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undefined Policy

FANS OF CANADIAN FOOTBALL is a site designed for CFL fans by CFL fans. The site is not an official representative of the CFL or it's teams, or do we imply that any such relationships exists.

This site contains a link section is not responsible for the content on linked sites. Also the site offers a CFL forum which is designed for the fans of the CFL to speak whats on there mind. does monitor the content of the forum but, takes no responsibility for the content. Remeber this is a public forum so do not enclose any personal information.

The site is a picture based website. All personal pictures on the site are either taken by members of or sent in by CFL fans all over Canada. No picture will be sold or reproduced without the consent of the photographer. So in return if you like a picture on the site feel free to download, all we ask is that you email us and let us know first.

If you have a problem please contact us....