly to remember him.

Ever since this entire adventure began, Kimberly was all that was on his mind.

How am I supposed to feel about that?

I do wish I was able to put these horrible images out of my mind, but I just can't. It brings back to my memory how Kim and Tommy were when I first met them... how they were in that photograph I had stolen from Kim's backpack when I snatched her Power Coin.

Together, hand in hand. So happy with the world, just because of each other.

I can't put the question to rest. Does he still love her? After all this time, and with all that's happened since their breakup, can he possibly still feel so strongly for her?

These concerns keep plaguing me. I can't help but start to wonder... if he still loves her, what does he feel for me? He never actually said that he loved me. We went on a few dates, but... is that all I'll ever be to him?

I don't really know what to expect from him. I mean, could I ever really compare to the perfect creature Kim is to him? No matter the pain she put him through, he always spoke fondly of their time together. Never a harsh word uttered about her.

Could she possibly be as perfect as he remembers her? And how I am I supposed to feel, being matched against the epitome of what a woman should be?

It's time I was fair to myself. Yes, I love him. I love him dearly. I've cared for him since I met him, and I treasure the time we spend together. But I do have some self-respect. I refuse to put my hopes of happiness upon a man who only feels lukewarm about me.

Suddenly, a determination and courage that I never felt before burned in my heart, and I stood up from my station. I figured that this very moment probably wasn't the best time to face Tommy, but I doubted I'd have the courage to do it later.

At this moment, I felt strong enough to handle whatever conclusion Tommy came to about me. My only desire was to end this tormenting rampage of doubts and confusions that were drowning me.

The only way I'd be comfortable near Kimberly is if I know I'm no longer living in her shadow.

So, I tucked my helmet into the crook of my arm, and slowly made my way toward the infirmary. The door was closed, but I clearly heard voices from behind it, laughing at some joke or fond memory.

I felt my resolve weaken, but I pressed the entry code nonetheless. The door slid open, and I hesitantly stepped inside.

Before me were five individuals, scattered around the chamber. Bulk and Skull were still standing erect, babbling something incomprehensible and twitching slightly. Jason was sitting a lab station in the corner, still chuckling as he scanned through some information presented on a computer screen. Meanwhile, Tommy and Kimberly were still laughing over something, his deep, heartfelt laugh mixing with her bell-like giggle as they passed bio-scanners over the patients' foreheads.

The three were so involved in their laughter, they didn't even perceive my presence.

"...and remember when... they brought that cage full of cockroaches into the Youth Center, and tried to sell Cockroach Kung Fu?" Kim gasped between giggles.

"Man," Jason uttered, laughing anew, "did you see the look on Zack's face? He can't stand being anywhere near bugs or spiders."

"Zack was about a hair's width from leaving the Youth Center," Tommy added, grasping his stomach, "Now that was a great Bulk and Skull moment!"

I wanted to smile... to join in the fun. But I couldn't. I guess I perceived Bulk and Skull differently from the rest. To me, there were always the sweet-but-bungling Junior Police Officers, trying so hard to be heroes. But to them, Bulk and Skull will always be remembered as punks, trying to get everyone's attention through silly hi-jinks.

Once again, I felt alienated. Kim and Tommy are sharing something that I can't be a part of.

I couldn't stand being an outsider... I had to make my presence known.

"Hi guys," I called, moving further into the room, "Wow, looks like there's a party in here."

"No party," Kim said, wiping tears from her eyes, "Just a stroll down memory lane."

I glanced at Tommy for a moment, trying to read his expression. He smiled at me, still a little flushed from the laughter. He didn't look at all guilty, or displeased to see me.

I guess that's a good sign. At least he didn't feel I was intruding.

"So how are the patients?" I inquired.

"Still dazed and confused," Jason sighed, "We've figured out that their brain patterns have been really screwed up by whatever weird brainwashing method Divatox used. There's really nothing we can do. Hopefully Zordon will be able to realign their brain patterns."

My gaze shifted around the room for a short while as I decided the best way to speak to Tommy alone. I selected the direct approach. "Well, if you guys aren't doing anything terribly pressing, would you mind if I stole Tommy for a second?"

Tommy nodded, quickly grabbing his crimson helmet from a nearby table. He threw a quick wave to Jason and Kimberly, and followed me outside the infirmary. Once the door slid behind us, Tommy gazed at me curiously.

