helvetica, impact, palatino,
list of fontsthe reason that it is difficult to find a font reference or a complete guide to fonts on the web is that the names of fonts are different from mac to pc, the matter is further complicated because certain browsers have limited font supportNot all of the fonts listed here are considered 'safe', and any fonts used on a webpage which are not installed on a users computer will be rendered as the users default font, so it is always a good idea to have 'back up fonts' in your font tags.
the following 12 fonts are installed on both pc and mac and are considered as 'safe'
helvetica, impact, palatino, interactive font tool ° new see all of these fonts or one of your own choosing note: most browsers prefer font names to be lower case
The exellent webdings font comprises of symbols and could be of tremendous use to webmasters but they are also a good example of an unsafe font since webdings are not supported by netscape and will be rendered as the users default font the webdings alphabet (!£$%^&*()_+{}:@~?-=[];'#,./) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyx !£$%^&*()_+{}:@~?-=[];'#,./ the webdings alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z home html tutorial css tutorial javascript webmaster articles link exchange |
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