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Handmade Goat Milk Soap

Fragrance Oils: The finest quality and selection.

Goat Milk-

Goat milk lowers the PH levels in soap which helps to maintain the natural PH in skin.

Unlike cows’ milk, the milk that goat produce is naturally homogenized - the milk and cream do not separate. This makes it a great ingredient for those with dry or sensitive skin. Goat milk contains caprylic acid, which reduces alkalinity, giving it a pH much closer to skin's own natural pH (acid/base balance). The lower pH reduces the surface tension of skin, allowing it to absorb the moisturizing effects of the milk and glycerin. Therefore, people who can't use regular soap find that our homemade goat milk soap is very mild and non-irritating to their skin.

Goat milk is full of vitamins. It contains vitamin A, and several B vitamins including riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12. Alpha-hydroxy acids found naturally in Goat milk have rejuvenating effects on skin's cells, neutralizing free radicals, slowing the aging process.

Natural Glycerin - Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soapmaking process and while commercial manufacturers remove the glycerin for use in their more profitable lotions and creams, handcrafted soap retains glycerin in each and every bar.

CaananFarms does not remove the natural glycerin from our soap. Leaving it in is a natural and healthy way to attract moisture which makes the skin softer and smoother.

Olive Oil-Obtained from ripe olives. Superior penetrating power. Olive oil is a very good moisturizer, not because it has its own healing properties, but because it attracts external moisture, holds the moisture close to the skin, and forms a breathable film to prevent loss of internal moisture. Unlike so many other substances used for this purpose, olive oil does not block the natural functions of the skin while performing on its own. The skin is able to continue sweating, releasing sebum (fatty lubricant matter secreted by sabaceous glands of the skin), and shedding dead skin. (Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter have the same quality)

Vegetable Oil- Soybean oil is the primary ingredient in vegetable oil. It is extracted from the seed both by pressing and solvent extraction. It contains high percentages of linoleic and oleic acids. Also contains cottonseed oil. Both of these oils are food grade.


Information on Goat Milk and Soap
Ordering Information

Email: CaananFarms