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HIV/AIDS Research and Information

Dear Friends:


My name is Dr. Benjamin David Sanders, and my undergraduate senior thesis at Indiana State University was based on the genetic nomenclature of the RNA to DNA sequence of the HIV viron.  Working on the "nef" sequence of the viral code.  "Nef" is the genetic sequence that holds the information for the viron to replicate.  In a discussion with Dr. Jonas Salk, before his death, I tried to explain to him why his research of formulating a vaccine for this virus would fail.  In my research with Dr. Mary O'Sullivan, of Oxford University, we discovered there are now 25 different and known stands of the virus, but all 25 have the exact same "nef" sequence, except for very slight base pair anomalies.  So our key focus was on developing a way to block the reading of this sequence by the ribosome when the DNA "un-zipped" in the "T" cells.  Unfortunately our research was cut short by the CDC and grants revoked by the Lilly Endowment due too the fact that we were not operating in a level 4 biohazard lab.  The CDC was fearful that since we were working on altering the genetic sequence that the HIV viron could potentially be given the ability to survive exposed to atmospheric conditions, and become air born.  I have recently been given the chance to continue my research.  We were successful in computer models in placing genetic "boot locks" around the "nef" sequence, but hadn't quite figured out a way to deploy said methods.  We had contemplated using existing Influenza Virus to hold the information and when the macrophage cells enveloped the Flu Virus and dissolved it's protein coat, it would then also absorb this new genetic information.  I have just recently moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to work in conjunction with Dr. Robert Keller of Biodoron Medical to finish the HIV research I started so many years ago.  With Dr. Keller's help in imunology and his development of MP1 a immune-regenerative compound, we are ready for off shore clinical trials on MP1 and are in desperate need of funding to finnish that work.  MP1 is able to revitalize the immune system of an active AIDS patient long enough hopefully for me to finnish my work.  MP1's estimated daily cost is less than $1.50 a day with easy QID dosing regiments for greater compliance.  We are also in need of funding to start my HIV work to buy equipment like ABI's Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer.  Personally Dr. Keller, and I aren't looking for personal accolades, we still hold true to the ideologies that medicine was founded on, that there are people in need and we are able to help, and must help.  I have written almost 100 HIV/AIDS organizations and charities and all have declined my repeated requests for funding and support.  Some have even gone so far as to call me an annoyance and pain.  So now I turn to you for support and help in this matter. Although I think Calle Almedal of Partnerships Unit UNAIDS sums it up best. 


      “I just wanted to personally thank you for your endeavors.  Your mail to UNAIDS has been forwarded to me for a reply. I regret to have to inform you that UNAIDS is not set up to do or to support research, for more information about UNAIDS please visit our homepage at I therefore have forwarded your request to colleagues at the WHO.  To be honest I don't believe American AIDS charities really want a cure for this disease to be found there is too much money to be made keeping people sick.  But I again wanted to solemnly and wholeheartedly thank you for your time, consideration, and help in this fight.”

                                          Calle Almedal

                                          Senior Adviser

                                          Partnerships Unit UNAIDS

                                          20 Avenue Appia

                                          CH 1211 Geneva 27


                                          tel + 41 22 791 45 70

                                          fax + 41 22 791 48 98





Dr. Benjamin D. Sanders, PharmD.

Doctoral Pharmacist

Bachelorret Computational Biochemist

Bachelorret Psychologist



Dr. Robert Keller, M.D., FACP

Biodoron Medical

5821 Hollywood Blvd

Hollywood, FL 33021


View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook


NEF Alignments
Preliminary Research Findings MP1
FULL Responces from HIV/AIDS Foundations
Funds raised so far from donations






Now you May be asking what you can really do to help?  We have partnered ourselves with the following gay friendly retailers, and is all you have to do is shop as you normally would.  Using the links provided.  Depending on the retailer they will donate from 6-8% of your purchase for funding this research.  I believe together we can end this plague, but we need your support.  You can also show your support by using the “pass it along” link above and by signing the guest book.  All funds are deposited directly into a Not For Profit Charitable Account so generously provided and governed by Bank of America.  Also coming soon donation will directly be accepted by PayPal and CC-Bill.  Future Corporate Partners will include American Express, FOSSIL, Illumination Inc., International Male, Nabisco Gift Foods, and Undergear.

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