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Laurie Kimberlyn Clements Ball

July 13, 1970 - June 10, 1999

This eulogy was written by Kim's mother, Kathy Clements, on the morning of Kim's funeral.

Kim was a strong, independent, loving person that believed our strength comes from the Lord Jesus. We talked about that on numerous occasions. She had this nature of always wanting to help people. When she was so much younger, still in school, she really never wanted to be something she was not. She could have been into the "in crowd" with her beauty and charm. She never desired that kind of popularity. She always had a strong attraction in friends to someone who needed more attention and love so she could be there for that person. She wanted to always see the good in people. Sometimes she ended up hurt, but bitterness was not part of her make-up.

From the day she was born, so many people shared her with us. All her grandparents, aunts and uncles, all our circle of friends that had not experienced the joy of a child, would come frequently to pet her or steal her away to claim her so they could have part of that joy. Since she left to be with the Lord, more than ever, I realized how much for almost twenty-nine years, how much she really left here with all of us who have been touched by her.

I have sat in service at church so many times, thanking God for letting me have such a beautiful child. I have always known, in my heart, that she was God's, sent to me, like all the rest, on borrowed time and would go back to Him one day.

Maybe it wasn't quite time for that to happen, but God was waiting there with open arms to welcome her. Hating and feeling revenge is not what we want, because this world is too full of that already. All we can truly, truly hope for is that people can love one another through the love offered to all of us through Jesus Christ, God's only Son. He has the power in His hands for all things to work for glory. How could I not desire for myself, my family, and all others, that this tragedy be used in some way to glorify God. I stand on this, but need prayers to hold on to my convictions.

Kim has left us a beautiful gift and we want, by grace, for that child, our Austin, to receive all the love and understanding that can be found, joining together to continue guiding him to be what Kim would have wanted. The thing I admired in my child the most, was her ability to be a good, loving, dedicated mother for her child. I myself would be glad to be known and remembered for that. That is a great honor.

Today, we all can share in the knowledge that we all have another place to go. A better place that God made for us, a very long time ago. A place that doesn't have anger and hate, prejudice and corruption, a place called home, in heaven. Let us have that desire for ourselves and all of mankind, because it is really all there is.

Kim's funeral, held in Dothan, Alabama, on June 17, 1999, was attended by family and friends from near and far. The sanctuary was standing room only. The funeral procession to Kim's final resting place, was several miles long. Since the investigation into her murder is ongoing, her death certificate cannot be released. Until then, no marker can be placed on her gravesite.