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BCC Gay/Bi Students Online

This website is not affiliated with Broward Community College. The site was created by a small group of BCC students. It is for other gay and bi college students on all the BCC campuses to get together for non-political social activities, to hang out, have fun and meet cool people.

Visitor #


Why did you start this group?
Because it was about time somebody did! We're not at all the boring discussion-type group you'd probably imagine a social group to be. That's because we don't sit in a room for an hour every week to debate gay politics. We find such meetings a tad...anal, and we much prefer to be out having a good time with our friends. Of course, we get together now and then to hang-out and talk, but there's no formal structure and the emphasis is on meeting interesting, intelligent people and having fun. This group is especially for young professionals who're back in college part-time and who have neither the time nor the desire to get involved in traditional on-campus social activities.

Also, pathetic as it may be, it is true that some of you guys out there have no real friends and no social life at all, so quit the personal ads and the 900 numbers, and stop calling Miss Cleo--this is your opportunity to meet some real people and to finally GET A LIFE!

Is the group mostly gay men?
Ok, we confess. But the fact that there are more guys here is irrelevant. We simply haven't been approached by many gay women, but we're working to change that (notice our very politically correct photos above, suggesting that women are very much welcome here). And on the matter of political correctness, it may not be correct nor even appropriate to say that most of us are gay. Some are actually bi, and a tiny few are straight. However, the whole idea of this group is to get gay and bi people together to forge good friendships and relationships (or any type of combination betwixt the two); therefore, we're not extremely anxious to invite a large number of straight people into it.

Do I have to be a BCC student?
No. Students from any public or private college in Broward are welcome.

How do I Join?
There's no membership application or fee. If you'd like to join, shoot us an e-mail with a general description of yourself. Include info such as your age, gender, things you like to do, places you like to hang, etc. Our e-mail addy is at the bottom of this page.

Is there a code of ethics?
Kinda sorta. Our friendships have been successful during the past year because we all respect one another and, although we sometimes conduct ourselves in ways that we'd never tell our parents, we neither participate in nor encourage any illegal or unethical activity.

Are there special requirements?
Yup. You must be a college student, and you must be over 21. Oh, and you must be, like, totally cool and somewhat outgoing. Don't worry about being shy, that, we guarantee, is something you'll be cured of once you meet up with us. Our group is relatively small and that's a good thing. We're not particularly interested in becoming a very large group but we'd like to see a few new faces and bit more ethnic diversity.

This list is contstantly being updated so check back often for the latest information.

The group gets together every other weekend afternoon to check out a new movie.

We did Gay Day as a group in '01 and it was a blast. If interested in joining the group next year e-mail us. We can get an excellent group rate that makes the whole thing very affordable, even if you're on a tight budget.

HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS '02 @ Universal Studios
We also did this horror spectacular at Universal Studios in Orlando last Halloween. The place was jam packed and the lines were long but it was a ton of fun. We'll do it all over again next year, so if interested in joining us let us know. We can get a very good group rate that you can afford, even if you barely have more than the lint in your pockets!

Happy Hour every Friday evening at our favorite local bars.

Ok, so clubbing isn't for everyone, but for those of us who like to eat out or party on the weekends. The list of options is endless--and we run the gamut. Hangouts are selected from a rotating list of nightclubs and restaurants in the Fort Lauderdale area, and occasionally, SoBe.


E-mail us to suggest an event.

If you'd like more information about Broward Community College you can visit the college's website at

Click the box below to contact us.

Page last updated 11/23/2001