June 2002
Ty Reidy and Dale Weaver Fans of Canadian Football Welcome to Third and Nine, the exciting and interactive newsletter from www.fansofcanadianfootball.com. Just like the website this newsletter is made by the fans of Canadian football for the fans of Canadian football. Inside you will find articles written by fans across the world expressing their thoughts and opinions on this great game and sharing many experiences they have had while following their favorite teams, players and games. Also, you will find upcoming news and reports on related Canadian football events happening in your city. Upcoming issues may also include interviews on players, management, and fan’s and maybe even the sausage and beer vendors where you have the chance to have your questions asked and answered. If you wish to participate in upcoming issues by submitting articles for other fans to enjoy please e-mail us at cflfans@hotmail.com for details. But for now sit back, relax and enjoy newsletter and if when you are done send it to some friends for them to enjoy. Then come to fansofcanadianfootball.com and go to the fan forum where you can discuss articles you have read or share your own thoughts and opinions on this great game with fans across the world. THIRD AND NINE
Fansofcanadianfootball.com would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who gave ideas for the name of this website. There was many excellent ideas including; Third and Inches, No fourth Down, The 55 Yard Line and No Safe Catch. However, in the end the name Third and Nine suggested by ARGO DAVE was decided on. We were looking for a name that would represent Canadian football and the uniqueness of this game and what better way to describe this than with three downs. As explained by Argo Dave the third represents the number of downs in Canadian football and the Nine represents the number of teams and Canadian cities represented in the league. Therefore, if Halifax gets a team for next year we may have to change the name to Third and Ten and if the league expands further (say to Quebec) we may then be in trouble. But for now the newsletter will be called Third and Nine. Thanks again to Argo Dave for the suggestion and everyone else who submitted ideas. |
Doug Pfeffer
Montreal Rep
Ah yes, the CFL season is almost upon us. The roar of the crowd, the painted faces of those bold enough to walk around town displaying there colors, the French commentators announcing that it is now, “deuxieme, et poussiere” (second and dust?), the bitter cold of a Stampeder's game, and the glare of the computer monitor. That’s right, the computer monitor. It’s not easy being a Canadian, with a deep love of our game, living 2,000 km from home. For yet another season, I will watch the games from the comfort of my bedroom, while my wife watches “Friends, or “Ally McBeil”, or whatever. True that it’s not the same, but it is all that I’ve got. I will manage to get back home for at least one game, Opening Day in Montreal when my beloved Als will take on BC. It’s not as bad as it sounds though, I mean I still get to listen to every game, I get all the stats at the touch of a button, there may not be a beer man, but the beer is cheaper than at the Stadium, and it’s only 30 feet away. True, I don’t have the camaraderie of a home crowd, but then again, I don’t have to wait in line to use the bathroom either. Maybe I can’t watch the game on TV, but have you seen the games on TV lately, not a huge loss. No, I do not have it as good as I would if I was back home, but at least I can get my fix, and I will now have the opportunity to share with all of you all year. Opening Day is just around the corner, and I for one cannot wait. Who needs Father’s day, or another day to remind you of how old you are, or another day for family to visit, and leave behind a mountain of wrapping paper. Give me an Opening Day, and a beer, and I ma happy. So enjoy it all of you who are north of the border, and keep in mind that there is at least one snowbird, dialing up to hear what the Als will do today. Adieu. WHAT’S IN THE NEWS?