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~>Pop Wars<~

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Pop:adj. of or pertaining to popular songs; of or pertaining to pop art.
Wars: -n. active hostility or contention; conflict.

Do you think that “pop” music is bad? Do you think its ok? Or do you think that it is all right to listen to as long as you use your discretion? Where do YOU draw the line?

Most people in the church community will argue that its is not good for your spirit to listen to secular music, and other will say that its all right as long as you use your discretion. Some just don’t seem to care. I think the real question is whether or not music has that big of an effect on us. People say that what goes into our mind effects our soul, and since our body is our temple of God, then what right do we have to trash it? But then with bands out there with there so, so innocent look like N Sync, Mandy Moore, and 3LW, how can we say that its really all that bad? Bands such as these don’t have bad lyrical content, but they aren’t exactly coming out and singing about God. With other bands out there like Blink-182 and hard-rockers Limp Bizkit, we kind of start to think again about the secular music scene. There are also bands out here like Destiny’s Child, POD, and Brittany Spears who are very open about how they believe in God and how they pray before each show. Confused? Me too! So take our poll and tell us what you think about the secular music scene, what kind of music you prefer to put into your mind, and how you feel about all these bands claiming their Christianity.