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At The End Of Your Rope?

Al Capone and Holmes had something in common other then murder: fraud. While running his cadaver business in collage, Holmes had been arrested and thrown in jail for another crime (probably theft, it isn't known). He told his cell buddy of his life of crime, and promised him a cut of the profits if he could get in touch with a "crooked" lawyer. It was arranged and when Holmes was released he skipped town and didn't pay up. Obviously this angered the inmate and so he told the authorities of what he had heard, and they set out at once to arrest Holmes. Well, it was the Pinkerton Detective Agency that got the pleasure of arresting Holmes on November 17, 1894 in Boston. When the police went to exam his house in Chicago (which he had previously tried to burn down for insurance money), they found charred human remains in the basement oven, and other parts in the quicklime pits. Although he only confessed to one murder in custody, and wrote a memoir confessing to 27, the amount found in his house suggests the deaths of over 200 people. His trial was short yet sensational, and he was found guilty; he eventually confessed to the 27 and described in detail how he killed them in his slaughterhouse. He was set to be hung, but the date was pushed up and on May 7, 1896 he walked to the gallows. However, as the noose was being tied he cried out "As God as my witness, I was responsible for the death of only two woman. I didn't kill Minnie Williams! Minnie killed-", but the trap door was opened and Holmes feet feel out from under him. If Holmes wanted to end with an enigma that's what he got, because we will never know what his last words meant-or even if they were true. Thank You For Visiting My Site!

Cut Him Down

