About the idiot who made this page...
Catherine! (aka Cat)

This would be me doing my best Ryan impression.

In case you don't know by now, I'm Cat, the webmistress of this wonderful little site. You may know me from the Idiotsite, however. Anyway, this is me, the face beyond Whose Line and the computer. I grew up in New Jersey, and I now reside in a small town in Florida. I love my school, at times, and I have wonderful friends. I'm an only child, and yeah, that's about it for facts...

My other hobby, besides using the computer or watching Whose Line, is dancing. I have always wanted to be a dancer or an actress. One thing is that I can't sing. I'm in the process of getting a voice instructor because I wanna be a TRIPLE THREAT! But if I don't get the voice lessons, I am definitely majoring in computer animation so I can work on Toy Story 3, but by the time I get my major, they might be creating Monster Inc. 3...either way, I wanna get to work with John Ratzenberger because he's cool.

There's really not much to know about me. As you can see I'm very very pale, but I am healthy, mind you. I used to be really really tan, but that was when I lived in New Jersey and I was on a swim team. Now I live in Florida and I'm as pale as can be. Ironic, huh? None of these pictures shows my red highlights because everytime I get a pictures taken, it's always when my highlights need to be redone. So in other words, I'm a blonde with red highlights.

My other favorite TV shows include Cheers, Drew Carey, Will and Grace, MadTV, American Idol (only so that I can hear was Simon has to say) and Beat the Geeks w/ J. Keith. When it comes to music genre, I am a rocker broadway oldies fanatic! Does that make sense? I just made that up. That means that I like rock, broadway show tune stuff, and oldies. I don't have a favorite band or specific song, I just like music. I'm a dancer, anything that moves is good for me.

Contact me at wl_ocelot@hotmail.com

More about me, visit my personal website here