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Learn Afrikaans! Leer Afrikaans!

So you want to learn some Afrikaans?

Afrikaans is a unique and interesting language to learn. However, once you've learned Afrikaans you'll find that you're using it a lot more than you first thought.

What is Afrikaans?

Afrikaans developed from 17th century Dutch. Afrikaans is a Germanic language and is related to English, German, and Dutch. Therefore, it is actually a language of the Indo-European line, and has very little connection with the native African languages of the South African black community. It is an African language in as far as the geographical location of its origin, and some words that it has borrowed.

I highly recommend going to, there you can download a free Afrikaans dictionary which can be used offline and contains thousands of words.

Let's get started...

Lesson 1 - Les Een
Lesson 2 - Les Twee
Numbers - Nommers
The Family - Die Familie
Animals - Diers

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