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The ABC`s and 123`s of good grades.

Some awesome sites that have homework help major!

Trust me, I know how it is to just want to find that one fact you need to complete your project, but yet that one fact is no where to be found in this world. Frustrating,eh? These sites have been hand picked out of the whole entire internet. Yea, yea, yea, actually I just saw them advertised, checked em out, and then decided they passed the test. So, if they don`t help, which they should, tell your history teacher it was all my fault. And if you have any awesome sites to add to the list, just let me know!

Other What`s Up? articles: Are you a cheap wad?

The Mac Daddy’s for ALL subjects: This should give you a little taste of everything. WOHOO! This is a search engine that can help you find anything you need. Yea, I know he’s a stuck-up butler, but he gives you A LOT of information! Just deal with him.

History: A bunch of guys with funny names and hair dos that declare war. Sound familiar? Yea, that’s history class for ya!

Languages: Can you say, “Where is the nearest McDonalds?” in French? This site offers help with many languages, so check it out!

English: What is the symbolism of blubber in Moby Dick? Type in the title of the book and what you need to know, and this search engine will find a TON of info for ya! The mother of all spell checkers will help you figure out all those tricky language terms.

Math: Quick, what numbers do pi stand for? This website will guide you to figure out all those long division problems.