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Frost Merchant Shoppe News

Just added a new place for people to place items they are looking to buy or sell, maybe even trade for. Check it out.
UO:Pacific Swap Meet

With shop moving to a new location in Feb/Mar 2002, the business has been blooming. nearlt 1300+ customers have come to the store in its short time of being open.

If you would like to have a Wedding done, ask the Frost M'erchant to perform one for you.

Need help with brokering items and moving it, Frost M'erchant is available to do so.

We are looking for more Vendors - Currently needed, a Regs Vendors.

Special News
With the effects of the 9/11 disastors, the guild has fallen on hard times. And with the upcoming Publish 16, expect many more to leave our fold (mainly bards and tamers).

Shoppe and Guild Location:

New Co-ordinates to the Shoppe - 61 N 29 E - Trammel - North of Britain and West of old Shop Location

Please use the below forum to post trades or wants.

Frost Merchant Shoppe Trading Forum

Frost Merchant Shoppe Vendor Application

Miscelaneous Pages

Mall Location

Pictures and Photos

Photos of the Shoppe Staff and the Real Lord Frost Merchant

Guild Members Names

Shoppe Vendor Owners Sales and Services Offered

Leprechan's Guide to GM Blacksmithing