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I welcome you to Hestia's Halloween Links !
Ever since I can remember Autumn and Halloween have always been my favourite time of year. The leaves changing colors, getting dark before six, and the anticipation of Trick or Treating. I also practice Paganism and Samhain is the Celt's New Year and I usually celebrate with candles and a huge fire as I say goodbye to the old year. I grew up in a small town outside Boston, Ma. we would begin trick or treating around 5 p.m. my two sisters and I armed with a pillow case back in the day you could safely go about your nieghborhood and we would usually be invited in many homes for cider, popcorn, and baked goods. I always loved the idea of being someone else I would spend weeks on my costume ! After we got home my Mom would seperate the candy and half would go to the children in the hospital it usually was the good sticky stuff Sugar Daddys and carmels so our teeth would not fall out ! My favourite candy is and always will be MaryJanes and I love when they come out around Halloween as Peanutbutter Blossoms in the waxy orange and black wrappers :-) I hope everyone has a bright and blessed Samhain and a Happy Halloween !
gHoUlIsHlY YoUrS......
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