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WELCOME to Danna Garcia's Music Webpage, formerly CANADIAN RIVER MUSIC

March 1, 2013. Again we've lost a very near and dear friend of many many years, an incredible musician and songwriter equal to any, though he never got the recognition he deserved, for a variety of reasons. Terry Warren, you will be missed! Hope you're up there singing Rittie's song to her again! Lots of GREAT memories, all the way back to the Crosstimbers in the '70's.

It's with heavy hearts that we say Goodbye to two very dear friends, who both passed away within the past few days. David Rea, and Tim Henderson, you'll be much missed! Thanks for all the good music and the good times! Vaya con Dios. You'll always be with us. Nov.9, 2011

NOTICE: After 29 years, CRM is technically closed. If you do find something here you are interested in, if I still have it I'd gladly sell it to you person to person, so payments would need to be made to myself, Danna Garcia, or my partner in crime, Bennie Garcia. CRM's slow process of trying to sell out had slowed to barely a crawl the past year, and it's just no longer worth all the time and effort to keep up with all that paperwork and red tape to keep it. For now there is still a lot here I'd like to be able to move out. There are only a very few titles and artists I may try to keep available on a personal basis, the rest, when they're gone, they're gone. So, you CAN still order from us, it's just best to check before sending your payment to be sure I do still have the title you want in stock.

Be aware that since this is something I have to do evenings and weekends, after working my day job, my response times are not always as fast as they used to be. If you don't get an answer by phone, keep trying, best times to reach me are evenings and weekends, between 10 am & 1 pm, and after 7 pm, up to 10 pm on weekends. Weekdays, best times are after 7 pm, up to 10 pm. Or leave a message on the answer machine and I'll try to call you back in the evening or on the weekend. I cannot accept credit card payment, but can reserve your items by phone and verify that it's in stock. Best way to reach me is usually email at, which I try to check most evenings, but occasionally it may take 2 or 3 days for you to hear back from me. Again, keep trying. Thanks! - Danna Garcia, April 2012

Page Links: A - B - C || D - E - F || G - H - I || J - K - L || M - N - O || P - Q - R || S - T - U || V - W - X - Y - Z || Various Artist Compilations || LPs ~ Videos ~ Collectables ~ T-shirts || Publications || Art Prints & Portraits by D. Garcia || Ordering and Shipping Information || Order Form


Favorite Links || Yahoo Currency Exchange Information ||

NEW Email:

Most recent updates, April 19, 2012.

I can accept payment via PayPal, just log onto and pay to my email address, PayPal includes the ability to pay with Visa or Mastercard. I am no longer able to accept Credit cards.

Due to Postal Increases from the US Post office, I have, after many years of keeping my shipping charges the same, been forced to raise them slightly. You can find the new shipping rates on the Order Information page.

Find the artist you're looking for quickly with the alphabetical links above. Feel free to email and ask about titles you're interested in. Our suddenlink address is the best choice for a quick reply, but if you don't hear from me there, or it comes back, use yahoo. You can also phone or write us, but since I now work a full time "day" job, it is usually easier to reach me by email!

ORDER INFORMATION: Sorry that we don't have the capability of taking orders via the website; you can order by telephone, mail or email. If not paying via PayPal, you will need to send a check or money order by mail, preferably made out to Bennie Garcia,(see our order information link below), and can send your list of items by phone, mail, or email if you want.

One new payment method we've discovered that works well for overseas orders (thanks to our good friend in Italy, Remo Ricaldone!) is MoneyGram. Check it out at, or phone 1-800-moneygram or 1-800-542-3590 in the U.S.A. These are available internationally, and in the USA the MoneyGram can be either purchased to send, or picked up in places like local store chains

This is mostly a one person operation,* and I am in and out a lot, (including full time outside office work - ie: a "real" job!) you may want to leave your order information on the answering machine, and I will call you back. Again, Email is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach me!(The Answering Machine is secure!). For now the best times to catch me by phone are after 7 p.m. weekdays (late calls up to 10:00 p.m. are fine!), or on weekends, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and evening after 7 p.m. on Saturday, or 10 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. We are in and out a lot, so keep trying please, & my apologies for any inconvenience! If you call and get Bennie, that's my "other half" of many many (!) years, and he can help you with your orders anytime I'm not available to talk to you. He can take your orders, and pass along questions to me if he can't answer them, he'll be glad to help you!

NOTE: I do NOT in any way recommend or endorse any web pages or products that are in banner or pop-up ads or linked by yellow underlines in my text! These are the cost of not being able to afford a paid site! I hope you'll help CRM by ordering here instead of following music links inserted by Angelfire, those guys are big enough to afford to advertise!

Thanks for visiting! And Thanks for supporting independent artists, small labels, and small music businesses, none of us could have made it at all without your support!


Danna Garcia

In loving memory of the true Center of the Universe, C.R.M.'s "Bosscat" for 15 years, The Lady Chenille. May she play happily with Satsuma, Chambray and Shamira, and be spoiled by Rittie until we are all together again.


Here's an intro to the terrible two-ton tabbie, Tyr, who is trying to convince everyone here that he is King! Trouble is his middle name! Or substitute Catzilla, Hooligan, ... you get the picture. And speaking of pictures: