Miami Independence Movement newsletter

Publication 2 , 07/11/2001 copyrighted 2001

Thugs, Theives, and Hired Killers

Who pays the salary of the Miami police department? That is a simple question to which many people in Miami have no correct answer. Many believe that the salary of the Miami Police Department is paid by local property taxes. Some say that it is paid by state sales taxes. Some think that it is paid by other taxes. The truth is that the federal government pays the salary of the Miami police department. That’s right the federal government pays the salary of the Miami police department. Is it any wonder then that when the federal tyrants needed the Miami jackbooted thug department to suppress the righteous and peaceful protest conducted by the people of Miami following the kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez by the federal thugs that the pigs were more than happy to oblige? What is the Miami Police Department? It is an occupation force. Just like black police officers in Apartheid South Africa suppressed their own people for a few dollars. So have the Cuban/Miamian police officers of the Miami pig department and other related agencies sold out their people and soul for a few dollars.

But what does that matter when the real guilty ones were the politicians and their financial masters. It is they that appointed those “police” officers to their roles. It is they that love their pockets more than they love their people. It is they that answer to the interest of Washington, instead of the interest of our homeland (Miami) that allow those cops to murder innocent people with impunity. Do any of you out there think it is a coincidence that the cops murder innocent people and are never charged with murder? Recently a North Miami Police officer shot a wheelchair bound man in the back eight times as he was fleeing because the cop claimed that the man threatened him with a gun. A few months ago a videotape was discovered that showed a Miami Police officer, get out of his car grab a man that was passing by in a chock-hold and killing him. The man was just walking by, he was not wanted for any crime, he was not the suspect of any crime. All he did was cross the street once to many times. The forensic officer said that the man died of a rare disorder that causes a person to die instantly if grabbed by surprise. In fact it is so rare no one before this incident had heard of it either. It seems that now in Miami they are discovering new causes of death. Then there

is the case of a bed bound man that was shot by the cops because they said he threatened him. OF course the fact that the man was paralyzed from the neck down raise no eyebrows. All these incidents happen for a reason. They are all allowed to continue happening for a reason. The reason is to scare the population. It is a message to the people, “See we can kill you if we want so stay in line”. That is the message they are sending any dissidents or possible dissidents. They can’t kill the dissidents directly because that would be to obvious, so they send the message subtly by killing people with impunity. The problem we fac is hugh bu it is the same problem being faced by similarly occupied territories around the world. We of the Miami Independence Movement will continue to fight for true local rule, for true justice and for true Independence. Long Live the Republic of Miami. Long live the beautiful people of Miami. By: Miami Independence Movement