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Lesson 1!

Ok, to start off with you need some simple vocab. This should get you and your Afrikaans way..

Good morning: Goeie môre
Good afternoon: Goeie middag
Good evening: Goeie aand
Good night: Goeie nag
Hello: Hallo
Bye: Totsiens
See you later: Sien jou later
Yes: Ja
No: Nee
Do you speak Afrikaans?: Jy Praat Afrikaans?
You are good!: Jy is goed!
I love you: Ek is lief vir jou
I am sorry: Ek is jammer
I am going now: Ek loop nou
I will be right back: Ek kom nou-nou terug
How are you?: Hoe gaan dit met u?
I am fine: Dit gaan goed met my
Fine thank you: Goed dankie
Please: asseblief
Thank you: dankie
Thank you very much: Baie dankie
What is your name?: Wat is jou naam?

Afrikaans have a unique pronounciation rule for most of their words and letters. Below I have listed a few of these...

a - as u in cup (kap)
aa - as u in cup but longer like ah (daad)
aai - as y in why (laai)
ae - as u in dust but longer like ah, followed by article a (dae)
b - similar to b in English
c - as k in kitten (Calvinis)
c - as s in size (celcius)
ch - guttural sound like ch in loch (chemie)
ch - as k in kitten (chloor)
ch/sj - as sh in shot (China/Sjina)
d - as d in donkey (daar)
d - as t in hat (bed)
e - as ee in deer (edel)
e - as e in hen (ken)
e - as e in angel (bevat)
ê - as ai in hair (hê)
ee - as ee in deer (een)
eë/ië - as ea in fear, pronounced as two sounds (leër/skiër)
eeu - as ew in few (leeu)
ei - as ay in play (seil)
eu - as ee in deer with lips pouted (deur)
eu - as ew in few (euforie)
f - similar to f in English
g - gutteral sound like ch in loch (geld)
gh - as g in golf (gholf)
h - similar to h in English
i - as e in angel (sit)
ie - as ee in breed (dier)
ie - as i in sick (siek)
j - as y in you (jaar)
kn - as c in cat + n in no (knoop)
ng - as ng in sing (vang)
o - as oo in loot followed by rapid w with pouted lips (bode)
o - as oo in loot, but shorter (euforie)
o - as o in fort but shorter (oggend)
o - as oy in boy (potjie)
ô - as au in cause (môre)
oe - as oo in loot (voer)
oe - as oo in loot, but shorter (voet)
oë - as oe in doer (vermoë)
oei - as ooey in phooey but preceded with rapid w (koei)
oo - as oo in loot followed by rapid w with pouted lips (soom)
ooi - as oi in oil but preceded with rapid w (strooi)
ou - as oa in coat (hout)
p - similar to p in English
r - as r in very, but lightly rolled (duiker)
r - strongly rolled r, almost Scots (rooi)
s - similar to s in English
t - similar to t in English
tj - as ch in chunk (tjank)
u - as i in sick with lips pouted (u)
ui - as ay in play but longer with pouted lips (lui)
uie - as aye in player but longer with pouted lips (beduie)
uu - as ee in breed but with lips pouted (duur)
v - as f in fun (vul)
w - as w in sweep (swem)
w - as v in visit (water)
y - as ay in play (yster)
z - similar to z in English

Ok, You're ready for lesson two now... Click on the arrow to proceed to the next lesson

Lesson 2 - Les Twee
Numbers - Nommers
The Family - Die Familie
Animals - Diers