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undefined Tracy M Mosley - Site Maintained By Patricia

In Loving Memory Of My Brother Victor Allen Hester
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To Patricia Powell

Thanks for all the hours, time, work and patience you had during the construction of this elaborate and beautiful site.


I wanted everyone who visits his site to know that she has done a wonderful job and is so appreciated.

Please join me in thanking her for making Tracy`s site such an honor to him and celebration of his life.

Camilla A Mosley

::Send Patricia A Message::

On August 23rd 2005 I began creating this memorial site for Tracy and his family. Approximately 23 days into it, I felt this over-whelming connection to Tracy. A great sense of peace came over me. It was as if Tracy was reaching out and touching my heart. Although I did not hear the words "Thank You"; I did feel them.

Getting to know Tracy through pictures and stories, I slowly began to realize what a truely wonderful man he is. Not only is he a husband and brother, but an uncle and son as well. Not only is he a friend, but also a great American Hero. Someone with whom you could depend on through good times and bad.

"An American Hero"; Decorated Marine. Tracy did more in the first 23 years of his life than most people do in a lifetime. It says alot toward his character and the kind of life Tracy led. What a wonderful legacy Tracy has left for his family and friends.

Tracy, it has been my honor to have been a part of this wonderful memorial tribute to you. A place for family and friends to visit and reflect upon your life and the impact you have had upon their lives. Say hello to my brother Victor. Tell him how much he is missed and loved. Until we meet on those golden streets, watch over your loved ones and keep them safe.

God Bless Us Everyone, Patricia

Irish Poem

Music: Angels

Site maintained by Treasured Thoughts