"Is something wrong?" he inquired.

I must admit... I was almost angry with him. How could he possibly not see how awkward this situation made me feel?

Yet, I remained patient. Perhaps, I was reading more into our relationship than was really there. Perhaps I interpreted a few casual dates as something significant... whereas he didn't...?

I hoped the conclusion I had just drawn was false, but it wouldn't leave my mind.

I trembled slightly, as the fear built in my consciousness. I tried to press it back, in an effort to remain stable and calm during our upcoming conversation. My hand was numb as I reached out to Tommy, and wove my fingers through his.

His dark eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Not here," I said quietly, pulling him along with me, "Let's go to the bridge."

Tommy was silent as we walked side by side, hand in hand. He didn't ask a single question, or offer any resistance. When we reached the empty bridge, the only sounds audible were the smooth hum of the computers, the echoes of our footsteps, and the sliding of the doors closed behind us.

I released his hand, letting him hover near the door, while I moved further into the cockpit. I left my helmet on my seat, and my nervous hands folded over my chest. I continued to move, as if unable to actually stop.

I glanced up at him, studying his face with the same expression Billy always wore when he examined computer readouts.

I could tell my gaze surprised Tommy... as well as disturbed him.

But he didn't say a word.

"Tommy," I started, a sigh evident in my voice, "we... we never... talked about... us."

His dark, tender eyes widened for a moment, until his brow furrowed with confusion. "What do you mean, 'talk'?"

I exhaled, slightly annoyed at the fact that I had to be terribly blunt. "About what you feel for me."

There was a type of... coldness in my voice that I didn't intend to inflect. Still, the tone certainly registered with him. His gaze fell from me, as his free hand nervously rose to his head, adjusting his ponytail.

That was his most frequent nervous reaction.

I must admit, I felt horrible for doing this to him. I remember quite well the story Billy told me about Tommy and Kim's relationship. In fact, in preparation for the skiing trip we took after the Letter, Billy shared with me the entire span of the relationship. What surprised me was how long it took Tommy to confess his feelings. It was evident to all the other Rangers that Kim liked him from the very start, and Kimberly Anne Hart cannot be in any way considered a subtle person. She was giving all the hints... but Tommy still hesitated.

He has always been delicate with matters of the heart.

I almost regretted doing this to him.


After all, I have a right to know.

The silence was nerve-wrecking. I knew the longer he delayed, the worse chance there is that I was going to receive a favorable response.

I decided to restate my question.

"Let me put it this way," I decided, leaning against the forward console. My eyes locked with his once again. "What do you feel for me in relation to what you presently feel for Kimberly?"

I wasn't going to touch the idea of our relationship in comparison to his romance with Kim. I wasn't that foolish. I knew we were just beginning, whereas he and Kim were together for so long, they were almost one person.

No... I know that in this state, our relationship is nothing compared to what he shared with Kimberly at their peak.

What I was interested in was the present. That very moment.

His gaze didn't fall from mine. This time, he understood what I meant. His eyebrows rose slightly, as if realization finally dawned on him.

He then threw me a sympathetic look.

I braced myself.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

He felt silent, searching for the right words to convey his feelings. I deflated instantly, my eyes beginning to moisten with the welling despair that had swelled my heart.

I had lost him. No... I never even had him to begin with.

"...I'm sorry for how I've... been acting," he stated, after a painfully long moment.

My gaze leapt from the floor to his. He looked at me tenderly, a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't even think about it... or how it would make you feel," he confessed self-consciously, "I've always protected Kimberly. It's funny actually... half the time she didn't really even need my help. It's practically an instinct. I... I saw her in danger, and... it horrified me. I felt I was failing her."

He fell silent again, a lost expression on his face. It was clear to me he was sorting through these feelings for himself, as well as for my own benefit.

"She depended on me, once upon a time. Jason never really did. So, I felt that she... needed me again. And I couldn't let her down."

I sniffled quietly, squeezing my eyes closed with all the strength I could muster.

I discerned the tenderness in his voice. I could tell how much he missed that... connection he had with Kim. He loved being her White Knight, probably more than she loved being his Pink Princess.

I felt so weak. It was the feeling of surrender.

I couldn't compete with that kind of idealized love. That kind of... fantasy.

I was so absorbed in my own distress, I didn't even hear his footsteps. I couldn't perceive anything at all, until warm arms suddenly wrapped around me.

