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/|\ On line Articles by Boutios and Friends :

The study of druidism is an invitation to a venture through the ages. Druidism isn't a new religion, promissing salvation to all as do more and more the sectarian movements; its rather a path to the values and traditions of our forefolk, our land, and a way of life for today in accordance with the environment to be taken anew as a unique element uniting at once mater and spirit.
Articles par Druuis Belenios et Shri Vamadeva Shastri
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American Institute of Vedic Studies
PO Box 8357, Santa Fe NM 87504-8357
Ph: 505-983-9385, Fax: 505-982-5807
Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri),
Founder and Director :
David Frawley is much more than a Vedic scholar, a specialist of Indian spirituality and culture, then and now, he is, to his own acknowledgement, a bridge between the East and the West.

Full Vedic Resources
Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Yoga, Tantra,
Vedanta, Hindu Dharma, Vedic Studies
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Sites on David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) :

Bretagne Celtic
The Brittany of Druids and megaliths... Brittany, a land rich of its celtic past La Bretagne, a living repository of authentic heritage. Bretagne Celtic invites you to experience the magic of Merlin, from the enchanted forest of Brocéliande to the ocean-torn coast.
(French / English)
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Le C.U.R.A. (Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie / University Center for Research in Astrology)
An online research space and e-zine for all those interested in serious astrological work.
(French / English / Spanish)
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Louernos et amis de Montréal

Cercle Druidique du Parc La Fontaine - Montréal

Le Cercle Druidique du Parc La Fontaine (Montréal) - La Fontaine Park Druidical Circle of Montreal; is an urban gathering for druidists and neo-druid sympathizers of Montreal.

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"Celebrating Modern Global Druidry within the Calgary Pagan Community"

Awen Grove is a relatively new Druid Community, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that seeks to become a positive and open atmosphere for spiritual growth, learning, community service and fellowship.
There has been a growing interest in Druidry within Calgary for many years and it is my hope that Awen Grove can provide local Druids of all backgrounds with a gathering place to study, find fellowship, and share ideas.

Contact :

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Grand Secretary's Office:
1495 West Eighth Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6H 1C9 Canada
telephone : +1-604-736-8941
fax : +1-604-736-5097
e-mail :

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Canadian branches on-line
The quirky RDNA has been keeping it simple in their study of Nature since 1963, occasionally spawning more serious Druid groups such as ADF and Keltria.
Extremely well archived resources of 40 years of activity is online for free download.

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/|\ Vedic and Pagan Resources :

The Pagan Association of Iceland
A very good site for people interested in true Asatru.
Twelve people founded the Pagan Association of Iceland on the first day of summer 1972.
This being the only remaining pagan holiday officially celebrated in Iceland. Official recognition came a year later and that time the membership had increased to 70. Although this is not a large portion of the population the Pagan Assembly is the fastest growing religious group of Iceland. The members now count well over 400.
(Icelandic / English)
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Romuva - the Baltic tradition
Romuva is the baltic faith. The word by itself means serenity, peace, harmony, tendrness and beauty.
These are the most cherished values. Romuva is a religion of life and harmony.
(Lithuanian / English)
Romuva contacts and links...

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The Vedic Friends Association
The Vedic Friends Association provides a free affiliation for helping each person understand, practice and promote the Universal Truths found in Vedic Dharma, the ancient knowledge of India. In this way we explore its spiritual, social and scientific dimensions for the benefit of all.
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This site has two main objectives:
·To communicate with all the members and the well-wishers of the Hare Krishna community in Montreal .
·To appeal to those seeking authentic spirituality and learning more about the practical applications of Vedic culture, the devotional philosophy (Bhakti) and how to use these tools in an increasingly complex world.

(English / French)
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Sivananda Ashram
The Montreal Meditation and Yoga Center - 1957 :
Sivananda Ashram
Val Morin Yoga Camp
Founded by Swami Vishnu-devananda - 1962
(English / French)
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or again...

