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From the different angle.

The company staff say that they don't change their schedule by time nor by day, and every plant was working as usual on the day examiners came.

It smells even during daytime but it smells worse at night, early morning,
weekend and holidays. What is going on?

They took the air samples outside the border line of the company at that time.
The village officer says that they are not going to measure the odor of the factory plant itself and there is no necessity at all to measure it directly now.
This is their own way to solve the problem.

The village officers and the health center officers seduce me to open the windows
of my house again and again, because they think my house itself is the main cause. My house is 13 years old and there is no renewal at all.
I like to open the window very much but not everywhere anytime.

When an examiner came to my house one day from far away, odor was still staying
in my room (HYDROGEN SULFIDE and so on), but the wind had changed and he couldn't smell nor find any chemicals outside my house.

As the problem of odor is so complicated, it's very easy to misunderstand it
even for professionals.

But it is a very simple fact that we are suffering tremendously.
And it can happen to you at any moment, because we are living in the chemical soup.
Chemicals exist everywhere but chemical doctors and chemical understandings are too rare in Japan.
Chemical sensitivity or non sensitivity is not the matter. The real matter is that chemical toxin exists just in our daily life without enough care.

Seeking a quick solution, I called The Environment Agency in Tokyo, several months ago.
I was passed on from one section to another. They said that I must call The Ministry of Health and Welfare. But when I called there, I was told to call The Environment Agency.
So, I said " I was referred to your section by the section you are just referring me to. "

Then they said that I must call the prefecture government. But the prefecture government said that I must call the health care center. But the health care center said that I must call the village office.

In the first place, as the attitude of our village office is not fair, I called The Environment Agency in Tokyo.

I called the police station for civil rights because The Environmental Pollution Offense Law is there. But they said that I must go to an attorney. As far as an attorney is concerned, Japan is not like the United States of America.

We are so ignored, facing such a big problem of chemicals and odor.
It is so arduous to explain to them that it is URGENT and LIFE THREATENING.

People who can not feel it is urgent are trying to control us by their own very slow way, letting us twist like a dead leaf in the wind.
It's really a modern tragedy, spreading world wide.

A Japanese proverb says, "The nail which sticks out will be hammered."
It shows the common Japanese society. Chemically injured and chemically sensitive people are the ones who have stuck out in Japan.

Japanese great warships, fighters and German U-boats were utterly defeated by
British excellent radars. Our mundane capacity to detect was fatal.
Human beings are going forward among unknown chemical forces all around.
But sensitive noses can be excellent radars which bring us victory and life.

We must be given the capacity for that purpose.
But we have mistreated them so much.
What a pity!

As I am so sick by chemical pollution, I may not be able to respond to your mail.
My eyes are getting damaged by chemicals.
So I will apologize and thank you in advance.