I jumped, so surprised by his sudden proximity that I nearly choked on my freed sobs. He rocked me gently, holding my head upon his shoulder and patting my hair with his tender hand.

I was perplexed by this reaction. This was not the way to break up with your girlfriend!

"Y... you still love her," I whispered into his ear, "Not me... her."

I wanted to be angry. I wanted to push him away, scream at him, slap him... something.

Instead, I crumbled into his arms. It was amazing how comfortable I felt in his embrace, despite the pending heartbreak.

"I... I do love Kim," he confessed, his own voice slightly choked, "but... it's different now. Almost... distant. If that makes any sense."

I had been crying outright, but this revelation silenced me instantly. I held my breath, waiting for him to finish.

He continued caressing my hair with more affection than he had ever shown me. "Spending time with her made me realize how special she is. She's a terrific, fun, caring person. She's a bit different, now. Not quite... the Kimberly I fell in love with."

He fell into another thoughtful silence. "We're all different now. All of us. And... it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't... miss her, like I used to."

I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"After... the Letter... dozens of times I pictured what it'd be like to see her again. I always expected it would hurt. Like... knives. Sharp and cruel. But... it didn't hurt me at all. I thought I'd be filled with regrets. Like... how did I let her get away? What did I do to drive her into the arms of another guy? But I wasn't. Not one regret. There is nothing to regret."

His hands fell upon my waist, and gently pushed me away. His warm eyes locked with mine, and his tender smile lit up my spirits. "I'm happy," he revealed gently, "I'm happy with you. Not Kim... or memories of Kim. Just you, and how much I've come to-"

He paused, his smile widening.

"-love you."

I couldn't breathe. My mouth hung slightly open, no breath either entering or escaping. My red eyes began to sting all over again.

I finally was able to intake a trembling breath, and my hands flew to my face, covering my shaking lips as I stared into his eyes.

"I... I..." I couldn't even create a coherent response.

His smile was steady, with the confidence I always sensed was in him. His hands gently wrapped around my own, lowering them from my face. He then pulled me toward him.

For the first time, our lips met.

* * *

The next day, I was "me" again. That is to say, I was free from the emotional burden the Maligore incident placed upon me. In fact, I was free from far more than that.

I was truly free... from the self-doubt that had been crawling beneath the surface of my consciousness since the day I came to America.

I felt warm and alive, and completely ecstatic as I watched the match. Needless to say, Tommy, Adam, and Jason were thoroughly trouncing the competition. Thankfully, Jason was qualified to step in for Rocky, given his horrible accident.

Still, Rocky was out of the hospital, and doing fine. All was right with the world.

I know I was screaming the loudest, with completely uninhibited glee, when the winners were announced. Along with the others, I scrambled from my seat, and raced to the ringside with the boundless energy of a girl in love.

Our eyes met from a distance, and the same warm feeling filled me.

As his strong arms almost smothered me with excited affection, my heart leapt with the thrill of the moment. It felt so wonderful to be in his arms, sharing the sweet taste of victory.

I was conscious of the fact that Kimberly was right next to me, screaming excitedly and hugging Jason and Adam in turn. I felt her eyes on us for a moment, but I didn't feel the need... nor the desire... to meet her gaze.

I still didn't know what Kimberly felt for Tommy. I know she ended their relationship, but I don't know if she regrets it. And I guess I'll never know. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't really matter.

Whereas I don't know Kimberly's feelings for Tommy, I do know his feelings for her. I know he loved her. I know he still loves her. I know he always will love her. She was his first love. That doesn't necessarily mean his greatest love, but it's a very special, fond relationship in his memory.

I can't say that I'm happy he still loves Kimberly. I've always been a bit competitive at heart, and the thought of her still holding a portion of his heart does discomfort me. I cannot deny that.

But I can honestly say I'm not threatened by it. His love for Kimberly is focused entirely on memories. On the past. On the way they met, or how they stood together through trials. His love for me, on the other hand, is focused on the present. How we go for strolls after school, or share a bowl of fries while we study for Physics. How I'm always at his side, no matter what obstacle he has to face.

The fact is... he will always love Kimberly, but he's in love with me. He didn't lied to me when he told me how he felt about her and me. Why would he, when I was giving him a free ticket out of our relationship? No, he told me the truth, and I'm content.

I'm the one nestled in his arms.

The End