Welcome my name is Andrew, & this is my webpage. It is about extinct
animals, yet I have one thing most websites don't...the animals picture! The pictures are on
my site right now! Even the background of this website is the photo of an extinct species of wolf.(Sometimes I have trouble telling species apart since
they look so similar to eachother)I had to search every nook & cranny of the internet to
get some of these photos but they were worth it. My website has 5 pages, if you look near
bottom of the page you will see them. Page 2 & 3 have the photos & a bit of info. Page 4
has a lot of information about the animals. Page 5 has illustrations. Please sign my
guestbook! Good news everybody! My website won the 2000 - 2001 - 2002 golden web
Last Modified:
July 10, 2003
Information and Pictures of the following species are currently available:
The Tasmanian Tiger
The Capsian Tiger
The Quagga
The Javan / Bali Tiger
The Carribean Monk Seal
The Passenger Pigeon
The Tarpan
The Navassa Iguana
Illustrations of the following species are currently available as well:
The Dodo Bird
Miss Waldrons Red Colobus Monkey
The Great Auk
The New Zealand Quail