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About OMBO





Old Myakka Bird Observatory's major focus is our  bird banding program.  We are also interested in the area's wildlife and habitats, and we are developing an active public education program.  Our thanks to Crowley Museum and Nature Center for making this possible at this location.

Our banding lab is located in the Environmental Learning Center at Crowley - a comfortable screened building situated under a stand of live oaks and Spanish moss, and surrounded by several different habitats, all in close proximity. To the east, a mixed hardwood hammock starts just a few yards from the open lawn and old butterfly garden areas, where grapevines dominate.

The swamp curls around the narrow portion of the hammock in the east and we listen to the roar of alligators as we open mist nets on warm, early mornings. To the south, an open field bordered by more hammock and beyond that, another swamp. To the west, saw palmetto and wax myrtle scrub; an area that undergoes periodic controlled burns. And to the north, more saw palmetto scrub, giving way to the pine flatwood.

In addition to bird banding, OMBO is taking an active role in numerous studies and projects which include consistent observations and census of the Crowley preserve area, habitat assessment and monitoring, and public education programs. One of our major goals for 2003 is to assist in the development of the Environmental Learning Center.

OMBO is staffed entirely by volunteers.  Visitors are welcome by appointment, please.  Contact OMBO Director for  information.


This site was last updated 05/30/03