Montreal International Celtic Festival
Its mission is to provide an opportunity for people to discover, through music, dance, story- telling, art, exhibits, traditional food and drink, the history of the ancient Celts and their legacy to Canadians of all origins, and to celebrate the common historical bonds that the traditional music of Quebec and the rest of Canada share with music from the Old Countries.
(French / English)
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The Montreal Highland Games
This event has become widely recognized as one of the premier events on the Highland Games circuit in North America, attracting more than 40 pipe bands, 200 highland dancers and some of the best Scottish athletes in the world. The Pipers' Society also proclaimed the Montreal Games the "Games of the Year" in the November issue of their magazine, "P&D".
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Whose main object is to promote religious tolerance -- the right of people to hold religious beliefs that are strange to us, without hindrance, or oppression.
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/|\ French And British Celtic Links

Freedom of faith is a right given to us all.
This site is an expression of our spirituality, that is, druidism

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Pagans of all lands (European or other) and of all traditions (Celtic or other) unite against the return of inquisitions…
After 2000 years of persecutions, the little flame of the philosophical and religious thought of the pagan Celts is always there…
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Launched in February 2003 by Emma Restall Orr, former Joint Chief of The British Druid Order, together with the other staff members of that Order, The Druid Network was created specifically to continue the active work of the Order while Joint Chief, Philip Shallcrass takes a cycle of rest and retreat. Its aim is to be a source of information and inspiration about the modern Druid tradition, its practice and its history.
(English / French and other langues)

for more information

Gaulish / French Dictionary
A most excellent site with linguistic resources including lexicon, gaulish inscriptions and maps.
(French / English)
en savoir plus...


Traditional Abenaki

Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik And Related Bands
We call ourselves Traditional because we believe in the old ways.
We believe that before the days of Columbus, we migrated with the seasons, going from place to place to hunt and fish within our traditional territory, and to just simply live out our lives as family units.

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Traditional Iroquoian / Tuscaroras and Six Nations web sites
With many links to native, iroquoian, books, museums, news, spirituality and environmental issues.


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Greenpeace is an independently funded organization that works to protect the environment. We challenge government and industry to halt harmful practices by negotiating solutions, conducting scientific research, introducing clean alternatives, carrying out peaceful acts of civil disobedience and educating and engaging the public.
(English / French and many other languages)
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Hinduism Today
As the new millennium approaches, the world's oldest religions is donning shining new clothes. The age-old Hindu philosophy passed from mouth to mouth in tiny villages across India is now going high-tech, thanks to Hinduism Today, the preeminent global journal of Hindu Dharma. This Hawaii-based publication is shedding its broadsheet image after 18 years and transforming into a sleek, easy-to-carry, full-color magazine. Its on-line version is not quite as eye-catching but will bring every aspect of Sanatana Dharma to millions of Internet users across the world. Hinduism, which had always been the domain of unchanging swamis in far-off ashrams, is now entering the computer age with Hinduism Today. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramaniyaswami and published by the Himalayan Academy on the idyllic island of Kauai in Hawaii, the magazine is totally service oriented.
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Bharatiya Pragna
A Nationalist Magazine for thinking people
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The Indigenous Kalaash survival programm
Islam still wages a cruel war against the Kalash "infidels" wich one day it hopes to wipe from the face of the Earth!
See how a small pagan community in Himalayan valleys still resist conversion.
Along the mountain chain between Pakistan and Afghanistan there lives a population whose origins are rooted in Greek mythology.
Love and the gods mark the vicissitudes of this ethnic pagan isle in the Muslim world, which attracted the young wanderers of the 1960's: 20 years later it is revisited by our photographer.
There is a mysterious ethnic isle in the heart of the Asian continent, which for us Europeans has always been a sort of myth.
In fact ancient Kafiristan represents ecstasy, love, poetry and all the pagan sentiments we have inherited from the civilization of the god Pan.
In a world clamorously devoted to Allah, their mad' polytheism persists- animated by male and female divinities, of three-breasted fairies, by splendid protectors of the mountain heights, to solar deities and supernatural horses.
Threatened by an intolerant iconoclastic tradition, their funerary statues, the gandau, resist, even though decimated.
Finally among the Mosques which advance in a labyrinth of valleys, the sacred jestak-han resist.
(Italian / English)

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Kalaashi girls in folk dress reminiscent of Ukraine

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